调整旧式网页(指那些几乎没有排版,直接用 <h1>、<p> 等等标签从上到下堆下来的网页)的排版,将内容宽度限制为适合阅读的宽度,添加目录侧栏,点击可以跳转到对应位置。此脚本不影响“现代化的”网页(至少我写的时候是这么想的,如果有误伤,可以到 github 上告诉我)。
Limit the width of old-styled websites (which has it's text content expand across the whole wide window) and add a catalogue sidebar for a comfortable reading. This script does not affect those "modern" web pages (At least I tried to avoid that. If it fails, you can report the bug on github). Github repository: zScript/Good-For-Reading Greasyfork: Good-For-Reading
The original webpage:
The page patched by Good-For-Reading:
Version | Date | What's new |
v1.0.0 beta | 2020-02-20 | Firstly published this script |
v1.0.1 | 2020-03-12 | Fixed the bug problem of jquery conflict which makes some websites fails to load (#1) |
v1.0.2 | 2020-03-16 | Ignored the media viewer(e.g. **.mp4) & special pages (contains only one element) |