Greasy Fork is available in English.

#### ####AdBlock

Acts like ####AdBlock.js but always says that no adblock was detected.

// ==UserScript==// @name            #### ####AdBlock// @author          Mechazawa// @namespace       Mechazawa// @description     Acts like ####AdBlock.js but always says that no adblock was detected.// @license         WTFPl// @version         7// @include         *// @run-at          document-start// @grant           none// ==/UserScript==(function(window) {var debug = false;var ####AdBlock = function(options) {if(options !== undefined)this.setOption(options);var self = this;window.addEventListener('load', function() {setTimeout(function() {if(self._options.checkOnLoad === true)self.check(false);}, 1);}, false);// hotfixthis.debug = {set: function(x){ debug = !!x; return self;},get: function(){ return debug; }};};####AdBlock.prototype = {setOption : function(options, value) {if(value !== undefined) {var key = options;options = {};options[key] = value;}for(var option in options)this._options[option] = options[option];return this;},_options : {checkOnLoad:    true,resetOnEnd:     true,},_var : {triggers: []},check : function(ignore) {this.emitEvent(false);return true;},clearEvent : function() {this._var.triggers = [];},emitEvent : function(detected) {if(detected === false) {var fns = this._var.triggers;for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i += 1) {if (fns[i] instanceof Function) { fns[i](); }}if(this._options.resetOnEnd === true)this.clearEvent();}return this;},on : function(detected, fn) {if(detected === false)this._var.triggers.push(fn);return this;},onDetected : function(fn) {return this;},onNotDetected : function(fn) {return this.on(false, fn);}};var #### = new ####AdBlock();for (var field in ####) {Object.defineProperty(####, field, {value: ####[field], configurable: false});}Object.defineProperties(window, {####AdBlock : { value: ####, enumerable: true, writable: false }});Object.defineProperties(window, {blockAdBlock : { value: ####, enumerable: true, writable: false }});Object.defineProperties(window, {sniffAdBlock : { value: ####, enumerable: true, writable: false }});Object.defineProperties(window, {duckAdBlock : { value: ####, enumerable: true, writable: false }});Object.defineProperties(window, {############AdBlock : { value: ####, enumerable: true, writable: false }});})(window);