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Add a video playback progressbar at bottom of an Instagram video. This script also disables video looping and unmute audio. All are configurable in script code. Note: CSP must be disabled for Instagram, or use Tampermonkey.
// ==UserScript==// @name Add Instagram Video Progressbar// @namespace @version 1.0.8// @license GNU AGPLv3// @author jcunews// @description Add a video playback progressbar at bottom of an Instagram video. This script also disables video looping and unmute audio. All are configurable in script code. Note: CSP must be disabled for Instagram, or use Tampermonkey.// @match *://*// @grant none// @run-at document-start// ==/UserScript==(function(vael, ie, ee, be, wm) {//===== CONFIGURATION BEGIN =====var ProgressbarHeight = 3; //in pixels. set to zero to hidevar ProgressbarColor = "#fff"; //e.g. "#fff" or "#e0e0e0" or "cyan"var ProgressbarElapsedColor = "#f00";var disableVideoLoop = true;var unmuteVideo = true;//===== CONFIGURATION END =====function setup(a, b) {if (disableVideoLoop && !this.attributes.noloop) {ie = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.lastElementChild;this.setAttribute("noloop", "");this.parentNode.querySelectorAll('div[role]').forEach(e => {Object.keys(e).some(k => {if (k.startsWith("__reactProps$")) {if (String(e[k].onClick).includes("pause")) e.addEventListener("click", () => this.paused &&;return true}})})}a = "aivp" + (new Date()).getTime();b = a + "bar";ee = document.createElement("DIV"); = a;ee.innerHTML = `<style>#${a} { position: absolute; opacity: .66; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; height: ${ProgressbarHeight}px; background: ${ProgressbarColor} }#${b} { width: 0; transition: width 100ms linear; height: 100%; background: ${ProgressbarElapsedColor} }</style><div id="${b}"></div>`;wm.set(this, be = ee.lastElementChild);this.parentNode.insertBefore(ee, this);if (unmuteVideo && this.muted) {if (location.pathname.startsWith("/stories/")) {this.closest('div[style*="width"]')?.parentNode?.closest('div[style*="width"]')?.parentNode?.closest('div[style*="width"]')?.querySelector('div[aria-label="Toggle audio"]')?.click()} else {this.parentNode.querySelectorAll('button').forEach(e => {Object.keys(e).some(k => {if (k.startsWith("__reactProps$")) {if (String(e[k].onClick).includes("AUDIO_STATES"));return true}})})}}this.removeEventListener("canplay", setup);}wm = new WeakMap;vael = HTMLVideoElement.prototype.addEventListener;HTMLVideoElement.prototype.addEventListener = function(type) {var res;((ve, tm, be) => {function updBar() { = Math.ceil((ve.currentTime / ve.duration) * ee.offsetWidth) + "px";}function startTimer(ev) {if (!be) be = wm.get(this);if (disableVideoLoop) ve.loop = false;if (!tm) tm = setInterval(updBar, 100);}function stopTimer(ev) {if (ev.type === "ended") { = "100%";if (disableVideoLoop);}clearInterval(tm);tm = 0;}if (disableVideoLoop && (type === "ended")) return;res = vael.apply(ve, arguments);if (!ve.attributes["aivp_done"]) {ve.setAttribute("aivp_done", "1");, "canplay", setup);, "play", startTimer);, "playing", startTimer);, "waiting", stopTimer);, "pause", stopTimer);, "ended", stopTimer);}})(this);return res;};})();