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HTML5 Audio/Video Keyboard Shortcuts With OSD

Adds keyboard shortcuts for controlling HTML5 media player (audio/video) with OSD support. Seek media to 0%, 5%, 10%, ..., or 95%. Rewind and fast fordward media by 30 seconds, 1 minute, and 5 minutes. Change media speed even beyond YouTube's speed limit. Change audio volume to 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, or 100%. Change video aspect ratio for TV and letterbox content (for widescreen monitors).

这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本

  • v1.4.21 2024-09-13

    Added ALT+P shortcut to toggle Picture-In-Picture / Video popout in Chrome/ium. Custom shortcut is not possible in Firefox (for now), but Firefox already has Ctrl+Shift+] for it

  • v1.4.20 2024-08-07

    Update to workaround the new one-sided anti-content-control "trusted" CSP policy (sic)

  • v1.3.19 2024-05-26

    Added case-sensitivity for key names using caseSensitive property. Updated in-code keyboard shortcut object help, specifically about the case-sensitivity of key name.

  • v1.2.18 2024-05-18

    Fixed some broken shortcuts which uses SHIFT modifier key

  • v1.2.17 2024-03-20

    Removed broken video speed changer cap when in YouTube.

  • v1.2.16 2024-02-20

    Added Alt+S keyboard shorcut to take screenshot of current video frame (in its original size and aspect ratio)

  • v1.1.15 2023-07-24

    Fixed normal keyboard typing input caused by hidden video (leyboard shortcuts no longer apply to hidden videos)

  • v1.1.14 2021-12-06

    Added keyboard shortcuts to seek by 1/30th second as well as Firefox-only seek to next frame

  • v1.1.10 2019-11-29 Added more video aspect ratio shortcuts. Made possible to assign country-dependent keyboard shortcuts. Cosmetic changes.
  • v1.0.4 2019-10-29 Finally fixed the keyboard shortcut on content-editable element issue. e.g. in comment input of YouTube video page
  • v1.0.3 2019-10-07 Fixed keyboard shortcut on content-editable element issue. e.g. in comment input of YouTube video page
  • v1.0.2 2019-09-26 Fix for contente-ditable elements not receiving some keyboard inputs.
  • v1.0.1 2019-09-26