Show Rotten Tomatoes score on,,, BoxOfficeMojo,, Amazon, Google Play,, Wikipedia,,,,,,,,
// ==UserScript== // @name Show Rottentomatoes meter // @description Show Rotten Tomatoes score on,,, BoxOfficeMojo,, Amazon, Google Play,, Wikipedia,,,,,,,, // @namespace cuzi // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @require // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // @icon // @version 48 // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @match // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match*/image* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match*/ // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // ==/UserScript== /* global GM, $, unsafeWindow */ /* jshint asi: true, esversion: 8 */ const scriptName = 'Show Rottentomatoes meter' const baseURL = '' const baseURLOpenTab = baseURL + '/search/?search={query}' const algoliaURL = 'https://{domain}*/queries?x-algolia-agent={agent}&x-algolia-api-key={sId}&x-algolia-application-id={aId}' const algoliaAgent = 'Algolia for JavaScript (4.12.0); Browser (lite)' const flixsterEMSURL = '{emsId}' const cacheExpireAfterHours = 4 const emojiTomato = String.fromCodePoint(0x1F345) const emojiGreenApple = String.fromCodePoint(0x1F34F) const emojiStrawberry = String.fromCodePoint(0x1F353) const emojiPopcorn = '\uD83C\uDF7F' const emojiGreenSalad = '\uD83E\uDD57' const emojiNauseated = '\uD83E\uDD22' // Detect dark theme of extension or normal css dark theme from browser const darkTheme = ('darkreaderScheme' in document.documentElement.dataset && document.documentElement.dataset.darkreaderScheme) || (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) function minutesSince (time) { const seconds = ((new Date()).getTime() - time.getTime()) / 1000 return seconds > 60 ? parseInt(seconds / 60) + ' min ago' : 'now' } function intersection (setA, setB) { // const _intersection = new Set() for (const elem of setB) { if (setA.has(elem)) { _intersection.add(elem) } } return _intersection } function asyncRequest (data) { // No cache (unlike in the Metacritic userscript) return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { const defaultHeaders = { Referer: data.url, 'User-Agent': navigator.userAgent } const defaultData = { method: 'GET', onload: (response) => resolve(response), onerror: (response) => reject(response) } if ('headers' in data) { data.headers = Object.assign(defaultHeaders, data.headers) } else { data.headers = defaultHeaders } data = Object.assign(defaultData, data) console.debug(`${scriptName}: GM.xmlHttpRequest`, data) GM.xmlHttpRequest(data) }) } const parseLDJSONCache = {} function parseLDJSON (keys, condition) { if (document.querySelector('script[type="application/ld+json"]')) { const xmlEntitiesElement = document.createElement('div') const xmlEntitiesPattern = /&(?:#x[a-f0-9]+|#[0-9]+|[a-z0-9]+);?/ig const xmlEntities = function (s) { s = s.replace(xmlEntitiesPattern, (m) => { xmlEntitiesElement.innerHTML = m return xmlEntitiesElement.textContent }) return s } const decodeXmlEntities = function (jsonObj) { // Traverse through object, decoding all strings if (jsonObj !== null && typeof jsonObj === 'object') { Object.entries(jsonObj).forEach(([key, value]) => { // key is either an array index or object key jsonObj[key] = decodeXmlEntities(value) }) } else if (typeof jsonObj === 'string') { return xmlEntities(jsonObj) } return jsonObj } const data = [] const scripts = document.querySelectorAll('script[type="application/ld+json"]') for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { let jsonld if (scripts[i].innerText in parseLDJSONCache) { jsonld = parseLDJSONCache[scripts[i].innerText] } else { try { jsonld = JSON.parse(scripts[i].innerText) parseLDJSONCache[scripts[i].innerText] = jsonld } catch (e) { parseLDJSONCache[scripts[i].innerText] = null continue } } if (jsonld) { if (Array.isArray(jsonld)) { data.push(...jsonld) } else { data.push(jsonld) } } } for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { try { if (data[i] && data[i] && (typeof condition !== 'function' || condition(data[i]))) { if (Array.isArray(keys)) { const r = [] for (let j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { r.push(data[i][keys[j]]) } return decodeXmlEntities(r) } else if (keys) { return decodeXmlEntities(data[i][keys]) } else if (typeof condition === 'function') { return decodeXmlEntities(data[i]) // Return whole object } } } catch (e) { continue } } return decodeXmlEntities(data) } return null } function askFlixsterEMS (emsId) { return new Promise(function flixsterEMSRequest (resolve) { GM.getValue('flixsterEmsCache', '{}').then(function (s) { const flixsterEmsCache = JSON.parse(s) // Delete algoliaCached values, that are expired for (const prop in flixsterEmsCache) { if ((new Date()).getTime() - (new Date(flixsterEmsCache[prop].time)).getTime() > cacheExpireAfterHours * 60 * 60 * 1000) { delete flixsterEmsCache[prop] } } // Check cache or request new content if (emsId in flixsterEmsCache) { return resolve(flixsterEmsCache[emsId]) } const url = flixsterEMSURL.replace('{emsId}', encodeURIComponent(emsId)) GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url, onload: function (response) { let data = null try { data = JSON.parse(response.responseText) } catch (e) { console.error(`${scriptName}: flixster ems JSON Error\nURL: ${url}`) console.error(e) data = {} } // Save to flixsterEmsCache data.time = (new Date()).toJSON() flixsterEmsCache[emsId] = data GM.setValue('flixsterEmsCache', JSON.stringify(flixsterEmsCache)) resolve(data) }, onerror: function (response) { console.error(`${scriptName}: flixster ems GM.xmlHttpRequest Error: ${response.status}\nURL: ${url}\nResponse:\n${response.responseText}`) resolve(null) } }) }) }) } async function addFlixsterEMS (orgData) { const flixsterData = await askFlixsterEMS(orgData.emsId) if (!flixsterData || !('tomatometer' in flixsterData)) { return orgData } if ('certifiedFresh' in flixsterData.tomatometer && flixsterData.tomatometer.certifiedFresh) { orgData.meterClass = 'certified_fresh' } if ('numReviews' in flixsterData.tomatometer && flixsterData.tomatometer.numReviews) { orgData.numReviews = flixsterData.tomatometer.numReviews if ('freshCount' in flixsterData.tomatometer && flixsterData.tomatometer.freshCount != null) { orgData.freshCount = flixsterData.tomatometer.freshCount } if ('rottenCount' in flixsterData.tomatometer && flixsterData.tomatometer.rottenCount != null) { orgData.rottenCount = flixsterData.tomatometer.rottenCount } } if ('consensus' in flixsterData.tomatometer && flixsterData.tomatometer.consensus) { orgData.consensus = flixsterData.tomatometer.consensus } if ('avgScore' in flixsterData.tomatometer && flixsterData.tomatometer.avgScore != null) { orgData.avgScore = flixsterData.tomatometer.avgScore } if ('userRatingSummary' in flixsterData) { if ('scoresCount' in flixsterData.userRatingSummary && flixsterData.userRatingSummary.scoresCount) { orgData.audienceCount = flixsterData.userRatingSummary.scoresCount } else if ('dtlScoreCount' in flixsterData.userRatingSummary && flixsterData.userRatingSummary.dtlScoreCount) { orgData.audienceCount = flixsterData.userRatingSummary.dtlScoreCount } if ('wtsCount' in flixsterData.userRatingSummary && flixsterData.userRatingSummary.wtsCount) { orgData.audienceWantToSee = flixsterData.userRatingSummary.wtsCount } else if ('dtlWtsCount' in flixsterData.userRatingSummary && flixsterData.userRatingSummary.dtlWtsCount) { orgData.audienceWantToSee = flixsterData.userRatingSummary.dtlWtsCount } if ('reviewCount' in flixsterData.userRatingSummary && flixsterData.userRatingSummary.reviewCount) { orgData.audienceReviewCount = flixsterData.userRatingSummary.reviewCount } if ('avgScore' in flixsterData.userRatingSummary && flixsterData.userRatingSummary.avgScore) { orgData.audienceAvgScore = flixsterData.userRatingSummary.avgScore } } return orgData } function updateAlgolia () { // Get algolia data from const algoliaSearch = { aId: null, sId: null } if (unsafeWindow.RottenTomatoes && 'thirdParty' in unsafeWindow.RottenTomatoes && 'algoliaSearch' in unsafeWindow.RottenTomatoes.thirdParty) { if (typeof (unsafeWindow.RottenTomatoes.thirdParty.algoliaSearch.aId) === 'string' && typeof (unsafeWindow.RottenTomatoes.thirdParty.algoliaSearch.sId) === 'string') { algoliaSearch.aId = unsafeWindow.RottenTomatoes.thirdParty.algoliaSearch.aId // x-algolia-application-id algoliaSearch.sId = unsafeWindow.RottenTomatoes.thirdParty.algoliaSearch.sId // x-algolia-api-key } } if (algoliaSearch.aId) { GM.setValue('algoliaSearch', JSON.stringify(algoliaSearch)).then(function () { console.debug(`${scriptName}: Updated algoliaSearch: ${JSON.stringify(algoliaSearch)}`) }) } else { console.debug(`${scriptName}: algoliaSearch.aId is ${algoliaSearch.aId}`) } } function meterBar (data) { // Create the "progress" bar with the meter score let barColor = 'grey' let bgColor = darkTheme ? '#3e3e3e' : '#ECE4B5' let color = 'black' let width = 0 let textInside = '' let textAfter = '' if (data.meterClass === 'certified_fresh') { barColor = '#C91B22' color = 'yellow' textInside = emojiStrawberry + ' ' + data.meterScore.toLocaleString() + '%' width = data.meterScore || 0 } else if (data.meterClass === 'fresh') { barColor = '#C91B22' color = 'white' textInside = emojiTomato + ' ' + data.meterScore.toLocaleString() + '%' width = data.meterScore || 0 } else if (data.meterClass === 'rotten') { color = 'gray' barColor = '#94B13C' if (data.meterScore && data.meterScore > 30) { textAfter = '<span style="font-size: 15px;padding-top: 2px;display: inline-block;">' + data.meterScore.toLocaleString() + '%</span>' textInside = '<span style="font-size:13px">' + emojiGreenApple + '</span>' } else { textAfter = data.meterScore.toLocaleString() + '% <span style="font-size:13px">' + emojiGreenApple + '</span>' } width = data.meterScore || 0 } else { bgColor = barColor = '#787878' color = 'silver' textInside = 'N/A' width = 100 } let title = 'Critics ' + (typeof data.meterScore === 'number' ? data.meterScore.toLocaleString() : 'N/A') + '% ' + data.meterClass let avg = '' if ('avgScore' in data) { const node = document.createElement('span') node.innerHTML = data.consensus title += '\nAverage score: ' + data.avgScore.toLocaleString() + ' / 10' avg = '<span style="font-weight:bolder">' + data.avgScore.toLocaleString() + '</span>/10' } if ('numReviews' in data && typeof data.numReviews === 'number') { title += ' from ' + data.numReviews.toLocaleString() + ' reviews' if ('freshCount' in data && data.numReviews > 0) { const p = parseInt(100 * parseFloat(data.freshCount) / parseFloat(data.numReviews)) title += '\n' + data.freshCount.toLocaleString() + '/' + data.numReviews.toLocaleString() + ' ' + p + '% fresh reviews' } if ('rottenCount' in data) { const p = parseInt(100 * parseFloat(data.rottenCount) / parseFloat(data.numReviews)) title += '\n' + data.rottenCount.toLocaleString() + '/' + data.numReviews.toLocaleString() + ' ' + p + '% rotten reviews' } } if ('consensus' in data) { const node = document.createElement('span') node.innerHTML = data.consensus title += '\n' + node.textContent } return '<div title="' + title + '" style="cursor:help;">' + '<div style="float:left; margin-top:1px; width:100px; overflow: hidden;height: 20px;background-color: ' + bgColor + ';color: ' + color + ';text-align:center; border-radius: 4px;box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);">' + '<div style="width:' + width + '%; background-color: ' + barColor + '; color: ' + color + '; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; float:left; height: 100%;line-height: 20px;box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15);transition: width 0.6s ease;">' + textInside + '</div>' + textAfter + '</div>' + '<div style="float:left; padding: 3px 0px 0px 3px;">' + avg + '</div>' + '<div style="clear:left;"></div>' + '</div>' } function audienceBar (data) { // Create the "progress" bar with the audience score if (!('audienceScore' in data) || data.audienceScore === null) { return '' } let barColor = 'grey' let bgColor = darkTheme ? '#3e3e3e' : '#ECE4B5' let color = 'black' let width = 0 let textInside = '' let textAfter = '' let avg = '' if (data.audienceClass === 'red_popcorn') { barColor = '#C91B22' color = data.audienceScore > 94 ? 'yellow' : 'white' textInside = emojiPopcorn + ' ' + data.audienceScore.toLocaleString() + '%' width = data.audienceScore } else if (data.audienceClass === 'green_popcorn') { color = 'gray' barColor = '#94B13C' if (data.audienceScore > 30) { textAfter = '<span style="font-size: 15px;padding-top: 2px;display: inline-block;">' + data.audienceScore.toLocaleString() + '%</span>' textInside = '<span style="font-size:13px">' + emojiGreenSalad + '</span>' } else { textAfter = data.audienceScore.toLocaleString() + '% <span style="font-size:13px">' + emojiNauseated + '</span>' } width = data.audienceScore } else { bgColor = barColor = '#787878' color = 'silver' textInside = 'N/A' width = 100 } let title = 'Audience ' + (typeof data.audienceScore === 'number' ? data.audienceScore.toLocaleString() : 'N/A') + '% ' + data.audienceClass const titleLine2 = [] if ('audienceCount' in data && typeof data.audienceCount === 'number') { titleLine2.push(data.audienceCount.toLocaleString() + ' Votes') } if ('audienceReviewCount' in data) { titleLine2.push(data.audienceReviewCount.toLocaleString() + ' Reviews') } if ('audienceAvgScore' in data && typeof data.audienceAvgScore === 'number') { titleLine2.push('Average score: ' + data.audienceAvgScore.toLocaleString() + ' / 5 stars') avg = '<span style="font-weight:bolder">' + data.audienceAvgScore.toLocaleString() + '</span>/5' } if ('audienceWantToSee' in data && typeof data.audienceWantToSee === 'number') { titleLine2.push(data.audienceWantToSee.toLocaleString() + ' want to see') } title = title + (titleLine2 ? ('\n' + titleLine2.join('\n')) : '') return '<div title="' + title + '" style="cursor:help;">' + '<div style="float:left; margin-top:1px; width:100px; overflow: hidden;height: 20px;background-color: ' + bgColor + ';color: ' + color + ';text-align:center; border-radius: 4px;box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);">' + '<div style="width:' + width + '%; background-color: ' + barColor + '; color: ' + color + '; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; float:left; height: 100%;line-height: 20px;box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15);transition: width 0.6s ease;">' + textInside + '</div>' + textAfter + '</div>' + '<div style="float:left; padding: 3px 0px 0px 3px;">' + avg + '</div>' + '<div style="clear:left;"></div>' + '</div>' } const current = { type: null, query: null, year: null } async function loadMeter (query, type, year) { // Load data from rotten tomatoes search API or from cache current.type = type current.query = query current.year = year const algoliaCache = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('algoliaCache', '{}')) // Delete algoliaCached values, that are expired for (const prop in algoliaCache) { if ((new Date()).getTime() - (new Date(algoliaCache[prop].time)).getTime() > cacheExpireAfterHours * 60 * 60 * 1000) { delete algoliaCache[prop] } } const algoliaSearch = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('algoliaSearch', '{}')) // Check cache or request new content if (query in algoliaCache) { // Use cached response console.debug(`${scriptName}: Use cached algolia response`) handleAlgoliaResponse(algoliaCache[query]) } else if ('aId' in algoliaSearch && 'sId' in algoliaSearch) { // Use API const url = algoliaURL.replace('{domain}', algoliaSearch.aId.toLowerCase()).replace('{aId}', encodeURIComponent(algoliaSearch.aId)).replace('{sId}', encodeURIComponent(algoliaSearch.sId)).replace('{agent}', encodeURIComponent(algoliaAgent)) GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url, data: '{"requests":[{"indexName":"content_rt","query":"' + query.replace('"', '') + '","params":"filters=isEmsSearchable%20%3D%201&hitsPerPage=20"}]}', onload: function (response) { // Save to algoliaCache response.time = (new Date()).toJSON() // Chrome fix: Otherwise JSON.stringify(cache) omits responseText const newobj = {} for (const key in response) { newobj[key] = response[key] } newobj.responseText = response.responseText algoliaCache[query] = newobj GM.setValue('algoliaCache', JSON.stringify(algoliaCache)) handleAlgoliaResponse(response) }, onerror: function (response) { console.error(`${scriptName}: algoliaSearch GM.xmlHttpRequest Error: ${response.status}\nURL: ${url}\nResponse:\n${response.responseText}`) } }) } else { console.error(`${scriptName}: algoliaSearch not configured`) window.alert(scriptName + ' userscript\n\nYou need to visit at least once before the script can work.\n\nThe script needs to read some API keys from the website.') showMeter('ALGOLIA_NOT_CONFIGURED', new Date()) } } function matchQuality (title, year, currentSet) { if (title === current.query && year === current.year) { return 104 + year } if (title.toLowerCase() === current.query.toLowerCase() && year === current.year) { return 103 + year } if (title === current.query && current.year) { return 102 - Math.abs(year - current.year) } if (title.toLowerCase() === current.query.toLowerCase() && current.year) { return 101 - Math.abs(year - current.year) } if (title.replace(/\(.+\)/, '').trim() === current.query && current.year) { return 100 - Math.abs(year - current.year) } if (title === current.query) { return 8 } if (title.replace(/\(.+\)/, '').trim() === current.query) { return 7 } if (title.startsWith(current.query)) { return 6 } if (current.query.indexOf(title) !== -1) { return 5 } if (title.indexOf(current.query) !== -1) { return 4 } if (current.query.toLowerCase().indexOf(title.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { return 3 } if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf(current.query.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { return 2 } const titleSet = new Set(title.replace(/[^a-z ]/gi, ' ').split(' ')) const score = intersection(titleSet, currentSet).size - 20 if (year === current.year) { return score + 1 } return score } async function handleAlgoliaResponse (response) { // Handle GM.xmlHttpRequest response const rawData = JSON.parse(response.responseText) // Filter according to type const hits = rawData.r###lts[0].hits.filter(hit => hit.type === current.type) // Change data structure const arr = [] hits.forEach(function (hit) { const r###lt = { name: hit.title, year: parseInt(hit.releaseYear), url: '/' + (current.type === 'tv' ? 'tv' : 'm') + '/' + ('vanity' in hit ? hit.vanity : hit.title.toLowerCase()), meterClass: null, meterScore: null, audienceClass: null, audienceScore: null, emsId: hit.emsId } if ('rottenTomatoes' in hit) { if ('criticsIconUrl' in hit.rottenTomatoes) { r###lt.meterClass = hit.rottenTomatoes.criticsIconUrl.match(/\/(\w+)\.png/)[1] } if ('criticsScore' in hit.rottenTomatoes) { r###lt.meterScore = hit.rottenTomatoes.criticsScore } if ('audienceIconUrl' in hit.rottenTomatoes) { r###lt.audienceClass = hit.rottenTomatoes.audienceIconUrl.match(/\/(\w+)\.png/)[1] } if ('audienceScore' in hit.rottenTomatoes) { r###lt.audienceScore = hit.rottenTomatoes.audienceScore } if ('certifiedFresh' in hit.rottenTomatoes && hit.rottenTomatoes.certifiedFresh) { r###lt.meterClass = 'certified_fresh' } } arr.push(r###lt) }) // Sort r###lts by closest match const currentSet = new Set(current.query.replace(/[^a-z ]/gi, ' ').split(' ')) arr.sort(function (a, b) { if (!, 'matchQuality')) { a.matchQuality = matchQuality(, a.year, currentSet) } if (!, 'matchQuality')) { b.matchQuality = matchQuality(, b.year, currentSet) } return b.matchQuality - a.matchQuality }) if (arr.length > 0 && arr[0].meterScore) { // Get more details for first r###lt arr[0] = await addFlixsterEMS(arr[0]) } if (arr) { showMeter(arr, new Date(response.time)) } else { console.debug(`${scriptName}: No r###lts for ${current.query}`) } } function showMeter (arr, time) { // Show a small box in the right lower corner $('#mcdiv321rotten').remove() let main, div div = main = $('<div id="mcdiv321rotten"></div>').appendTo(document.body) div.css({ position: 'fixed', bottom: 0, right: 0, minWidth: 100, maxWidth: 400, maxHeight: '95%', overflow: 'auto', backgroundColor: darkTheme ? '#262626' : 'white', border: darkTheme ? '2px solid #444' : '2px solid #bbb', borderRadius: ' 6px', boxShadow: '0 0 3px 3px rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.2)', color: darkTheme ? 'white' : 'black', padding: ' 3px', zIndex: '5010001', fontFamily: 'Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif' }) const CSS = `<style> #mcdiv321rotten { transition:bottom 0.7s, height 0.5s; } </style>` $(CSS).appendTo(div) if (arr === 'ALGOLIA_NOT_CONFIGURED') { $('<div>You need to visit <a href=""></a> at least once to enable the script.</div>').appendTo(main) return } // First r###lt $('<div class="firstR###lt"><a style="font-size:small; color:#136CB2; " href="' + baseURL + arr[0].url + '">' + arr[0].name + ' (' + arr[0].year + ')</a>' + meterBar(arr[0]) + audienceBar(arr[0]) + '</div>').appendTo(main) // Shall the following r###lts be collapsed by default? if ((arr.length > 1 && arr[0].matchQuality > 10) || arr.length > 10) { $('<span style="color:gray;font-size: x-small">More r###lts...</span>').appendTo(main).click(function () { more.css('display', 'block'); this.parentNode.removeChild(this) }) const more = div = $('<div style="display:none"></div>').appendTo(main) } // More r###lts for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { $('<div><a style="font-size:small; color:#136CB2; " href="' + baseURL + arr[i].url + '">' + arr[i].name + ' (' + arr[i].year + ')</a>' + meterBar(arr[i]) + audienceBar(arr[i]) + '</div>').appendTo(div) } // Footer const sub = $('<div></div>').appendTo(main) $('<time style="color:#b6b6b6; font-size: 11px;" datetime="' + time + '" title="' + time.toLocaleTimeString() + ' ' + time.toLocaleDateString() + '">' + minutesSince(time) + '</time>').appendTo(sub) $('<a style="color:#b6b6b6; font-size: 11px;" target="_blank" href="' + baseURLOpenTab.replace('{query}', encodeURIComponent(current.query)) + '" title="Open Rotten Tomatoes"></a>').appendTo(sub) $('<span title="Hide me" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; color:#b6b6b6; font-size: 11px; padding-left:5px;padding-top:3px">❎</span>').appendTo(sub).click(function () { document.body.removeChild(this.parentNode.parentNode) }) } const Always = () => true const sites = { googleplay: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [ { condition: () => ~document.location.href.indexOf('/movies/details/'), type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector('*[itemprop=name]').textContent } ] }, imdb: { host: [''], condition: () => !~document.location.pathname.indexOf('/mediaviewer') && !~document.location.pathname.indexOf('/mediaindex') && !~document.location.pathname.indexOf('/videoplayer'), products: [ { condition: function () { const e = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']") if (e && e.content === '') { return true } else if (document.querySelector('[data-testid="hero__pageTitle"]') && !document.querySelector('[data-testid="hero-subnav-bar-left-block"] a[href*="episodes/"]')) { return true } return false }, type: 'movie', data: async function () { let year = null let ld = null if (document.querySelector('script[type="application/ld+json"]')) { ld = parseLDJSON(['name', 'alternateName', 'datePublished']) if (ld.length > 2) { year = parseInt(ld[2].match(/\d{4}/)[0]) } } const pageNotEnglish = document.querySelector('[for="nav-language-selector"]').textContent.toLowerCase() !== 'en' || !navigator.language.startsWith('en') const pageNotMovieHomePage = !document.title.match(/(.+?)\s+(\((\d+)\))? - IMDb/) // If the page is not in English or the browser is not in English, request page in English. // Then the title in <h1> will be the English title and Metacritic always uses the English title. if (pageNotEnglish || pageNotMovieHomePage) { // Set language cookie to English, request current page in English, then restore language cookie or expire it if it didn't exist before const imdbID = document.location.pathname.match(/\/title\/(\w+)/)[1] const homePageUrl = '' + imdbID + '/?ref_=nv_sr_1' const langM = document.cookie.match(/lc-main=([^;]+)/) const langBefore = langM ? langM[0] : ';expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT' document.cookie = 'lc-main=en-US' const response = await asyncRequest({ url: homePageUrl, headers: { 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en' } }).catch(function (response) { console.warn('ShowRottentomatoes: Error imdb02\nurl=' + homePageUrl + '\nstatus=' + response.status) }) document.cookie = 'lc-main=' + langBefore // Extract <h1> title const parts = response.responseText.split('</span></h1>')[0].split('>') const title = parts[parts.length - 1] if (!year) { // extract year const yearM = response.responseText.match(/href="\/title\/\w+\/releaseinfo.*">(\d{4})<\/a>/) if (yearM) { year = yearM[1] } } console.debug('ShowRottentomatoes: Movie title from English page:', title, year) return [title, year] } else if (ld) { if (ld.length > 1 && ld[1]) { console.debug('ShowRottentomatoes: Movie ld+json alternateName', ld[1], year) return [ld[1], year] } console.debug('ShowRottentomatoes: Movie ld+json name', ld[0], year) return [ld[0], year] } else { const m = document.title.match(/(.+?)\s+(\((\d+)\))? - /) console.debug('ShowRottentomatoes: Movie <title>', [m[1], m[3]]) return [m[1], parseInt(m[3])] } } }, { condition: function () { const e = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']") if (e && e.content === 'video.tv_show') { return true } else if (document.querySelector('[data-testid="hero-subnav-bar-left-block"] a[href*="episodes/"]')) { return true } return false }, type: 'tv', data: async function () { let year = null let ld = null if (document.querySelector('script[type="application/ld+json"]')) { ld = parseLDJSON(['name', 'alternateName', 'datePublished']) if (ld.length > 2) { year = parseInt(ld[2].match(/\d{4}/)[0]) } } const pageNotEnglish = document.querySelector('[for="nav-language-selector"]').textContent.toLowerCase() !== 'en' || !navigator.language.startsWith('en') const pageNotMovieHomePage = !document.title.match(/(.+?)\s+\(.+(\d{4})–.{0,4}\) - IMDb/) // If the page is not in English or the browser is not in English, request page in English. // Then the title in <h1> will be the English title and Metacritic always uses the English title. if (pageNotEnglish || pageNotMovieHomePage) { const imdbID = document.location.pathname.match(/\/title\/(\w+)/)[1] const homePageUrl = '' + imdbID + '/?ref_=nv_sr_1' // Set language cookie to English, request current page in English, then restore language cookie or expire it if it didn't exist before const langM = document.cookie.match(/lc-main=([^;]+)/) const langBefore = langM ? langM[0] : ';expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT' document.cookie = 'lc-main=en-US' const response = await asyncRequest({ url: homePageUrl, headers: { 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en' } }).catch(function (response) { console.warn('ShowRottentomatoes: Error imdb03\nurl=' + homePageUrl + '\nstatus=' + response.status) }) document.cookie = 'lc-main=' + langBefore // Extract <h1> title const parts = response.responseText.split('</span></h1>')[0].split('>') const title = parts[parts.length - 1] if (!year) { // extract year const yearM = response.responseText.match(/href="\/title\/\w+\/releaseinfo.*">(\d{4})/) if (yearM) { year = yearM[1] } } console.debug('ShowRottentomatoes: TV title from English page:', title, year) return [title, year] } else if (ld) { if (ld.length > 1 && ld[1]) { console.debug('ShowRottentomatoes: TV ld+json alternateName', ld[1], year) return [ld[1], year] } console.debug('ShowRottentomatoes: TV ld+json name', ld[0], year) return [ld[0], year] } else { const m = document.title.match(/(.+?)\s+\(.+(\d{4}).+/) console.debug('ShowRottentomatoes: TV <title>', [m[1], m[2]]) return [m[1], parseInt(m[2])] } } } ] }, '': { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']"), products: [{ condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content === 'tv_show' && document.querySelector('h1[data-name]'), type: 'tv', data: () => document.querySelector('h1[data-name]') }] }, metacritic: { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']"), products: [{ condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content === '', type: 'movie', data: function () { let year = null if (document.querySelector('.release_year')) { year = parseInt(document.querySelector('.release_year').firstChild.textContent) } else if (document.querySelector('.release_data .data')) { year = document.querySelector('.release_data .data').textContent.match(/(\d{4})/)[1] } return [document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content, year] } }, { condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content === 'video.tv_show', type: 'tv', data: function () { let title = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content let year = null if (title.match(/\s\(\d{4}\)$/)) { year = parseInt(title.match(/\s\((\d{4})\)$/)[1]) title = title.replace(/\s\(\d{4}\)$/, '') // Remove year } else if (document.querySelector('.release_date')) { year = document.querySelector('.release_date').textContent.match(/(\d{4})/)[1] } return [title, year] } } ] }, serienjunkies: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [{ condition: () => document.getElementById('serienlinksbreit2aktuell'), type: 'tv', data: () => document.querySelector('h1').textContent.trim() }, { condition: () =>\/film\/.{3,}/) !== -1, type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector('h1').textContent.trim() }] }, amazon: { host: ['amazon.'], condition: Always, products: [ { condition: () => (document.querySelector('[data-automation-id=title]') && ( document.getElementsByClassName('av-season-single').length || document.querySelector('[data-automation-id="num-of-seasons-badge"]') || document.getElementById('tab-selector-episodes') || document.getElementById('av-droplist-av-atf-season-selector') )), type: 'tv', data: () => document.querySelector('[data-automation-id=title]').textContent.trim() }, { condition: () => (( document.getElementsByClassName('av-season-single').length || document.querySelector('[data-automation-id="num-of-seasons-badge"]') || document.getElementById('tab-selector-episodes') || 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document.querySelectorAll('#body .mojo-summary-values .a-section span') for (let i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { if (~cells[i].innerText.indexOf('Release Date')) { year = parseInt(cells[i].nextElementSibling.textContent.match(/\d{4}/)[0]) break } } return [document.querySelector('meta[name=title]').content, year] } }, { condition: () =>'id=') && document.querySelector('#body table:nth-child(2) tr:first-child b'), type: 'movie', data: function () { let year = null try { const tds = document.querySelectorAll('#body table:nth-child(2) tr:first-child table table table td') for (let i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) { if (~tds[i].innerText.indexOf('Release Date')) { year = parseInt(tds[i].innerText.match(/\d{4}/)[0]) break } } } catch (e) { } return [document.querySelector('#body table:nth-child(2) tr:first-child b').firstChild.textContent, year] } }] }, AllMovie: { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelector('h2[itemprop=name].movie-title'), products: [{ condition: () => document.querySelector('h2[itemprop=name].movie-title'), type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector('h2[itemprop=name].movie-title').firstChild.textContent.trim() }] }, 'en.wikipedia': { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [{ condition: function () { if (!document.querySelector('.infobox .summary')) { return false } const r = /\d\d\d\d films/ return $('#catlinks a').filter((i, e) => e.firstChild.textContent.match(r)).length }, type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector('.infobox .summary').firstChild.textContent }, { condition: function () { if (!document.querySelector('.infobox .summary')) { return false } const r = /television series/ return $('#catlinks a').filter((i, e) => e.firstChild.textContent.match(r)).length }, type: 'tv', data: () => document.querySelector('.infobox .summary').firstChild.textContent }] }, fandango: { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']"), products: [{ condition: Always, type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content.match(/(.+?)\s+\(\d{4}\)/)[1].trim() }] }, themoviedb: { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']"), products: [{ condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content === 'movie' || document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content === '', type: 'movie', data: function () { let year = null try { year = parseInt(document.querySelector('.release_date').innerText.match(/\d{4}/)[0]) } catch (e) {} return [document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content, year] } }, { condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content === 'tv' || document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content === 'tv_series' || document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content.indexOf('tv_show') !== -1, type: 'tv', data: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content }] }, letterboxd: { host: [''], condition: () => unsafeWindow.filmData && 'name' in unsafeWindow.filmData, products: [{ condition: Always, type: 'movie', data: () => [, unsafeWindow.filmData.releaseYear] }] }, TVmaze: { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelector('h1'), products: [{ condition: Always, type: 'tv', data: () => document.querySelector('h1').firstChild.textContent }] }, TVGuide: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [{ condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/tvshows/'), type: 'tv', data: function () { if (document.querySelector('meta[itemprop=name]')) { return document.querySelector('meta[itemprop=name]').content } else { return document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content.split('|')[0] } } }] }, followshows: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [{ condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content === 'video.tv_show', type: 'tv', data: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content }] }, TheTVDB: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [{ condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/series/'), type: 'tv', data: () => document.getElementById('series_title').firstChild.textContent.trim() }, { condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/movies/'), type: 'movie', data: () => document.getElementById('series_title').firstChild.textContent.trim() }] }, TVNfo: { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelector('#title #name'), products: [{ condition: Always, type: 'tv', data: function () { const years = document.querySelector('#title #years').textContent.trim() const title = document.querySelector('#title #name').textContent.replace(years, '').trim() let year = null if (years) { try { year = years.match(/\d{4}/)[0] } catch (e) {} } return [title, year] } }] }, nme: { host: [''], condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/reviews/'), products: [{ condition: () => document.querySelector('.tdb-breadcrumbs a[href*="/reviews/film-reviews"]'), type: 'movie', data: function () { let year = null try { year = parseInt(document.querySelector('*[itemprop=datePublished]').content.match(/\d{4}/)[0]) } catch (e) {} try { return [document.title.match(/[‘'](.+?)[’']/)[1], year] } catch (e) { try { return [document.querySelector('h1.tdb-title-text').textContent.match(/[‘'](.+?)[’']/)[1], year] } catch (e) { return [document.querySelector('h1').textContent.match(/:\s*(.+)/)[1].trim(), year] } } } }, { condition: () => document.querySelector('.tdb-breadcrumbs a[href*="/reviews/tv-reviews"]'), type: 'tv', data: () => document.querySelector('h1.tdb-title-text').textContent.match(/‘(.+?)’/)[1] }] }, itunes: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [{ condition: () => ~document.location.href.indexOf('/movie/'), type: 'movie', data: () => parseLDJSON('name', (j) => (j['@type'] === 'Movie')) }, { condition: () => ~document.location.href.indexOf('/tv-season/'), type: 'tv', data: function () { let name = parseLDJSON('name', (j) => (j['@type'] === 'TVSeries')) if (~name.indexOf(', Season')) { name = name.split(', Season')[0] } return name } }] }, epguides: { host: [''], condition: () => document.getElementById('eplist'), products: [{ condition: () => document.getElementById('eplist') && document.querySelector('.center.titleblock h2'), type: 'tv', data: () => document.querySelector('.center.titleblock h2').textContent.trim() }] }, ComedyCentral: { host: [''], condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/shows/'), products: [{ condition: () => document.location.pathname.split('/').length === 3 && document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']"), type: 'tv', data: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content.replace('| Comedy Central', '').trim() }, { condition: () => document.location.pathname.split('/').length === 3 && document.title.match(/(.+?)\s+-\s+Series/), type: 'tv', data: () => document.title.match(/(.+?)\s+-\s+Series/)[1] }] }, AMC: { host: [''], condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/shows/'), products: [ { condition: () => document.location.pathname.split('/').length === 3 && document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']") && document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content.indexOf('tv_show') !== -1, type: 'tv', data: () => document.querySelector('.video-card-description h1').textContent.trim() }] }, AMCplus: { host: [''], condition: () => Always, products: [ { condition: () => document.title.match(/Watch .+? |/), type: 'tv', data: () => document.title.match(/Watch (.+?) |/)[1].trim() }] }, RlsBB: { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelectorAll('.post').length === 1, products: [ { condition: () => document.querySelector('#post-wrapper .entry-meta a[href*="/category/movies/"]'), type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector('h1.entry-title').textContent.match(/(.+?)\s+\d{4}/)[1].trim() }, { condition: () => document.querySelector('#post-wrapper .entry-meta a[href*="/category/tv-shows/"]'), type: 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document.querySelector('h1').textContent.trim() const m = title.match(/(.+)\((\d+)\)$/) if (m) { return [m[1].trim(), parseInt(m[2])] } else { return title } } }, { condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/tv-show/'), type: 'tv', data: () => document.querySelector('h1').textContent.trim() } ] }, '': { host: [''], condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/STV/M/obj/archive/'), products: [ { condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/STV/M/obj/archive/'), type: 'movie', data: function () { let title = null if (document.querySelector("span[data-bind='text:OrigTitle']")) { title = document.querySelector("span[data-bind='text:OrigTitle']").textContent } else { title = document.querySelector("h2[data-bind='text:Title']").textContent } let year = null if (document.querySelector("span[data-bind='text:ProductionYear']")) { year = parseInt(document.querySelector("span[data-bind='text:ProductionYear']").textContent) } return [title, year] } } ] }, 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series') !== -1 }, type: 'tv', data: () => document.querySelector('h1').textContent.replace(/\(tv series\)/i, '').trim() }] }, trakt: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [ { condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/movies/'), type: 'movie', data: function () { const title = Array.from(document.querySelector('.summary h1').childNodes).filter(node => node.nodeType === node.TEXT_NODE).map(node => node.textContent).join(' ').trim() const year = document.querySelector('.summary h1 .year').textContent return [title, year] } }, { condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/shows/'), type: 'tv', data: () => Array.from(document.querySelector('.summary h1').childNodes).filter(node => node.nodeType === node.TEXT_NODE).map(node => node.textContent).join(' ').trim() } ] } } async function main () { let dataFound = false for (const name in sites) { const site = sites[name] if ( (e) { return ~this.indexOf(e) || e === '*' }, document.location.hostname) && site.condition()) { for (let i = 0; i < site.products.length; i++) { if (site.products[i].condition()) { // Try to retrieve item name from page let data try { data = await site.products[i].data() } catch (e) { data = false console.error(`${scriptName}: Error in data() of site='${name}', type='${site.products[i].type}'`) console.error(e) } if (data) { if (Array.isArray(data)) { if (data[1]) { loadMeter(data[0].trim(), site.products[i].type, parseInt(data[1])) } else { loadMeter(data[0].trim(), site.products[i].type) } } else { loadMeter(data.trim(), site.products[i].type) } dataFound = true } break } } break } } return dataFound } async function adaptForMetaScript () { // Move this container above the meta container if the meta container is on the right side const rottenC = document.getElementById('mcdiv321rotten') const metaC = document.getElementById('mcdiv123') if (!metaC || !rottenC) { return } const rottenBounds = rottenC.getBoundingClientRect() let bottom = 0 if (metaC) { const 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