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A dark mode for Instagram
// ==UserScript== // @name Instagram Dark Mode // @namespace // @version 0.2 // @description A dark mode for Instagram // @author Amenly // @match homepage // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function addGlobalStyle(css) { var head, style; head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!head) { return; } style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.innerHTML = css; head.appendChild(style); } addGlobalStyle('._3Laht, .o64aR { background-color: #26282b !important; }'); //main background addGlobalStyle('._lz6s { background-color: #353941 !important; }'); //gray header addGlobalStyle('.Di7vw { background: #50728c !important; }'); //search bar background addGlobalStyle('.Di7vw { border: solid 1px #50728c !important; }'); //search bar border addGlobalStyle('.pbgfb { color: #999999 !important; }'); //'Search' text addGlobalStyle('.x3qfX { background-color: #50728c !important; }'); //search bar background after clicking addGlobalStyle('.XTCLo { border: solid 1px #50728c !important; }'); //search bar border after clicking addGlobalStyle('.fuqBx { background-color: #353941 !important; }'); //search r###lts background after clicking addGlobalStyle('.JvDyy { background: #50728c !important; }'); //search r###lt during mouse hover addGlobalStyle('.Ap253 { color: #5f85db !important; }'); //handle text color in search r###lt addGlobalStyle('.Fy4o8 { color: #90b8f8 !important; }'); //username text color in search r###lt addGlobalStyle('.L3NKy, a.L3NKy, a.L3NKy:visited { background-color: #50728c !important; }'); //'Log In' background addGlobalStyle('a.tdiEy, a.tdiEy:visited { color: #50728c !important; }'); //'Sign Up' addGlobalStyle('.-fzfL { border-color: #50728c !important; }'); //'Following' border color addGlobalStyle('.-fzfL { color: #50728c !important; }'); //'Following' text color addGlobalStyle('.KV-D4 { color: #5F85DB !important; }'); //handle color addGlobalStyle('.g47SY { color: #90b8f8 !important; }'); //#posts, #followers, #following addGlobalStyle('.-nal3, .-nal3:active, .-nal3:hover, .-nal3:visited { color: #5F85DB !important; }'); //posts, followers, following addGlobalStyle('._32eiM, ._32eiM:visited { color: #5f85db !important; }'); //'Followed by ____ + x more' addGlobalStyle('.zwlfE { color: #5f85db !important; }'); //username color addGlobalStyle('a.T-jvg, a.T-jvg:visited { color #50728c !important; }'); //'POSTS' addGlobalStyle('a, a:visited { color: #50728c !important; }'); //'TAGGED' addGlobalStyle('.T-jvg { border-top: 1px solid #999999 !important; }'); // line above 'POSTS' addGlobalStyle('._3G4x7 { color: #50728c !important; }'); //'LANGUAGES' addGlobalStyle('.DINPA { color: #90b8f8 !important; }'); //'INSTAGRAM FROM FACEBOOK' addGlobalStyle('.eXle2 { color: #90b8f8 !important; }'); //text color of highlight names //for pages with 'Requested' addGlobalStyle ('._8A5w5, a._8A5w5, a._8A5w5:visited { border: 1px solid #50728c !important; color: #50728c !important; }'); //'Requested' border and 'Requested' text color addGlobalStyle('._4Kbb_ { border: 1px solid #50728c !important; }'); //blank space border addGlobalStyle('._4Kbb_ { background-color: #353941 !important; }'); //blank space addGlobalStyle('.tHaIX { background-color: #26282b !important; }'); //lower blank space addGlobalStyle('._41KYi { background: #353941 !important; }'); //profile blank space addGlobalStyle('._41KYi { border: 1px solid #50728c !important; }'); //profile space border addGlobalStyle('.Qj3-a, .Qj3-a:visited { color: #50728c !important; }'); //profile space--handle color addGlobalStyle('._7cyhW { color: #90b8f8 !important; }'); //profile space--username color addGlobalStyle('.L3NKy, a.L3NKy, a.L3NKy:visited { background-color: #90b8f8 !important; }'); //profile space--follow button background addGlobalStyle('.L3NKy, a.L3NKy, a.L3NKy:visited { border: #50728c !important; }'); //profile space--follow button border addGlobalStyle('.L3NKy, a.L3NKy, a.L3NKy:visited { color: #50728c !important; }'); //profile space--follow text color addGlobalStyle('.Rebts { color: #5F85DB !important; }'); //'Suggestions For You' addGlobalStyle('.VIsJD, .rkEop { color: #5F85DB !important; }'); //'This Account is Private' //annoying white line addGlobalStyle('.Nd_Rl, .fx7hk { border-top: 1px solid #50728c !important; }'); // annoying white line //for pages you have neither followed nor requested to follow addGlobalStyle('.jIbKX, .m4t9r.jIbKX { background: #90b8f8 !important; color: #353941 !important; }'); //'Follow' + Drop down addGlobalStyle('.jIbKX, .m4t9r.jIbKX { border-color: #90b8f8 !important; }'); //border color of Follow and drop down // // // // // // // // // //for pages that r###lt in 'Sorry, this page isn't available addGlobalStyle('.-cx-PRIVATE-NavBar__root__ { background-color: #353941 !important; border-bottom: 1px solid #353941 !important; }'); //gray header addGlobalStyle('.-cx-PRIVATE-NavBar__username__ { color: #90b8f8 !important; }'); //username color //fixes to 'Sorry, this...' addGlobalStyle('h2 { color: #90b8f8 !important; }'); //'Sorry, this page isn't available' text color addGlobalStyle('.-cx-PRIVATE-ErrorPage__errorContainer__ { background-color: #26282b !important; padding: 100px 40px 0; }'); //upper background addGlobalStyle('.-cx-PRIVATE-Page__main__ { background-color: #26282b !important; 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//text color in comment sections //for opening posts on an IG page addGlobalStyle('.JyscU.ePUX4 .UE9AK { background-color: #353941 !important; }'); //upper box color addGlobalStyle('.JyscU.ePUX4 .eo2As { background-color: #353941 !important; }'); //general background color //Main page addGlobalStyle('.M9sTE { background-color: #353941 !important; }'); // addGlobalStyle('article._8Rm4L.M9sTE.L_LMM.SgTZ1.ePUX4 { border: 1px solid #999999 !important; }'); addGlobalStyle('.DPiy6 { background-color: #353941 !important; }'); // addGlobalStyle('.b2rUF { border: 1px solid #999999 !important; }'); //suggestions addGlobalStyle('.NP414.ccgHY.GZkEI { background-color: #26282b !important; border: #26282b !important; }'); //background of suggestions pop up //profile page addGlobalStyle('.JLbVX { background-color: #26282b !important; }'); //background to 'start capturing moments' addGlobalStyle('.BvMHM.EzUlV { background-color: #26282b !important; }'); //profile settings background addGlobalStyle('.BvMHM { border: 1px solid #999999 !important; }'); //border color of settings addGlobalStyle('label { color: #84B3CD !important; }'); //text color addGlobalStyle('h1.nsKSz { color: #637CDF !important; }'); //text color of header addGlobalStyle('a.h-aRd.fuQUr { background-color: #353942 !important; }'); //background color when highlighted addGlobalStyle('.JLJ-B, .p7vTm { color: #72ABFC !important; }'); //text in boxes addGlobalStyle('.RO68f { background-color: #4B718E !important; }'); //boxes background addGlobalStyle('.j_2Hd { border: #4B718E !important; color: #999999 !important; }'); //password color addGlobalStyle('._lz6s { border-bottom: 1px solid #353942 !important; }'); //bottom border of header