Show Letterboxd rating on,,, BoxOfficeMojo, Amazon, Google Play,, Wikipedia,,,,
// ==UserScript== // @name Show Letterboxd rating // @description Show Letterboxd rating on,,, BoxOfficeMojo, Amazon, Google Play,, Wikipedia,,,, // @namespace cuzi // @icon // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @require // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // @version 27 // @connect // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match*/ // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match http://localhost:7878/* // ==/UserScript== /* global GM, $, Image, DOMParser */ /* jshint asi: true, esversion: 8 */ const baseURL = '' const baseURLsearch = baseURL + '/s/autocompletefilm?q={query}&limit=20×tamp={timestamp}' const baseURLopenTab = baseURL + '/search/{query}/' const baseURLratingHistogram = baseURL + '/csi{url}rating-histogram/' const baseURLposter = baseURL + '/ajax/poster{film_url}std/70x105/' const cacheExpireAfterHours = 4 function minutesSince (time) { const seconds = ((new Date()).getTime() - time.getTime()) / 1000 return seconds > 60 ? parseInt(seconds / 60) + ' min ago' : 'now' } function fixLetterboxdURLs (html) { return html.replace(/<a /g, '<a target="_blank" ').replace(/href="\//g, 'href="' + baseURL + '/').replace(/src="\//g, 'src="' + baseURL + '/') } function filterUniversalUrl (url) { try { url = url.match(/http.+/)[0] } catch (e) { } try { url = url.replace(/https?:\/\/(www.)?/, '') } catch (e) { } if (url.startsWith('') && url.match(/(imdb\.com\/\w+\/\w+\/)/)) { // Remove movie subpage from imdb url return url.match(/(imdb\.com\/\w+\/\w+\/)/)[1] } else if (url.startsWith('') && url.indexOf('id=') !== -1) { // Keep the important id= on try { const parts = url.split('?') const page = parts[0] + '?' const idparam = parts[1].match(/(id=.+?)(\.|&)/)[1] return page + idparam } catch (e) { return url } } else { // Default: Remove parameters return url.split('?')[0].split('&')[0] } } const parseLDJSONCache = {} function parseLDJSON (keys, condition) { if (document.querySelector('script[type="application/ld+json"]')) { const xmlEntitiesElement = document.createElement('div') const xmlEntitiesPattern = /&(?:#x[a-f0-9]+|#[0-9]+|[a-z0-9]+);?/ig const xmlEntities = function (s) { s = s.replace(xmlEntitiesPattern, (m) => { xmlEntitiesElement.innerHTML = m return xmlEntitiesElement.textContent }) return s } const decodeXmlEntities = function (jsonObj) { // Traverse through object, decoding all strings if (jsonObj !== null && typeof jsonObj === 'object') { Object.entries(jsonObj).forEach(([key, value]) => { // key is either an array index or object key jsonObj[key] = decodeXmlEntities(value) }) } else if (typeof jsonObj === 'string') { return xmlEntities(jsonObj) } return jsonObj } const data = [] const scripts = document.querySelectorAll('script[type="application/ld+json"]') for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { let jsonld if (scripts[i].innerText in parseLDJSONCache) { jsonld = parseLDJSONCache[scripts[i].innerText] } else { try { jsonld = JSON.parse(scripts[i].innerText) parseLDJSONCache[scripts[i].innerText] = jsonld } catch (e) { parseLDJSONCache[scripts[i].innerText] = null continue } } if (jsonld) { if (Array.isArray(jsonld)) { data.push(...jsonld) } else { data.push(jsonld) } } } for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { try { if (data[i] && data[i] && (typeof condition !== 'function' || condition(data[i]))) { if (Array.isArray(keys)) { const r = [] for (let j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { r.push(data[i][keys[j]]) } return decodeXmlEntities(r) } else if (keys) { return decodeXmlEntities(data[i][keys]) } else if (typeof condition === 'function') { return decodeXmlEntities(data[i]) // Return whole object } } } catch (e) { continue } } return decodeXmlEntities(data) } return null } async function addToWhiteList (letterboxdUrl) { const whitelist = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('whitelist', '{}')) const docUrl = filterUniversalUrl(document.location.href) whitelist[docUrl] = letterboxdUrl await GM.setValue('whitelist', JSON.stringify(whitelist)) } async function removeFromWhiteList () { const whitelist = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('whitelist', '{}')) const docUrl = filterUniversalUrl(document.location.href) if (docUrl in whitelist) { delete whitelist[docUrl] await GM.setValue('whitelist', JSON.stringify(whitelist)) } } const current = { type: null, query: null, year: null } async function searchMovie (query, type, year, forceList) { // Load data from letterboxd search API or from cache current.type = type current.query = query current.year = year let whitelist = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('whitelist', '{}')) if (forceList) { whitelist = {} } const docUrl = filterUniversalUrl(document.location.href) if (docUrl in whitelist) { return loadMovieRating({ url: whitelist[docUrl] }) } const url = baseURLsearch.replace('{query}', encodeURIComponent(query)).replace('{timestamp}', encodeURIComponent( const cache = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('cache', '{}')) // Delete cached values, that are expired for (const prop in cache) { if ((new Date()).getTime() - (new Date(cache[prop].time)).getTime() > cacheExpireAfterHours * 60 * 60 * 1000) { delete cache[prop] } } // Check cache or request new content if (url in cache) { // Use cached response handleSearchResponse(cache[url], forceList) } else { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url, onload: function (response) { // Save to chache response.time = (new Date()).toJSON() // Chrome fix: Otherwise JSON.stringify(cache) omits responseText const newobj = {} for (const key in response) { newobj[key] = response[key] } newobj.responseText = response.responseText cache[url] = newobj GM.setValue('cache', JSON.stringify(cache)) handleSearchResponse(response, forceList) }, onerror: function (response) { console.log('ShowLetterboxd: GM.xmlHttpRequest Error: ' + response.status + '\nURL: ' + url + '\nResponse:\n' + response.responseText) } }) } } function handleSearchResponse (response, forceList) { // Handle GM.xmlHttpRequest response const r###lt = JSON.parse(response.responseText) if (forceList && (r###lt.r###lt === false || ! || ! { window.alert('Letterboxd userscript\n\nNo r###lts for ' + current.query) } else if (r###lt.r###lt === false || ! || ! { console.log('ShowLetterboxd: No r###lts for ' + current.query) } else if (!forceList && === 1) { loadMovieRating([0]) } else { // Sort r###lts by closest match function matchQuality (title, year, originalTitle) { if (title === current.query && year === current.year) { return 105 + year } if (originalTitle && originalTitle === current.query && year === current.year) { return 104 + year } if (title === current.query && current.year) { return 103 - Math.abs(year - current.year) } if (originalTitle && originalTitle === current.query && current.year) { return 102 - Math.abs(year - current.year) } if (title.replace(/\(.+\)/, '').trim() === current.query && current.year) { return 101 - Math.abs(year - current.year) } if (originalTitle && originalTitle.replace(/\(.+\)/, '').trim() === current.query && current.year) { return 100 - Math.abs(year - current.year) } if (title === current.query) { return 12 } if (originalTitle && originalTitle === current.query) { return 11 } if (title.replace(/\(.+\)/, '').trim() === current.query) { return 10 } if (originalTitle && originalTitle.replace(/\(.+\)/, '').trim() === current.query) { return 9 } if (title.startsWith(current.query)) { return 8 } if (originalTitle && originalTitle.startsWith(current.query)) { return 7 } if (current.query.indexOf(title) !== -1) { return 6 } if (originalTitle && current.query.indexOf(originalTitle) !== -1) { return 5 } if (title.indexOf(current.query) !== -1) { return 4 } if (originalTitle && originalTitle.indexOf(current.query) !== -1) { return 3 } if (current.query.toLowerCase().indexOf(title.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { return 2 } if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf(current.query.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { return 1 } return 0 } (a, b) { if (!, 'matchQuality')) { a.matchQuality = matchQuality(, a.releaseYear, a.originalName) } if (!, 'matchQuality')) { b.matchQuality = matchQuality(, b.releaseYear, b.originalName) } return b.matchQuality - a.matchQuality }) if (!forceList && > 1 &&[0].matchQuality > 100 &&[1].matchQuality <[0].matchQuality) { loadMovieRating([0]) } else { showMovieList(, new Date(response.time)) } } } function showMovieList (arr, time) { // Show a small box in the right lower corner const parser = new DOMParser() $('#mcdiv321letterboxd').remove() const div = $('<div id="mcdiv321letterboxd"></div>').appendTo(document.body) div.css({ position: 'fixed', bottom: 0, right: 0, minWidth: 100, maxHeight: '80%', overflow: 'auto', backgroundColor: '#fff', border: '2px solid #bbb', borderRadius: ' 6px', boxShadow: '0 0 3px 3px rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.2)', color: '#000', padding: ' 3px', zIndex: '5010001', fontFamily: 'Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif' }) const imgFrame = function imgFrameFct (filmUrl, scale) { if (!filmUrl) { return } console.log(filmUrl) const url = baseURLposter.replace('{film_url}', filmUrl) console.log(url) const id = 'iframeimg' + Math.random() const mWidth = 180.0 * scale - 45.0 const mHeight = 180.0 * scale - 25 let html = '<iframe id="' + id + '" sandbox scrolling="no" src="' + url + '" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" style="vertical-align:middle; padding:0px; border:none; display:inline; max-width:125px; margin-top:' + (40.0 * scale - 40.0) + '%; margin-left:' + (40.0 * scale - 40.0) + '%; transform:scale(' + scale + '); transform-origin:bottom right"></iframe> ' html += '<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:' + mWidth + 'px;height:' + mHeight + 'px"></div> ' GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url, onload: function (response) { const html = '<base href="' + baseURL + '">' + response.responseText if (html.indexOf('srcset=')) { const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html') const image = doc.querySelector('img.image') const img = new Image() img.src = image.src img.srcset = image.srcset = mWidth + 'px' = mHeight + 'px' document.getElementById(id).parentNode.replaceChild(img, document.getElementById(id)) } else { document.getElementById(id).src = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(html) } } }) return html } // First r###lt console.log(arr[0]) const first = $('<div style="position:relative"><a style="font-size:small; color:#136CB2; " href="' + baseURL + arr[0].url + '">' + imgFrame(arr[0].url, 0.75) + '<div style="max-width:350px;display:inline-block">' + arr[0].name + (arr[0].originalTitle ? ' [' + arr[0].originalTitle + ']' : '') + (arr[0].releaseYear ? ' (' + arr[0].releaseYear + ')' : '') + '</div></a></div>').click(selectMovie).appendTo(div) first[0] = JSON.stringify(arr[0]) // Shall the following r###lts be collapsed by default? let more = null if ((arr.length > 1 && arr[0].matchQuality > 10) || arr.length > 10) { $('<span style="color:gray;font-size: x-small">More r###lts...</span>').appendTo(div).click(function () { more.css('display', 'block'); this.parentNode.removeChild(this) }) more = $('<div style="display:none"></div>').appendTo(div) } else { more = $('<div></div>').appendTo(div) } // More r###lts for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { const entry = $('<div style="position:relative"><a style="font-size:small; color:#136CB2; " href="' + baseURL + arr[i].url + '">' + imgFrame(arr[i].url, 0.5) + '<div style="max-width:350px;display:inline-block">' + arr[i].name + (arr[i].originalTitle ? ' [' + arr[i].originalTitle + ']' : '') + (arr[0].releaseYear ? ' (' + arr[0].releaseYear + ')' : '') + '</div></a></div>').click(selectMovie).appendTo(more) entry[0] = JSON.stringify(arr[i]) } // Footer const sub = $('<div></div>').appendTo(div) $('<time style="color:#789; font-size: 11px;" datetime="' + time + '" title="' + time.toLocaleTimeString() + ' ' + time.toLocaleDateString() + '">' + minutesSince(time) + '</time>').appendTo(sub) $('<a style="color:#789; font-size: 11px;" target="_blank" href="' + baseURLopenTab.replace('{query}', encodeURIComponent(current.query)) + '" title="Open Letterboxd"></a>').appendTo(sub) $('<span title="Hide me" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; color:#789; font-size: 11px; padding-left:5px;padding-top:3px">❎</span>').appendTo(sub).click(function () { document.body.removeChild(this.parentNode.parentNode) }) } function selectMovie (ev) { ev.preventDefault() $('#mcdiv321letterboxd').html('Loading...') const data = JSON.parse( loadMovieRating(data) addToWhiteList(data.url) } async function loadMovieRating (data) { // Load page from letterboxd if ('name' in data) { current.query = } if ('releaseYear' in data) { current.year = data.releaseYear } const url = baseURLratingHistogram.replace('{url}', data.url) const cache = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('cache', '{}')) // Delete cached values, that are expired for (const prop in cache) { if ((new Date()).getTime() - (new Date(cache[prop].time)).getTime() > cacheExpireAfterHours * 60 * 60 * 1000) { delete cache[prop] } } // Check cache or request new content if (url in cache) { // Use cached response showMovieRating(cache[url], data.url, data) } else { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url, onload: function (response) { // Save to chache response.time = (new Date()).toJSON() // Chrome fix: Otherwise JSON.stringify(cache) omits responseText const newobj = {} for (const key in response) { newobj[key] = response[key] } newobj.responseText = response.responseText cache[url] = newobj GM.setValue('cache', JSON.stringify(cache)) showMovieRating(newobj, data.url, data) }, onerror: function (response) { console.log('ShowLetterboxd: GM.xmlHttpRequest Error: ' + response.status + '\nURL: ' + url + '\nResponse:\n' + response.responseText) } }) } } function showMovieRating (response, letterboxdUrl, otherData) { // Show a small box in the right lower corner const time = new Date(response.time) $('#mcdiv321letterboxd').remove() const div = $('<div id="mcdiv321letterboxd"></div>').appendTo(document.body) div.css({ position: 'fixed', bottom: 0, right: 0, width: 230, minHeight: 44, color: '#789', padding: ' 3px', zIndex: '5010001', fontFamily: 'Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif' }) const CSS = `<style> .rating { display: inline-block; height: 16px; background: url( no-repeat -290px -90px; background-position-x: -290px; background-position-y: -90px; text-indent: 110%; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; } .rating-green .rating{ background-position:-450px -50px } .rating-green .rated-0{ width:0 } .rating-green .rated-1{ width:13px; background-position:-515px -50px } .rating-green .rated-2{ width:12px } .rating-green .rated-3{ width:26px; background-position:-502px -50px } .rating-green .rated-4{ width:25px } .rating-green .rated-5{ width:39px; background-position:-489px -50px } .rating-green .rated-6{ width:38px } .rating-green .rated-7{ width:52px; background-position:-476px -50px } .rating-green .rated-8{ width:51px } .rating-green .rated-9{ width:65px; background-position:-463px -50px } .rating-green .rated-10{ width:64px } .rating-green-tiny .rating{ background-position:-350px -380px; height:9px } .rating-green-tiny .rated-2{ width:9px } .rating-green-tiny .rated-10{ width:49px } .rating-histogram,.rating-histogram ul{ height:44px } .rating-histogram .rating-1,.rating-histogram .rating-5{ position:absolute; bottom:0; display:block; height:9px } .rating-histogram .rating-1 .rating,.rating-histogram .rating-5 .rating{ display:block } .rating-histogram .rating-1{ left:0 } .rating-histogram .rating-5{ right:0 } .rating-histogram ul{ width:200px; left:15px } .rating-histogram ul,.rating-histogram ul li{ display:block; overflow:hidden; position:absolute; bottom:0 } .rating-histogram ul li{ height:1px; width:30px; height:100%; font-size:10px; line-height:1; text-indent:110%; white-space:nowrap; border-bottom:0px } #mcdiv321letterboxd:hover .rating-histogram ul li{ border-bottom:2px solid green } .rating-histogram i{ background:#456; border-top-right-radius:2px; border-top-left-radius:2px } .rating-histogram a,.rating-histogram i{ width:100%; position:absolute; bottom:0; left:0 } .rating-histogram a{ display:block; top:0; right:0; background:none; padding:0; color:#789 } .rating-histogram a:link,.rating-histogram a:visited{ color:#789; text-decoration:none } .rating-histogram a:hover i{ background-color:#678 } .ratings-histogram-chart .section-heading{ margin-bottom:15px } .ratings-histogram-chart .average-rating{ position:absolute; top:8px; left:188px; z-index:1 } .ratings-histogram-chart .average-rating .display-rating{ display:block; font-size:20px; text-align:center; color:#789; margin-left:1px; line-height:40px; width:33px; height:33px; border-radius:20px; font-family:Graphik-Light-Web,sans-serif; font-weight:400 } .rating-histogram { overflow:hidden; color:#9ab; display:block; width: 230px; height: 44px; position: relative } .ratings-histogram-chart .all-link.more-link { font-size:10px; position:absolute; top:0; left:180px; } .rating-histogram.clear { visibility: visible !important; } #mcdiv321letterboxd .footer { display:none; } #mcdiv321letterboxd:hover .footer { display:block; } #mcdiv321letterboxd { border:none; border-radius: 0px; background-color:transparent; transition:bottom 0.7s, background-color 0.5s, height 0.5s; } #mcdiv321letterboxd:hover { border-radius: 4px; background-color:rgb(44, 52, 64) } /* Fixes/Resets for interfering site css */ #mcdiv321letterboxd .tooltip{ border: none; box-shadow:none; background-color:transparent; opacity:1.0; white-space: nowrap; } </style>` $(CSS).appendTo(div) const section = $(fixLetterboxdURLs(response.responseText)).appendTo(div) section.find('h2').remove() let identName = current.query let identYear = current.year ? ' (' + current.year + ')' : '' let identOriginalName = '' let identDirector = '' if (otherData) { if ('name' in otherData && { identName = } if ('year' in otherData && otherData.year) { identYear = ' (' + otherData.year + ')' } if ('originalName' in otherData && otherData.originalName) { identOriginalName = ' "' + otherData.originalName + '"' } if ('directors' in otherData) { identDirector = [] for (let i = 0; i < otherData.directors.length; i++) { if ('name' in otherData.directors[i]) { identDirector.push(otherData.directors[i].name) } } if (identDirector) { identDirector = '<br><span style="font-size:10px">Dir. ' + identDirector.join(', ') + '</span>' } else { identDirector = '' } } } // Footer const sub = $('<div class="footer"></div>').appendTo(div) $('<span style="color:#789; font-size: 11px">' + identName + identOriginalName + identYear + identDirector + '</span>').appendTo(sub) $('<br>').appendTo(sub) $('<time style="color:#789; font-size: 11px;" datetime="' + time + '" title="' + time.toLocaleTimeString() + ' ' + time.toLocaleDateString() + '">' + minutesSince(time) + '</time>').appendTo(sub) $('<a style="color:#789; font-size: 11px;" target="_blank" href="' + baseURL + letterboxdUrl + '" title="Open Letterboxd"></a>').appendTo(sub) $('<span title="Hide me" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; color:#789; font-size: 11px">❎</span>').appendTo(sub).click(function () { document.getElementById('mcdiv321letterboxd').remove() }) $('<span title="Wrong movie!" style="cursor:pointer; float:right; color:#789; font-size: 11px">🙅</span>').appendTo(sub).click(function () { removeFromWhiteList() searchMovie(current.query, current.type, current.year, true) }) $('<span style="clear:right">').appendTo(sub) } const Always = () => true const sites = { googleplay: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [ { condition: () => ~document.location.href.indexOf('/movies/details/'), type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector('*[itemprop=name]').textContent } ] }, imdb: { host: [''], condition: () => !~document.location.pathname.indexOf('/mediaviewer') && !~document.location.pathname.indexOf('/mediaindex') && !~document.location.pathname.indexOf('/videoplayer'), products: [ { condition: function () { const e = document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']") if (e && e.content === '') { return true } else if (document.querySelector('[data-testid="hero__pageTitle"]') && !document.querySelector('[data-testid="hero-subnav-bar-left-block"] a[href*="episodes/"]')) { return true } return false }, type: 'movie', data: function () { let year = null if (document.querySelector('script[type="application/ld+json"]')) { const ld = parseLDJSON(['name', 'alternateName', 'datePublished']) if (ld.length > 2) { year = parseInt(ld[2].match(/\d{4}/)[0]) } if (ld.length > 1 && ld[1]) { console.debug('ShowLetterboxd: Movie ld+json alternateName', ld[1], year) return [ld[1], year] } console.debug('ShowLetterboxd: Movie ld+json name', ld[0], year) return [ld[0], year] } else { const m = document.title.match(/(.+?)\s+(\((\d+)\))? - /) console.debug('ShowLetterboxd: Movie <title>', [m[1], m[3]]) return [m[1], parseInt(m[3])] } } } ] }, metacritic: { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']"), products: [{ condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content === '', type: 'movie', data: function () { let year = null if (document.querySelector('.release_year')) { year = parseInt(document.querySelector('.release_year').firstChild.textContent) } else if (document.querySelector('.release_data .data')) { year = document.querySelector('.release_data .data').textContent.match(/(\d{4})/)[1] } return [document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content, year] } }] }, amazon: { host: ['amazon.'], condition: Always, products: [{ condition: () => document.querySelector('[data-automation-id=title]'), type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector('[data-automation-id=title]').textContent.trim().replace(/\[.{1,8}\]/, '') }, { condition: () => document.querySelector('#watchNowContainer a[href*="/gp/video/"]'), type: 'movie', data: () => document.getElementById('productTitle').textContent.trim() }] }, BoxOfficeMojo: { host: [''], condition: () => Always, products: [ { condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/release/'), type: 'movie', data: function () { let year = null const cells = document.querySelectorAll('#body .mojo-summary-values .a-section span') for (let i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { if (~cells[i].innerText.indexOf('Release Date')) { year = parseInt(cells[i].nextElementSibling.textContent.match(/\d{4}/)[0]) break } } return [document.querySelector('meta[name=title]').content, year] } }, { condition: () =>'id=') && document.querySelector('#body table:nth-child(2) tr:first-child b'), type: 'movie', data: function () { let year = null try { const tds = document.querySelectorAll('#body table:nth-child(2) tr:first-child table table table td') for (let i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) { if (~tds[i].innerText.indexOf('Release Date')) { year = parseInt(tds[i].innerText.match(/\d{4}/)[0]) break } } } catch (e) { } return [document.querySelector('#body table:nth-child(2) tr:first-child b').firstChild.textContent, year] } }] }, AllMovie: { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelector(''), products: [{ condition: () => document.querySelector(''), type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector('').firstChild.textContent.trim() }] }, 'en.wikipedia': { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [{ condition: function () { if (!document.querySelector('.infobox .summary')) { return false } const r = /\d\d\d\d films/ return $('#catlinks a').filter((i, e) => e.firstChild.textContent.match(r)).length }, type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector('.infobox .summary').firstChild.textContent }] }, fandango: { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']"), products: [{ condition: Always, type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content.match(/(.+?)\s+\(\d{4}\)/)[1].trim() }] }, flixster: { host: [''], condition: () => Always, products: [{ condition: () => parseLDJSON('@type') === 'Movie', type: 'movie', data: () => parseLDJSON('name', (j) => (j['@type'] === 'Movie')) }] }, themoviedb: { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']"), products: [{ condition: () => document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content === 'movie' || document.querySelector("meta[property='og:type']").content === '', type: 'movie', data: function () { let year = null try { year = parseInt(document.querySelector('.release_date').innerText.match(/\d{4}/)[0]) } catch (e) {} return [document.querySelector("meta[property='og:title']").content, year] } }] }, rottentomatoes: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [{ condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/m/'), type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector('h1').firstChild.textContent } ] }, nme: { host: [''], condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/reviews/'), products: [{ condition: () => document.querySelector('.tdb-breadcrumbs a[href*="/reviews/film-reviews"]'), type: 'movie', data: function () { let year = null try { year = parseInt(document.querySelector('*[itemprop=datePublished]').content.match(/\d{4}/)[0]) } catch (e) {} try { return [document.title.match(/[‘'](.+?)[’']/)[1], year] } catch (e) { try { return [document.querySelector('h1.tdb-title-text').textContent.match(/[‘'](.+?)[’']/)[1], year] } catch (e) { return [document.querySelector('h1').textContent.match(/:\s*(.+)/)[1].trim(), year] } } } }] }, TheTVDB: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [{ condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/movies/'), type: 'movie', data: () => document.getElementById('series_title').firstChild.textContent.trim() }] }, itunes: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [{ condition: () => ~document.location.href.indexOf('/movie/'), type: 'movie', data: () => parseLDJSON('name', (j) => (j['@type'] === 'Movie')) }] }, RlsBB: { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelectorAll('.post').length === 1, products: [ { condition: () => document.querySelector('#post-wrapper .entry-meta a[href*="/category/movies/"]'), type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector('h1.entry-title').textContent.match(/(.+?)\s+\d{4}/)[1].trim() }] }, showtime: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [ { condition: () => parseLDJSON('@type') === 'Movie', type: 'movie', data: () => parseLDJSON('name', (j) => (j['@type'] === 'Movie')) }] }, gog: { host: [''], condition: () => document.querySelector('.productcard-basics__title'), products: [{ condition: () => document.location.pathname.split('/').length > 2 && ( document.location.pathname.split('/')[1] === 'movie' || document.location.pathname.split('/')[2] === 'movie'), type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector('.productcard-basics__title').textContent }] }, psapm: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [ { condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/movie/'), type: 'movie', data: function () { const title = document.querySelector('h1').textContent.trim() const m = title.match(/(.+)\((\d+)\)$/) if (m) { return [m[1].trim(), parseInt(m[2])] } else { return title } } }] }, '': { host: [''], condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/STV/M/obj/archive/'), products: [ { condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/STV/M/obj/archive/'), type: 'movie', data: function () { let title = null if (document.querySelector("span[data-bind='text:OrigTitle']")) { title = document.querySelector("span[data-bind='text:OrigTitle']").textContent } else { title = document.querySelector("h2[data-bind='text:Title']").textContent } let year = null if (document.querySelector("span[data-bind='text:ProductionYear']")) { year = parseInt(document.querySelector("span[data-bind='text:ProductionYear']").textContent) } return [title, year] } } ] }, wikiwand: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [{ condition: function () { const title = document.querySelector('h1').textContent.toLowerCase() const subtitle = document.querySelector('h2[class*="subtitle"]') ? document.querySelector('h2[class*="subtitle"]').textContent.toLowerCase() : '' if (title.indexOf('film') === -1 && !subtitle) { return false } return title.indexOf('film') !== -1 || subtitle.indexOf('film') !== -1 || subtitle.indexOf('movie') !== -1 }, type: 'movie', data: () => document.querySelector('h1').textContent.replace(/\((\d{4} )?film\)/i, '').trim() }] }, trakt: { host: [''], condition: Always, products: [ { condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/movies/'), type: 'movie', data: function () { const title = Array.from(document.querySelector('.summary h1').childNodes).filter(node => node.nodeType === node.TEXT_NODE).map(node => node.textContent).join(' ').trim() const year = document.querySelector('.summary h1 .year').textContent return [title, year] } } ] }, radarr: { host: ['*'], condition: () => document.location.pathname.startsWith('/movie/'), products: [{ condition: () => document.querySelector('[class*="MovieDetails-title"] span'), type: 'movie', data: () => { let year = null if (document.querySelector('[class*="MovieDetails-yea"] span')) { year = document.querySelector('[class*="MovieDetails-yea"] span').textContent.trim() } return [document.querySelector('[class*="MovieDetails-title"] span').textContent.trim(), year] } }] } } function main () { let dataFound = false for (const name in sites) { const site = sites[name] if ( (e) { return ~this.indexOf(e) || e === '*' }, document.location.hostname) && site.condition()) { for (let i = 0; i < site.products.length; i++) { if (site.products[i].condition()) { // Try to retrieve item name from page let data try { data = site.products[i].data() } catch (e) { data = false console.error(`ShowLetterboxd: Error in data() of site='${name}', type='${site.products[i].type}'`) console.error(e) } if (data) { if (Array.isArray(data)) { if (data[1]) { searchMovie(data[0].trim(), site.products[i].type, parseInt(data[1])) } else { searchMovie(data.trim(), site.products[i].type) } } else { searchMovie(data.trim(), site.products[i].type) } dataFound = true } break } } break } } return dataFound } async function adaptForRottentomatoesScript () { // Move this container above the rottentomatoes container and if the meta container is on the right side above both const letterC = 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main() if (!re) { // No page matched or no data found window.setTimeout(newpage, 1000) } } } window.setInterval(function () { adaptForRottentomatoesScript() if (document.location.href !== lastLoc) { lastLoc = document.location.href $('#mcdiv321letterboxd').remove() window.setTimeout(newpage, 1000) } }, 500) if (!firstRunR###lt) { // Initial run had no match, let's try again there may be new content window.setTimeout(main, 2000) } })()