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View image button for google images

Brings back the view image button that google removed for some reason

// ==UserScript==// @name         View image button for google images// @namespace    https://github.com/ehrenjn/// @version      1.2// @description  Brings back the view image button that google removed for some reason// @author       Ehren Julien-Neitzert// @include      /https://www\.?google\..+?/search/// @grant        none// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';if (isGoogleImgs()) {makeObserver();}//adds view image buttons to all immersive containers (usually 3 of them)function addButtons() {var containers = document.getElementsByClassName('immersive-container');for (let c = 0; c < containers.length; c++) { //put a button in each immersive containervar container = containers[c];var table = container.getElementsByClassName('irc_but_r')[0];var row = table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[0];var oldLinks = table.getElementsByClassName('viewImg');for (let l = 0; l < oldLinks.length; l++) { //get rid of the old view image buttonoldLinks[l].remove();}var newBtn = document.createElement('td');newBtn.setAttribute('class', 'viewImg');var btnLink = document.createElement('a');btnLink.href = container.getElementsByClassName('irc_mi')[0].src;newBtn.appendChild(btnLink);var text = document.createElement('span');text.innerText = "View image";btnLink.appendChild(text);row.childNodes[0].after(newBtn);}}//creates a mutation observer that adds view image buttons every time an image is clickedfunction makeObserver() {var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutation){observer.disconnect();addButtons();reconnect(this);});reconnect(observer);function reconnect(observer) {var config = {'childList': true,'subtree': true};observer.observe(document, config);}}//checks if we're on google imagesfunction isGoogleImgs() {return document.getElementsByClassName('rg_ic').length !== 0;}})();