YouTube with more freedom
Features highlight:
- Play your videos in a pop-out window
- Turn off 60fps
- Allow ads only in videos from your subscribed channels
- Blacklist entire channels from your suggestions and search results
- Make the player fill the entire browser with the Fullbrowser mode feature
- Player always visible where you want while reading the comments
- Player always playing while navigating away from the video page
- Reverse any playlist
- Take video screenshots and save them
- View and save the video thumbnail like old times
- Bring back the total number of videos uploaded by the creator
- Use the relative video post time to know quickly how old the video is
- Control comment section visibility
- and many more!
Check the full list of features here:
Visit the release tracker for the changelogs:
Current support is only being offered for Firefox and Chrome browsers:
For any problem support follow these instructions: