Toggle non-media tweets on and off on the home timeline, for the power-viewer!
// ==UserScript== // @name Twitter media-only filter toggle. // @version 0.22 // @description Toggle non-media tweets on and off on the home timeline, for the power-viewer! // @author Cro // @match https://** // @match https://** // @run-at document-idle // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @namespace // @icon // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 6 */ (function() { 'use strict'; let storage_key = 'cro-media-toggle'; let show_all = GM_getValue(storage_key); let create_ui = function(target) { let button = document.createElement('button'); button.innerText = show_all ? 'Showing all home tweets' : 'Showing only media home tweets'; button.onclick = function(event) { show_all = !show_all; GM_setValue(storage_key, show_all); location.reload(); }; target.prepend(button); }; let walk_objects = function*(obj) { let stack = Object.entries(obj); while (stack.length > 0) { let entry = stack.pop(); yield entry; if (entry[1] != null && typeof(entry[1]) == 'object') { stack = stack.concat(Object.entries(entry[1])); } } }; let find_objects_at_keys = (obj, keys) => Array.from(walk_objects(obj)).filter(e => keys.includes(e[0])).map(e => e[1]); let any_key_in_obj = (obj, keys) => Array.from(walk_objects(obj)).some(e => keys.includes(e[0])); let target_entry_types = ['tweet-', 'promoted-tweet-', 'home-conversation-']; let media_types = ['media', 'card']; let has_media = (obj) => !target_entry_types.some(e => obj.entryId.startsWith(e)) || any_key_in_obj(obj, media_types); let update_data = function(data) { if (show_all || location.pathname != '/home') { return; } for (let obj of find_objects_at_keys(data, ['instructions'])) { for (let subobj of obj) { if (subobj.hasOwnProperty('entries')) { subobj.entries = subobj.entries.filter(has_media); } } } }; let old_parse = JSON.parse; let unsafe_window_parse = unsafeWindow.JSON.parse; let new_unsafe_window_parse = function(string) { let data = old_parse(string); try { if (data != null) { update_data(data); } } catch(error) { console.log(error); } return unsafe_window_parse(JSON.stringify(data));; }; exportFunction(new_unsafe_window_parse, unsafeWindow.JSON, { defineAs: 'parse' }); // Wait for twitter's react crap finish loading things. let scan_interval = setInterval(function() { let target = document.body.querySelector('nav[role="navigation"]'); if (target) { clearInterval(scan_interval); create_ui(target); } }, 10); })();