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HTML5 on ####

Replace Flash Player with HTML5 Player on tv.####.com

// ==UserScript==
// @name         HTML5 on ####
// @namespace    https://github.com/sffxzzp
// @version      0.19
// @description  Replace Flash Player with HTML5 Player on tv.####.com
// @author       sffxzzp
// @include      /^https?://tv.####.com/\d*/\d*/\d*/VIDE.*.shtml*/
// @require      https://unpkg.com/dplayer/dist/DPlayer.min.js
// @require      https://unpkg.com/hls.js/dist/hls.js
// @icon         https://tv.####.com/favicon.ico
// @connect      vdn.apps.cntv.cn
// @connect      hls.cntv.myhwcdn.cn
// @connect      newcntv.qcloudcdn.com
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
var util = (function () {
function util() {}
util.xhr = function (xhrData) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (!xhrData.xhr) {
method: xhrData.method || "get",
url: xhrData.url,
data: xhrData.data,
headers: xhrData.headers || {},
responseType: xhrData.type || "",
timeout: 3e4,
onload: function onload(res) {
return resolve({ response: res, body: res.response });
onerror: reject,
ontimeout: reject
} else {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open(xhrData.method || "get", xhrData.url, true);
if (xhrData.method === "post") {xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8");}
if (xhrData.cookie) {xhr.withCredentials = true;}
xhr.responseType = xhrData.responseType || "";
xhr.timeout = 3e4;
if (xhrData.headers) {for (var k in xhrData.headers) {xhr.setRequestHeader(k, xhrData.headers[k]);}}
xhr.onload = function(ev) {
var evt = ev.target;
resolve({ response: evt, body: evt.response });
xhr.onerror = reject;
xhr.ontimeout = reject;
util.createElement = function (data) {
var node;
if (data.node) {
node = document.createElement(data.node);
if (data.content) {this.setElement({node: node, content: data.content});}
if (data.html) {node.innerHTML = data.html;}
return node;
util.setElement = function (data) {
if (data.node) {
for (let name in data.content) {data.node.setAttribute(name, data.content[name]);}
if (data.html!=undefined) {data.node.innerHTML = data.html;}
return util;
var h5on#### = (function () {
function h5on####() {};
h5on####.prototype.addPlayer = function (m3u8) {
var h5css = util.createElement({node: 'link', content: {rel: 'stylesheet', href: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/dplayer/dist/DPlayer.min.css'}});
var container = document.querySelector('.video_left');
GM_addStyle('.gwA151201_ind01, .retrieve, .buttonVal, #page_body > .column_wrapper, .video, .video .right_but, .cnt_share, [class^=jscroll] {z-index: auto !important;} .nav2 > div > div {z-index: 1 !important;}');
util.setElement({node: container, content: {style: 'height: 100%'}, html: '<div id="dplayer" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></div>'});
var pip = document.pictureInPictureEnabled ? [{text: '画中画模式', click: function () {document.querySelector('.dplayer-video').requestPictureInPicture().catch(console.log);}}] : [];
var dp = new DPlayer({
container: container.children[0],
video: {
quality: m3u8,
defaultQuality: m3u8.length-1
preload: 'none',
contextmenu: pip
unsafeWindow.dp = dp;
var curTime = localStorage.getItem(unsafeWindow.guid);
if (curTime) {
var showTime = '';
if (curTime > 3600) {showTime += ' '+parseInt(curTime/3600)+' 时'; curTime = curTime%3600;}
if (curTime > 60) {showTime += ' '+parseInt(curTime/60)+' 分'; curTime = curTime%60;}
showTime += ' '+parseInt(curTime)+' 秒';
dp.notice('已跳转到上次观看进度'+showTime, 2000);
dp.on('timeupdate', function () {
if ((dp.video.duration-dp.video.currentTime > 30) && dp.video.currentTime > 30) {
localStorage.setItem(unsafeWindow.guid, dp.video.currentTime);
else {
h5on####.prototype.run = function () {
var _this = this;
url: `https://vdn.apps.cntv.cn/api/getHttpVideoInfo.do?pid=${unsafeWindow.guid}`,
type: 'json'
}).then(function (res) {
var url = res.body.hls_url.replace('://', '/').split('/');
url = `${url[0]}://newcntv.qcloudcdn.com/${url.slice(2).join('/')}`;
url: url
}).then(function (res) {
var vlist = res.body.split('\n');
var m3u8 = [];
vlist.forEach(function (v) {
if (v.indexOf('/200.m3u8')>-1) {m3u8.push({name: '流畅', url: 'https://newcntv.qcloudcdn.com'+v, type: 'hls'});}
else if (v.indexOf('/450.m3u8')>-1) {m3u8.push({name: '低清', url: 'https://newcntv.qcloudcdn.com'+v, type: 'hls'});}
else if (v.indexOf('/850.m3u8')>-1) {m3u8.push({name: '标清', url: 'https://newcntv.qcloudcdn.com'+v, type: 'hls'});}
else if (v.indexOf('/1200.m3u8')>-1) {m3u8.push({name: '高清', url: 'https://newcntv.qcloudcdn.com'+v, type: 'hls'});}
else if (v.indexOf('/2000.m3u8')>-1) {m3u8.push({name: '超清', url: 'https://newcntv.qcloudcdn.com'+v, type: 'hls'});}
return h5on####;
var program = new h5on####();