Greasy Fork is available in English.
When sorting by Newest Releases, games with no Metascore will get hidden. If that ends up being every game on a page, it will skip to the next page
// ==UserScript==// @name Metacritic: Hide games with no Metascore// @description When sorting by Newest Releases, games with no Metascore will get hidden. If that ends up being every game on a page, it will skip to the next page// @version 0.4// @author mica// @namespace @match*// @grant none// ==/UserScript==let url;const listGames = () => document.querySelectorAll('.c-finderProductCard_meta.g-outer-spacing-top-auto');function hideGames() {let hidden = 0;listGames().forEach(elem => {if (!elem.innerText.includes('Metascore')) {elem.closest('.c-finderProductCard').remove();hidden++;}})if (hidden == 24) {document.querySelector('.c-navigationPagination_item--next > span > span').click();}}function checkReady() {if (listGames().length == 24) {hideGames();} else {setTimeout(checkReady, 100);}}setInterval(() => {if (url != location.href) {url = location.href;if (location.pathname.match(/browse\/game.*new/)) {checkReady();}}}, 100);