- // ==UserScript==
- // @name s1新版麻将脸显示脚本
- // @namespace s1newmjfacejioben
- // @version 1.4
- // @description 将新增的麻将脸代码转换成图片
- // @author a simple s1 user
- // @match https://bbs.saraba1st.com/2b/*.html?**
- // @match https://bbs.saraba1st.com/2b/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=*?**
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function() {
- function replace(search,replacement){
- var xpathR###lt = document.evaluate(
- "//*/text()",
- document,
- null,
- null
- );
- var r###lts = [];
- // We store the r###lt in an array because if the DOM mutates
- // during iteration, the iteration becomes invalid.
- while(res = xpathR###lt.iterateNext()) {
- r###lts.push(res);
- }
- r###lts.forEach(function(res){
- res.textContent = res.textContent.replace(search,replacement);
- })
- }
- //上面那一段我也不懂什么意思,作用应该就是让replace仅限于可见文本。代码来源:http://bit.ly/2PR7uDG
- replace(/\{:1465_/g,'::mjlf')
- //这一段是普通分类的
- window.onload = function () {
- for (var i=0;i<12;i++){
- var id = 1691 + i;
- var zhengze = new RegExp("::mjlf" + id + ":}","g")
- var img = "<img src =\"http://mahjongface.tk/smiley/face/" + id + "\">";
- document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(zhengze, img);
- }//这一段是普通分类的
- document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/\[f:215]/g, '<img src =\"http://mahjongface.tk/smiley/face/1696\">');
- document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/\[f:214]/g, '<img src =\"http://mahjongface.tk/smiley/face/1699\">');
- }
- })();