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Twitch - Mute ads and optionally hide them

Automatically mutes the Twitch player when an advertisement started and unmute it once finished. You can also hide ads by setting disableDisplay to true.

// ==UserScript==// @name        Twitch - Mute ads and optionally hide them// @namespace   TWITCHADS// @description Automatically mutes the Twitch player when an advertisement started and unmute it once finished. You can also hide ads by setting disableDisplay to true.// @include     https://www.twitch.tv/*// @include     https://twitch.tv/*// @version     1.16132// @license     MIT// @author      Harest// @grant       none// ==/UserScript==(function() {var _tmuteVars = { "timerCheck": 500,               // EDITABLE - Checking rate of ad in progress (in milliseconds; recommended value: 250 - 1000; default: 500)"adInProgress": false,            //            Track if an ad is in progress or not (directly linked to player mute state)"adsDisplayed": 0,                //            Number of ads displayed"disableDisplay": false,          // EDITABLE - Disable the player display during an ad (true = yes, false = no (default))"anticipatePreroll": false,       // EDITABLE - Temporarily mute and/or hide the player when loading a new stream to anticipate a pre-roll ad (true = yes, false = no (default))"anticipateTimer": 2000,          // EDITABLE - Time where the player is muted and/or hidden when loading a new stream to anticipate a pre-roll ad (in milliseconds; default: 2000)"anticipateInProgress": false,    //            Used to check if we're currently anticipating a pre-roll ad"anticipatePrematureEnd": false,  //            Used to check if we prematurely ended a pre-roll ad anticipation"alreadyMuted": false,            //            Used to check if the player is muted at the start of an ad"adElapsedTime": undefined,       //            Used to check if Twitch forgot to remove the ad notice"adUnlockAt": 270,                // EDITABLE - Unlock the player if this amount of seconds elapsed during an ad (in seconds; default: 270)"adMinTime": 2,                   // EDITABLE - Minimum amount of seconds the player will be muted/hidden since an ad started (in seconds; default: 2)"playerIdAds": 0,                 //            Player ID where ads may be displayed (default 0, varying on squads page)"displayingOptions": false,       //            Either ads options extended menu is currently displayed or not"highwindPlayer": undefined,      //            If you've the Highwind Player or not"currentPage": undefined,         //            Current page to know if we need to reset ad detection on init, or add the ads options back"currentChannel": undefined,      //            Current channel to avoid pre-roll ad anticipation to trigger if we visit channel pages"optionsInitialized": false,      //            Used to know if the ads options have been initialized on the current page"optionsInitializing": false,     //            Used to track the ads options initialization"volumePremute": undefined,       //            Main player volume, used to set the volume of the stream top right during an ad"restorePiP": false               //            Used to avoid displaying an ad if a stream is in Picture in Picture mode (require "disableDisplay" to true)};// Selectors for the current player (hw: highwind player, only one existing currently)var _tmuteSelectors = { "hw":  { "player": "video-player__container",                               // Player class"playerVideo": ".video-player__container video",                   // Player video selector"playerDuringAd": "pbyp-player-instance",                          // Top-right player class, existing sometimes during an ad"playerHidingDuringAd": "picture-by-picture-player--collapsed",    // Class hiding the top-right player (during an ad)"muteButton": "button[data-a-target='player-mute-unmute-button']", // (un)mute button selector"volumeSlider": "input[data-a-target='player-volume-slider']",     // Volume slider selector"adNotice": undefined,                                             // Ad notice class"adNoticeFinder": "[data-a-target='ax-overlay']",                  // Ad notice selector to find the class"viewersCount": "metadata-layout__support"                         // Viewers count wrapper class}};// Current selector (automatically set below)var currentSelector = undefined;// Check if there's an ad (main loop)function checkAd(){// Check if you're watching a stream, useless to continue if notif (_tmuteVars.highwindPlayer === undefined) {var isHwPlayer = document.getElementsByClassName(_tmuteSelectors.hw.player).length;var isViewing = Boolean(isHwPlayer);if (isViewing === false) return;// We set the type of player currently used_tmuteVars.highwindPlayer = Boolean(isHwPlayer);currentSelector = (_tmuteVars.highwindPlayer === true) ? _tmuteSelectors.hw : null;console.log("You're currently using the " + ((_tmuteVars.highwindPlayer === true) ? "Highwind" : "new unknown") + " player.");if (currentSelector === null) {clearInterval(_tmuteVars.autoCheck);console.log("Script stopped. Failed to find the player, Twitch changed something. Feel free to contact the author of the script.");}} else {var isViewing = Boolean(document.getElementsByClassName(currentSelector.player).length);if (isViewing === false) return;}// Initialize the ads options if necessary.if (_tmuteVars.optionsInitialized === false || window.location.pathname != _tmuteVars.currentPage) {initAdsOptions();if (currentSelector.adNotice === undefined) return;}var advert = document.getElementsByClassName(currentSelector.adNotice)[_tmuteVars.playerIdAds];if (_tmuteVars.adElapsedTime !== undefined){_tmuteVars.adElapsedTime += _tmuteVars.timerCheck / 1000;if (_tmuteVars.adElapsedTime >= _tmuteVars.adUnlockAt && advert.childNodes[1] !== undefined){for (var i = 0; i < advert.childElementCount; i++){if (!advert.childNodes[i].classList.contains(currentSelector.adNotice)) advert.removeChild(advert.childNodes[i]);}console.log("Unlocking Twitch player as Twitch forgot to remove the ad notice after the ad(s).");}}if ((advert.childElementCount > 2 && _tmuteVars.adInProgress === false) || (_tmuteVars.adInProgress === true && advert.childElementCount <= 2)){// Update at the start of an ad if the player is already muted or notif (advert.childElementCount > 2) {if (_tmuteVars.anticipateInProgress !== false) {clearTimeout(_tmuteVars.anticipateInProgress);_tmuteVars.anticipateInProgress = false;_tmuteVars.anticipatePrematureEnd = true;console.log("Pre-roll ad anticipation ended prematurely, ad detected.");} else {isAlreadyMuted();}}// Keep the player muted/hidden for the minimum ad time set (Twitch started to remove the ad notice before the end of some ads)if (advert.childElementCount <= 2 && _tmuteVars.adElapsedTime !== undefined && _tmuteVars.adElapsedTime < _tmuteVars.adMinTime) return;mutePlayer();}}// Main function to (un)mute and (un)hide the player called by checkAd()function mutePlayer(){if (document.querySelector(currentSelector.muteButton) !== null){if (_tmuteVars.anticipatePrematureEnd === true) { // If we ended a pre-roll ad anticipation early, we prevent an invert of the player mute state_tmuteVars.anticipatePrematureEnd = false;_tmuteVars.adInProgress = !(_tmuteVars.adInProgress);} else {actionMuteClick();}if (_tmuteVars.adInProgress === true){_tmuteVars.adsDisplayed++;_tmuteVars.adElapsedTime = 1;console.log("Ad #" + _tmuteVars.adsDisplayed + " detected. Player " + (_tmuteVars.alreadyMuted === true ? "already " : "") + "muted.");actionHidePlayer();unmuteAdPlayer();} else {console.log("Ad #" + _tmuteVars.adsDisplayed + " finished (lasted " + _tmuteVars.adElapsedTime + "s)." + (_tmuteVars.alreadyMuted === true ? "" : " Player unmuted."));_tmuteVars.adElapsedTime = undefined;actionHidePlayer(false);// Mute the stream shown top right during the ad to prevent double audiovar playerDuringAd = document.getElementsByClassName(currentSelector.playerDuringAd)[0];if (playerDuringAd !== undefined) {playerDuringAd.childNodes[0].muted = true;}}} else {console.log("No volume button found (class changed ?).");}}// Unmute (and unhide) the stream showing top right during an ad if the player was initially unmutedfunction unmuteAdPlayer(firstCall = true) {var playerDuringAd = document.getElementsByClassName(currentSelector.playerDuringAd)[0];if (playerDuringAd !== undefined) {playerDuringAd.childNodes[0].setAttribute("controls", true);if (_tmuteVars.alreadyMuted === false) {playerDuringAd.childNodes[0].volume = _tmuteVars.volumePremute;playerDuringAd.childNodes[0].muted = false;}// Switch the eventual previous PiP to the smaller stream available during an adif (_tmuteVars.restorePiP === true) playerDuringAd.childNodes[0].requestPictureInPicture();// Check the player is not hidden by Twitch, else force display itvar playerHidden = document.getElementsByClassName(currentSelector.playerHidingDuringAd)[0];if (playerHidden !== undefined) {playerHidden.classList.remove(currentSelector.playerHidingDuringAd);console.log("Stream top right hidden detected during the ad. Unhidden.");}} else if (firstCall === true) { // Delaying a bit just in case it didn't load in DOM yetsetTimeout(function() { unmuteAdPlayer(false); }, 2000);}}// (un)Mute (and (un)hide) the player when loading a stream to anticipate a pre-roll ad,// to reduce to nothing the delay you can have before the ad notice is displayed by Twitch / script detects a pre-roll adfunction anticipatePreroll(initCall = true) {if (_tmuteVars.anticipatePreroll === false || (_tmuteVars.anticipateInProgress !== false && initCall === true)) return;if (document.querySelector(currentSelector.muteButton) !== null) {if (initCall === true) isAlreadyMuted();actionMuteClick(true);}actionHidePlayer(initCall);if (initCall === true) {console.log("Pre-roll ad anticipation set for ", _tmuteVars.anticipateTimer, " ms. Player " + (_tmuteVars.alreadyMuted === true ? "already " : "") + "muted.");_tmuteVars.anticipateInProgress = setTimeout(function() { anticipatePreroll(false); }, _tmuteVars.anticipateTimer);} else {_tmuteVars.anticipateInProgress = false;console.log("Pre-roll ad anticipation ended.");}}// Click on the (un)mute buttonfunction actionMuteClick(anticipatingCall = false) {_tmuteVars.volumePremute = document.querySelectorAll(currentSelector.playerVideo)[_tmuteVars.playerIdAds].volume;if (_tmuteVars.alreadyMuted === false) document.querySelectorAll(currentSelector.muteButton)[_tmuteVars.playerIdAds].click(); // If the player is already muted before an ad, we avoid to unmute it.if (anticipatingCall === false) _tmuteVars.adInProgress = !(_tmuteVars.adInProgress);}// (un)Hide the playerfunction actionHidePlayer(hideIt = true) {if (_tmuteVars.disableDisplay === true) {document.querySelectorAll(currentSelector.playerVideo)[_tmuteVars.playerIdAds].style.visibility = (hideIt === true) ? "hidden" : "visible";togglePiP();}}// Detect (and set) if the player is already muted or not (to revert it to its initial state after an ad or anticipating a pre-roll)function isAlreadyMuted() {if (_tmuteVars.highwindPlayer === true) {_tmuteVars.alreadyMuted = Boolean(document.querySelector(currentSelector.volumeSlider).valueAsNumber === 0);}}// Detect if the ads options have been initialized, and starts init if requiredfunction initAdsOptions(lastCalls = 0, failSafeCall = false) {clearTimeout(_tmuteVars.optionsInitializing);var optionsInitialized = (document.getElementById("_tmads_options") === null) ? false : true;if (optionsInitialized === true) initUpdate();if (optionsInitialized === false) {_tmuteVars.optionsInitialized = false;adsOptions("init");_tmuteVars.optionsInitializing = setTimeout(function() { initAdsOptions(); }, _tmuteVars.timerCheck);} else if (lastCalls < 5) { // Doing last checks just in case as Twitch reloads these elements on loadlastCalls++;if (lastCalls === 5) failSafeCall = true;_tmuteVars.optionsInitializing = setTimeout(function() { initAdsOptions(lastCalls, failSafeCall); }, Math.max(_tmuteVars.timerCheck, 500));} else if (failSafeCall === true) { // Some actions can remove the ads options button from the page, so we keep a check as a failsafe_tmuteVars.optionsInitializing = setTimeout(function() { initAdsOptions(lastCalls, failSafeCall); }, 60000);}}// Update different values on initfunction initUpdate() {if (window.location.pathname != _tmuteVars.currentPage) {// Do the resets needed if we changed page during an adif (_tmuteVars.adInProgress === true) {resetPlayerState();} else if (_tmuteVars.adInProgress === false && (_tmuteVars.currentChannel === undefined || window.location.pathname.startsWith("/" + _tmuteVars.currentChannel) === false)) {anticipatePreroll();}}_tmuteVars.currentPage = window.location.pathname;_tmuteVars.currentChannel = window.location.pathname.split("/")[1];// Find the ad notice class if not already setif (currentSelector.adNotice === undefined) {clearInterval(_tmuteVars.autoCheck); // Temporarily stop the checks while we find the ad notice classif (document.querySelector(currentSelector.adNoticeFinder) !== null){currentSelector.adNotice = document.querySelector(currentSelector.adNoticeFinder).parentNode.className;console.log("Ad notice class retrieved (\"" + currentSelector.adNotice + "\") and set.");_tmuteVars.autoCheck = setInterval(checkAd, _tmuteVars.timerCheck); // Ad notice class set, we can set the ad auto check back up} else {console.log("Script stopped. Failed to find the ad notice class, Twitch changed something. Feel free to contact the author of the script.");}}}// Toggle Picture in Picture mode during an ad if it's on beforehand with "disableDisplay" set to truefunction togglePiP() {if (document.pictureInPictureElement) {_tmuteVars.restorePiP = true;document.exitPictureInPicture();} else if (_tmuteVars.restorePiP === true && document.pictureInPictureEnabled) {_tmuteVars.restorePiP = false;if (document.pictureInPictureElement) document.exitPictureInPicture(); // Eventual small stream switched in unmuteAdPlayer()document.querySelectorAll(currentSelector.playerVideo)[_tmuteVars.playerIdAds].requestPictureInPicture();}}// Reset player state when switching stream during an adfunction resetPlayerState() {actionMuteClick();actionHidePlayer(false);console.log("Stream switched during an ad. Reverted player state.");}// Manage ads optionsfunction adsOptions(changeType = "show"){switch(changeType) {// Manage player display during an ad (either hiding the ads or still showing them)case "display":_tmuteVars.disableDisplay = !(_tmuteVars.disableDisplay);// Update the player display if an ad is supposedly in progressif (_tmuteVars.adInProgress === true) document.querySelectorAll(currentSelector.playerVideo)[_tmuteVars.playerIdAds].style.visibility = (_tmuteVars.disableDisplay === true) ? "hidden" : "visible";document.getElementById("_tmads_display").innerText = (_tmuteVars.disableDisplay === true ? "Show" : "Hide") + " player during ads";break;// Force a player unlock if Twitch didn't remove the ad notice properly instead of waiting the auto unlockcase "unlock":var advert = document.getElementsByClassName(currentSelector.adNotice)[0];if (_tmuteVars.adElapsedTime === undefined && advert.childNodes[2] === undefined){alert("There's no ad notice displayed. No unlock to do.");} else {// We set the elapsed time to the unlock timer to trigger it during the next check._tmuteVars.adElapsedTime = _tmuteVars.adUnlockAt;console.log("Unlock requested.");}break;// Display the ads options buttoncase "init":initUpdate();if (document.getElementsByClassName(currentSelector.viewersCount)[0] === undefined) break;// Append ads options and events relatedvar optionsTemplate = document.createElement("div");optionsTemplate.id = "_tmads_options-wrapper";const buttonStyle = document.createElement('style');buttonStyle.textContent = `._tmads_button {display: inline-flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;padding: 0 2px 0 2px;margin-left: 2px;height: 30px;width: unset;border-radius: var(--border-radius-medium);background-color: var(--color-background-button-text-default);color: var(--color-fill-button-icon);}._tmads_button:hover {background-color: var(--color-background-button-text-hover);color: var(--color-fill-button-icon-hover);}`;document.querySelector('head').appendChild(buttonStyle);optionsTemplate.innerHTML = `<span id="_tmads_options" style="display: none;"><button type="button" id="_tmads_unlock" class="_tmads_button">Unlock player</button><button type="button" id="_tmads_display" class="_tmads_button">` + (_tmuteVars.disableDisplay === true ? "Show" : "Hide") + ` player during ads</button></span><button type="button" id="_tmads_showoptions" class="_tmads_button">Ads Options</button>`;// Normal player pageif (document.getElementsByClassName(currentSelector.viewersCount)[0] !== undefined){_tmuteVars.playerIdAds = 0;try {document.getElementsByClassName(currentSelector.viewersCount)[0].parentNode.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].appendChild(optionsTemplate); // Standard bottom} catch(e) {try {document.getElementsByClassName(currentSelector.viewersCount)[0].childNodes[2].childNodes[0].appendChild(optionsTemplate); // Standard top (short variance, abandoned potentially?)} catch(e) {optionsTemplate.style = "padding-top: 5px;";document.getElementsByClassName(currentSelector.viewersCount)[0].parentNode.childNodes[1].appendChild(optionsTemplate); // Last chance attachment, should always work}}}document.getElementById("_tmads_showoptions").addEventListener("click", adsOptions, false);document.getElementById("_tmads_display").addEventListener("click", function() { adsOptions("display"); }, false);document.getElementById("_tmads_unlock").addEventListener("click", function() { adsOptions("unlock"); }, false);_tmuteVars.optionsInitialized = true;console.log("Ads options initialized.");break;// Display/Hide the ads optionscase "show":default:_tmuteVars.displayingOptions = !(_tmuteVars.displayingOptions);document.getElementById("_tmads_options").style.display = (_tmuteVars.displayingOptions === false) ? "none" : "inline-flex";}}// Start the background check_tmuteVars.autoCheck = setInterval(checkAd, _tmuteVars.timerCheck);})();