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greasyfork configuration toolbar on the script addins

此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/389774/921639/gm_config_toolbar.js

James dock
8.1 KB


Any libs I made to help with userscript development.


A lib that provides an API to store and retrieve userscript settings, and also provides a UI for users to modify them.

GM_config(settings, storage = 'cfg')


To use this library, require gm_config.js. You must also grant GM_getValue and GM_setValue for it to function. If you want to hook it up to a GreaseMonkey menu command you should also grant GM_registerMenuCommand.


// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @require      https://gitcdn.link/repo/kufii/My-UserScripts/fa4555701cf5a22eae44f06d9848df6966788fa8/libs/gm_config.js
const Config = GM_config([
key: 'opt1'
label: 'Textbox Option',
type: 'text'
}, {
key: 'opt2',
label: 'Checkbox Option',
type: 'bool',
}, {
key: 'opt3',
label: 'Dropdown Option',
default: 4,
type: 'dropdown',
values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


settings: An array of settings objects.
storage: Optional. Defines what variable the settings will be stored under. Default is cfg.

Settings Objects:

Common Options:

// The key for the setting.
key: 'mysetting',
// The label that'll be used for the setting in the UI.
label: 'Enter Value',
// Optional. The default value for the setting.
default: 'default',
// What type of setting it is.
type: 'text|number|dropdown|bool|hidden'

Type Specific Options:

text: Shows a textbox.

// Optional. Placeholder text for the textbox.
placeholder: 'Placeholder',
// Optional. Sets the max length of the textbox.
maxLength: 10,
// Optional. If true, shows a textarea instead of a text input. Defaults to false.
multiline: true,
// Optional. Only applicable when multiline is true. If true the textarea will be resizable. Defaults to false.
resizable: true

number: Show a number spinner.

// Optional. Placeholder text for the number spinner.
placeholder: 'Placeholder',
// Optional. The minimum value.
min: 0,
// Optional. The maximum value.
max: 10,
// Optional. The increment size. Defaults to 1.
step: 0.01

dropdown: Shows a dropdown list.

// The list of possible options for the dropdown. Each entry can be a value, an object with a text and value property, or an optgroup object.
values: [
{ value: 2, text: 'Option 2'},
optgroup: 'Group',
values: [
{ value: 4, text: 'Option 4'},
// Optional. If true show a blank option. Defaults to false.
showBlank: true

bool: Shows a checkbox.

hidden: Hide the setting from the UI.


load(): Returns an object containing the currently stored settings.
save(cfg): Takes a configuration object and saves it to storage.
setup(): Initializes a UI for the user to modify the settings.

Using the UI:

You can hook the setup to a GreaseMonkey menu command by granting GM_registerMenuCommand and doing the following:

GM_registerMenuCommand('Command Text', Config.setup);


GM_config has the following events:

onchange(key, value): Fires when a user changes a setting, but before saving.
onsave(cfg): Fires when the user clicks save.
oncancel(cfg): Fires when the user clicks cancel.


Config.onchange = (key, value) => console.log(key, value);