Greasy Fork is available in English.
Automatically likes videos of channels you're subscribed to
This userscript automatically likes videos of channels you're subscribed to on YouTube, after you've watched at least half of the video.
| | Tampermonkey | Greasemonkey | Violentmonkey | Userscripts
| ------------------ | -------------------------------- | ------------ | -------------------------------- | -----------
| | Link (Beta) | - | Link (Beta) |
| Link | Link | Link |
| Link (Beta) | - | Link |
| Link | - | - | Link
| Link | - | - |
You can configure the settings by clicking the 'Settings' button under 'YouTube Auto-Liker' in your userscript manager.
Setting | Description | Default |
Debug mode | Log debug messages to the console | off |
Check frequency | How often to attempt liking the video | 5000 ms |
Watch threshold | The percentage of the video watched before liking | 50% |
Like if not subscribed | Like videos from channels you are not subscribed to | off |