Add buttons to filter teacher list. Currently, it only applies when the web browser is pointing to
// ==UserScript== // @name Add Teacher List Filter // @namespace // @version 1.0.1 // @description Add buttons to filter teacher list. Currently, it only applies when the web browser is pointing to // @author jcunews // @match // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function(t, list, prevEleCount, filteredUids, items) { function filterUser(item) { filteredUids.push(parseInt(this.getAttribute("uid"))); localStorage.filteredUids = JSON.stringify(filteredUids); item = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; item.parentNode.removeChild(item); prevEleCount--; } function filterList(i, link, uid, btn) { clearTimeout(t); if ((prevEleCount < 0) || (items.length !== prevEleCount)) { if (prevEleCount < 0) prevEleCount = 0; for (i = items.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!items[i].querySelector(".filter")) { link = items[i].querySelector("A"); uid = parseInt(link.pathname.match(/\d+/)[0]); if (filteredUids.indexOf(uid) >= 0) { list.removeChild(items[i]); } else if (btn = items[i].querySelector(".btn")) { link = btn.cloneNode(true); link.textContent = "X"; link.title = "Filter this teacher"; link.classList.add("filter"); = "font-weight: bold; color: red"; link.setAttribute("uid", uid); link.removeAttribute("href"); link.removeAttribute("ui-sref"); link.onclick = filterUser; btn.parentNode.insertBefore(link, btn); } } } } prevEleCount = items.length; t = setTimeout(filterList, 200); } prevEleCount = -1; filteredUids = localStorage.filteredUids || "[]"; try { filteredUids = JSON.parse(filteredUids); } catch(t) { filteredUids = []; } items = document.getElementsByClassName("teacher-item"); t = 0; (function init(filter, btn) { if (list = document.querySelector(".teacher-list")) { filterList(); if (filter = document.querySelector(".panel-body > .filter > form > div:nth-child(2)")) { btn = document.createElement("BUTTON"); btn.textContent = "Reset Teacher Filter"; btn.className = "btn"; = "margin-left: 2ex; padding: 0"; btn.onclick = function() { filteredUids = []; localStorage.filteredUids = "[]"; }; filter.insertBefore(btn, filter.lastElementChild); } } else setTimeout(init, 100); })(); })();