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SoldBy - Reveal Sellers on Amazon

Shows name, country of origin and ratings for third party sellers on Amazon (and highlights Chinese sellers)

// ==UserScript==
// @name            SoldBy - Reveal Sellers on Amazon
// @name:de         SoldBy - Verkäufer auf Amazon anzeigen
// @name:fr         SoldBy - Révéler les vendeurs sur Amazon
// @name:es         SoldBy - Revelar vendedores en Amazon
// @name:it         SoldBy - Rivela i venditori su Amazon
// @description     Shows name, country of origin and ratings for third party sellers on Amazon (and highlights Chinese sellers)
// @description:de  Zeigt Name, Herkunftsland und Bewertungen von Drittanbietern auf Amazon an (und hebt chinesische Anbieter hervor)
// @description:fr  Montre le nom, le pays d'origine et les évaluations des vendeurs tiers sur Amazon (et met en évidence les vendeurs chinois)
// @description:es  Muestra el nombre, el país de origen y las valoraciones de los vendedores de terceros en el Amazon (y destaca los vendedores chinos)
// @description:it  Mostra il nome, il paese di origine e le valutazioni per i venditori di terze parti su Amazon (e mette in evidenza i venditori cinesi)
// @namespace       https://github.com/tadwohlrapp
// @author          Tad Wohlrapp
// @version         1.7.2
// @license         MIT
// @homepageURL     https://github.com/tadwohlrapp/soldby
// @supportURL      https://github.com/tadwohlrapp/soldby/issues
// @icon            https://github.com/tadwohlrapp/soldby/raw/main/userscript/img/icon.png
// @match           https://www.amazon.co.jp/*
// @match           https://www.amazon.co.uk/*
// @match           https://www.amazon.com/*
// @match           https://www.amazon.com.be/*
// @match           https://www.amazon.com.mx/*
// @match           https://www.amazon.com.tr/*
// @match           https://www.amazon.de/*
// @match           https://www.amazon.es/*
// @match           https://www.amazon.fr/*
// @match           https://www.amazon.it/*
// @match           https://www.amazon.nl/*
// @match           https://www.amazon.se/*
// @require         https://openuserjs.org/src/libs/sizzle/GM_config.min.js
// @grant           GM.getValue
// @grant           GM.setValue
// @compatible      firefox Tested on Firefox v119 with Violentmonkey v2.16.0, Tampermonkey v4.19.0 and Greasemonkey v4.11
// @compatible      chrome Tested on Chrome v119 with Violentmonkey v2.16.0 and Tampermonkey v4.19.0
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
function accessLocalStorageItems(type, deleteItems = false) {
const entries = Object.keys(localStorage).filter(storageItem => storageItem.startsWith(type.toLowerCase() + '-'))
if (!deleteItems) return entries.length
const approval = confirm(`Do you really want to delete all ${entries.length} ${type}s from your browser\'s local storage? This action cannot be undone.`)
if (!approval) return null
entries.forEach(storageItem => {
alert(`Done! ${entries.length} ${type} entries were deleted`)
function updateLocalStorageItemCount(type) {
GM_config.fields[`local-storage-clear-${type.toLowerCase()}`].node.value = `Delete ${accessLocalStorageItems(type)} ${type}s from local storage`
const frame = document.createElement('div');
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'id': 'sb-settings',
'title': 'SoldBy Settings',
'fields': {
'countries': {
'section': ['Countries to highlight',
'Country codes as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, separated by a comma or space.'],
'label': 'List of country codes',
'type': 'text',
'default': 'CN, HK'
'unknown': {
'section': ['Highlight undetectable countries',
'Some sellers have incomplete/invalid profiles with their country of origin missing.'],
'label': 'Highlight products sold from unknown countries',
'type': 'checkbox',
'default': true
'hide': {
'section': ['Hide products instead of highlighting them',
'If you get overwhelmed by the sheer mass of highlighted product listings, maybe you want to hide them completely.'],
'label': 'Yes, hide all highlighted products',
'type': 'checkbox',
'default': false
'max-asin-age': {
'section': ['Check every x days if the seller for a product has changed',
'For better performance, SoldBy caches product-seller relationships in your browser\'s local storage for one day (24 hours). You can change that value here.'],
'label': 'Number of days after which a product ASIN should be re-fetched',
'type': 'int',
'default': 1
'max-seller-age': {
'section': ['Check every x days if a seller has new ratings (or has moved countries)',
'For better performance, SoldBy caches a seller\'s ratings and country in your browser\'s local storage for one week (7 days). You can change that value here.'],
'label': 'Number of days after which a seller\'s info should be re-fetched',
'type': 'int',
'default': 7
'local-storage-clear-asin': {
'section': ['Clear SoldBy data from my browser\'s local storage',
'If you feel your browser\'s local storage might be stuffed with too much of SoldBy\'s data, you can delete the items here.'],
'label': ' ',
'type': 'button',
'size': 25,
'click': function () { accessLocalStorageItems('ASIN', true) }
'local-storage-clear-seller': {
'label': ' ',
'type': 'button',
'value': 'test',
'size': 25,
'click': function () { accessLocalStorageItems('Seller', true) }
'events': {
'init': onInit,
'open': () => {
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if (isEscape) GM_config.close();
'save': () => {
'close': () => {
'frame': frame
function onInit() {
GM_config.css.basic = '';
// Link to Settings in Footer:
try {
const settingsLink = document.createElement('button');
const navFooterCopyright = document.querySelector('.navFooterCopyright');
settingsLink.addEventListener('click', () => { GM_config.open(); });
settingsLink.textContent = '⚙️ SoldBy';
wrapBtn(settingsLink, false, true);
} catch {
console.error('Could not add settings link');
const countriesArr = GM_config.get('countries').split(/(?:,| )+/);
if (GM_config.get('unknown')) countriesArr.push('?');
const options = {
maxAgeAsinFetch: GM_config.get('max-asin-age'),
maxAgeSellerFetch: GM_config.get('max-seller-age'),
highlightedCountries: countriesArr,
hideHighlightedProducts: GM_config.get('hide')
function showSellerCountry() {
// Gets the ASIN for every visible product and sets it as "data-asin" attribute
// Identify products by looking for "data-asin" attribute
const productsWithAsinSelectors = [
const products = document.querySelectorAll(productsWithAsinSelectors.join(':'));
// If no new products are found, return.
if (products.length == 0) return;
products.forEach((product) => {
// Give each product the data-seller-name attribute to prevent re-capturing.
product.dataset.sellerName = 'loading...';
if (localStorage.getItem(asinKey(product))) {
} else {
// Run script once on document ready
// Initialize new MutationObserver
const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(showSellerCountry);
// Let MutationObserver target the grid containing all thumbnails
const targetNode = document.body;
const mutationObserverOptions = {
childList: true,
subtree: true
// Run MutationObserver
mutationObserver.observe(targetNode, mutationObserverOptions);
function parse(html) {
const parser = new DOMParser();
return parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
function getAsin() {
// Check current page for products (without "data-asin" attribute)
const productSelectors = [
'.a-carousel-card > div:not([data-asin])',
'.a-cardui #gridItemRoot:not([data-asin])'
const products = document.querySelectorAll(String(productSelectors));
// If no new products are found, return.
if (products.length == 0) return;
products.forEach((product) => {
// Take the first link but not if it's inside the "Bestseller" container (links to bestsellers page instead of product page) and not if it has the popover-trigger class, as its href is just "javascript:void(0)" (hidden feedback form on sponsored products)
const link = product.querySelector('a:not(.s-grid-status-badge-container > a):not(.a-popover-trigger)');
// If link cannot be found, return
if (!link) return;
link.href = decodeURIComponent(link.href);
let asin = '';
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(link.href);
if (searchParams.get('pd_rd_i')) {
asin = searchParams.get('pd_rd_i')
} else if (/\/dp\/(.*?)($|\?|\/)/.test(link.href)) {
asin = link.href.match(/\/dp\/(.*?)($|\?|\/)/)[1]
product.dataset.asin = asin;
function getSellerIdAndNameFromLocalStorage(product) {
const { sid: sellerId, sn: sellerName, ts: timeStamp } = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(asinKey(product)));
validateItemAge(product, timeStamp, 'asin');
if (sellerId) product.dataset.sellerId = sellerId;
product.dataset.sellerName = sellerName;
function getSellerIdAndNameFromProductPage(product, refetch = false) {
// fetch seller, get data, save in local storage, set attributes
if (!product.dataset.asin) return;
if (refetch) console.log('Re-fetching ' + asinKey(product) + ' from product page');
const link = window.location.origin + '/dp/' + product.dataset.asin + '?psc=1';
fetch(link).then(function (response) {
if (response.ok) {
return response.text();
}).then(function (html) {
const productPage = parse(html);
let sellerId, sellerName;
// weed out various special product pages:
const specialPageSelectors = [
'#gc-detail-page', /* gift card sold by amazon */
'.reload_gc_balance', /* reload amazon balance */
'#dp.digitaltextfeeds, #dp.magazine, #dp.ebooks, #dp.audible', /* magazines, subscriptions, audible, etc */
'.av-page-desktop, .avu-retail-page' /* prime video */
if (productPage.querySelector(String(specialPageSelectors))) {
sellerName = 'Amazon';
} else {
// find third party seller mention on product page
const thirdPartySellerSelectors = [
'#desktop_qualifiedBuyBox :not(#usedAccordionRow) #sellerProfileTriggerId',
'#desktop_qualifiedBuyBox :not(#usedAccordionRow) #merchant-info a:first-of-type',
'#exports_desktop_qualifiedBuybox :not(#usedAccordionRow) #sellerProfileTriggerId',
'#exports_desktop_qualifiedBuybox :not(#usedAccordionRow) #merchant-info a:first-of-type',
'#newAccordionRow #sellerProfileTriggerId',
'#newAccordionRow #merchant-info a:first-of-type'
const thirdPartySeller = productPage.querySelector(String(thirdPartySellerSelectors));
if (thirdPartySeller) {
// Get seller ID
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(thirdPartySeller.href);
sellerId = searchParams.get('seller');
const sellerUrl = window.location.origin + '/sp?seller=' + sellerId;
// Get seller Name
sellerName = thirdPartySeller.textContent.trim().replaceAll('"', '“');
} else {
let queryMerchantName = ' ';
if (productPage.querySelector('#tabular-buybox .tabular-buybox-text')) {
queryMerchantName = productPage.querySelector('#tabular-buybox .tabular-buybox-container > .tabular-buybox-text:last-of-type').textContent.trim();
} else if (productPage.querySelector('#merchant-info')) {
queryMerchantName = productPage.querySelector('#merchant-info').textContent.trim();
} else if (productPage.querySelector('[offer-display-feature-name="desktop-merchant-info"]')) {
queryMerchantName = productPage.querySelector('[offer-display-feature-name="desktop-merchant-info"]').textContent.trim();
if (queryMerchantName.replace(/\s/g, '').length) {
sellerName = 'Amazon';
} else {
sellerName = '? ? ?';
// Set data-seller-name attribute
product.dataset.sellerName = sellerName;
if (sellerId) {
// If seller is known: set ASIN with corresponding seller in local storage
localStorage.setItem(asinKey(product), `{"sid":"${sellerId}","sn":"${sellerName}","ts":"${Date.now()}"}`);
// Set data-seller-id attribute
product.dataset.sellerId = sellerId;
if (sellerName == 'Amazon') {
localStorage.setItem(asinKey(product), `{"sn":"${sellerName}","ts":"${Date.now()}"}`);
}).catch(function (err) {
console.warn('Something went wrong fetching ' + link, err);
function setSellerDetails(product) {
if (product.dataset.sellerName.includes('Amazon') || product.dataset.sellerName == '? ? ?') {
return; // if seller is Amazon or unknown, no further steps are needed
if (localStorage.getItem(sellerKey(product))) {
} else {
function getSellerCountryAndRatingfromLocalStorage(product) {
// seller key found in local storage
const { c: country, rs: ratingScore, rc: ratingCount, ts: timeStamp } = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(sellerKey(product)));
validateItemAge(product, timeStamp, 'seller');
product.dataset.sellerCountry = country;
product.dataset.sellerRatingScore = ratingScore;
product.dataset.sellerRatingCount = ratingCount;
function getSellerCountryAndRatingfromSellerPage(product, refetch = false) {
// seller key not found in local storage. fetch seller details from seller-page
if (refetch) console.log('Re-fetching ' + sellerKey(product) + ' from product page');
// build seller link
const link = window.location.origin + '/sp?seller=' + product.dataset.sellerId;
fetch(link).then(function (response) {
if (response.ok) {
return response.text();
} else if (response.status === 503) {
product.dataset.blocked = true;
throw new Error('🙄 Too many requests. Amazon blocked seller page. Please try again in a few minutes.');
} else {
throw new Error(response.status);
}).then(function (html) {
let seller = getSellerDetailsFromSellerPage(parse(html));
// --> seller.country      (e.g. 'US')
// --> seller.rating.score (e.g. '69%')
// --> seller.rating.count (e.g. '420')
// Set attributes: data-seller-country, data-seller-rating-score and data-seller-rating-count
product.dataset.sellerCountry = seller.country;
product.dataset.sellerRatingScore = seller.rating.score;
product.dataset.sellerRatingCount = seller.rating.count;
// Write to local storage
localStorage.setItem(sellerKey(product), `{"c":"${seller.country}","rs":"${seller.rating.score}","rc":"${seller.rating.count}","ts":"${Date.now()}"}`);
}).catch(function (err) {
console.warn('Could not fetch seller data for "' + product.dataset.sellerName + '" (' + link + '):', err);
function getSellerDetailsFromSellerPage(sellerPage) {
// Detect Amazon's 2022-04-20 redesign
const sellerProfileContainer = sellerPage.getElementById('seller-profile-container');
const isRedesign = sellerProfileContainer.classList.contains('spp-redesigned');
const country = getSellerCountryFromSellerPage(sellerPage, isRedesign); // returns DE
const rating = getSellerRatingFromSellerPage(sellerPage); // returns 91%
return { country, rating };
function getSellerCountryFromSellerPage(sellerPage, isRedesign) {
let country;
if (isRedesign) {
let addressArr = sellerPage.querySelectorAll('#page-section-detail-seller-info .a-box-inner .a-row.a-spacing-none.indent-left');
country = addressArr[addressArr.length - 1]?.textContent.toUpperCase();
} else {
try {
const sellerUl = sellerPage.querySelectorAll('ul.a-unordered-list.a-nostyle.a-vertical'); //get all ul
const sellerUlLast = sellerUl[sellerUl.length - 1]; //get last list
const sellerLi = sellerUlLast.querySelectorAll('li'); //get all li
const sellerLiLast = sellerLi[sellerLi.length - 1]; //get last li
country = sellerLiLast.textContent.toUpperCase();
} catch {
return '?';
return (/^[A-Z]{2}$/.test(country)) ? country : '?';
function getSellerRatingFromSellerPage(sellerPage) {
if (sellerPage.getElementById('seller-name').textContent.includes('Amazon')) {
return false; // seller is Amazon subsidiary and doesn't display ratings
let feedbackEl = sellerPage.getElementById('seller-info-feedback-summary')
let text = feedbackEl.querySelector('.feedback-detail-description').textContent
let starText = feedbackEl.querySelector('.a-icon-alt').textContent
text = text.replace(starText, '')
let regex = /(\d+%).*?\((\d+)/;
let zeroPercent = '0%';
const lang = document.documentElement.lang
// Turkish places the percentage sign in front (e.g. %89)
if (lang === 'tr-tr') {
regex = /(%\d+).*?\((\d+)/;
zeroPercent = '%0';
// Special treatment for amazon.de in German and amazon.com.be in French
if (lang === 'de-de' || lang === 'fr-be') {
regex = /(\d+ %).*?\((\d+)/;
zeroPercent = '0 %';
let rating = text.match(regex);
let score = rating ? rating[1] : zeroPercent;
let count = rating ? rating[2] : '0';
return { score, count };
function highlightProduct(product) {
if (!options.highlightedCountries.includes(product.dataset.sellerCountry)) return;
// Highlight sellers from countries defined in 'options.highlightedCountries'
if (!options.hideHighlightedProducts) return;
// When hideHighlightedProducts is true: Find correct element to hide
let hiddenElement = product;
if (product.parentElement.classList.contains('a-carousel-card')) {
hiddenElement = product.parentElement;
if (product.closest('.sbx-desktop') !== null) {
hiddenElement = product.closest('.sbx-desktop');
if (product.classList.contains('sbv-product')) {
hiddenElement = product.closest('.s-r###lt-item');
function createInfoBox(product) {
const infoBoxCt = document.createElement('div');
infoBoxCt.classList.add('seller-info-ct', 'a-size-small');
const infoBox = document.createElement('div');
const icon = document.createElement('div');
icon.classList.add('seller-icon', 'seller-loading');
const text = document.createElement('div');
text.textContent = product.dataset.sellerName;
let productTitle = findTitle(product);
if (productTitle) {
productTitle.parentNode.insertBefore(infoBoxCt, productTitle.nextSibling);
} else {
function populateInfoBox(product) {
const container = product.querySelector('.seller-info-ct');
const infoBox = container.querySelector('.seller-info');
const icon = container.querySelector('.seller-icon');
const text = container.querySelector('.seller-text');
// remove loading spinner
// replace "loading..." with real seller name
text.textContent = product.dataset.sellerName;
if (product.dataset.sellerId && product.dataset.sellerId !== 'Amazon') {
// Create link to seller profile if sellerId is valid
const anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = window.location.origin + '/sp?seller=' + product.dataset.sellerId;
if (product.dataset.blocked) {
icon.textContent = '⚠️';
icon.style.fontSize = "1.5em";
infoBox.title = 'Error 503: Too many requests. Amazon blocked seller page. Please try again in a few minutes.';
if (product.dataset.sellerName.includes('Amazon')) {
// Seller is Amazon or one of its subsidiaries (Warehouse, UK, US, etc.)
const amazonIcon = document.createElement('img');
amazonIcon.src = '/favicon.ico';
infoBox.title = product.dataset.sellerName;
// 1. Set icon, create infoBox title (if country known)
if (product.dataset.sellerCountry && product.dataset.sellerCountry != '?') {
icon.textContent = getFlagEmoji(product.dataset.sellerCountry);
infoBox.title = (new Intl.DisplayNames([document.documentElement.lang], { type: 'region' })).of(product.dataset.sellerCountry) + ' | ';
} else {
icon.textContent = '❓';
icon.style.fontSize = "1.5em";
if (!product.dataset.sellerId) {
console.error('No seller found', product);
// 2. Append name to infoBox title
infoBox.title += product.dataset.sellerName;
// 3. Append rating to text and infoBox title
const ratingText = `(${product.dataset.sellerRatingScore} | ${product.dataset.sellerRatingCount})`;
text.textContent += ` ${ratingText}`;
infoBox.title += ` ${ratingText}`;
function findTitle(product) {
//TODO switch case
try {
let title;
if (product.dataset.avar) {
title = product.querySelector('.a-color-base.a-spacing-none.a-link-normal');
} else if (product.parentElement.classList.contains('a-carousel-card')) {
if (product.classList.contains('a-section') && product.classList.contains('a-spacing-none')) {
title = product.querySelector('.a-link-normal');
} else if (product.querySelector('.a-truncate:not([data-a-max-rows="1"])') !== null) {
title = product.querySelector('.a-truncate');
} else if (product.querySelector('h2') !== null) {
title = product.getElementsByTagName("h2")[0];
} else {
title = product.querySelectorAll('.a-link-normal')[1];
} else if (product.id == 'gridItemRoot' || product.closest('#zg') !== null) {
title = product.querySelectorAll('.a-link-normal')[1];
} else if (product.classList.contains('octopus-pc-item-v3')) {
title = product.querySelectorAll('.octopus-pc-asin-title, .octopus-pc-dotd-title')[0];
} else if (product.classList.contains('octopus-pc-lightning-deal-item-v3')) {
title = product.querySelector('.octopus-pc-deal-title');
} else if (product.querySelector('.sponsored-products-truncator-truncated') !== null) {
title = product.querySelector('.sponsored-products-truncator-truncated');
} else {
title = product.getElementsByTagName("h2")[0];
return title;
} catch (error) {
console.error(error, product);
function fixHeights(product) {
// fixes for grid-item:
if (product.id == 'gridItemRoot') {
product.style.height = product.offsetHeight + 20 + 'px';
if (product.classList.contains('octopus-pc-item')) {
const els = document.querySelectorAll('.octopus-pc-card-height-v3, .octopus-dotd-height, .octopus-lightning-deal-height');
for (const el of els) {
if (!el.getAttribute('style')) el.style.height = el.offsetHeight + 30 + 'px';
const text = product.querySelectorAll('.octopus-pc-deal-block-section, .octopus-pc-dotd-info-section')[0];
if (text) text.style.height = text.offsetHeight + 30 + 'px';
if (product.classList.contains('octopus-pc-lightning-deal-item-v3') && !product.dataset.height) {
product.style.setProperty('height', product.offsetHeight + 30 + 'px', 'important');
product.dataset.height = 'set';
if (product.closest('#rhf') !== null && product.closest('.a-carousel-viewport') !== null) {
const els = document.querySelectorAll('.a-carousel-viewport, .a-carousel-left, .a-carousel-right');
for (const el of els) {
if (el.getAttribute('style') && !el.dataset.height) {
el.style.height = el.offsetHeight + 30 + 'px';
el.dataset.height = 'set';
// hide stupid blocking links on sponsored products
if (product.closest('.sbx-desktop') !== null) {
const links = product.querySelectorAll('a:empty');
links.forEach((link) => {
link.style.height = 0;
function asinKey(product) {
return 'asin-' + product.dataset.asin;
function sellerKey(product) {
return 'seller-' + product.dataset.sellerId
// validate storage item age and trigger re-fetch if needed
function validateItemAge(product, itemTimeStamp, itemType) {
const currentItemAge = Date.now() - parseInt(itemTimeStamp);
let allowedItemAge, key, refetchFunction;
switch (itemType) {
case 'asin':
allowedItemAge = options.maxAgeAsinFetch * 1000 * 3600 * 24;
key = asinKey;
refetchFunction = getSellerIdAndNameFromProductPage;
case 'seller':
allowedItemAge = options.maxAgeSellerFetch * 1000 * 3600 * 24;
key = sellerKey;
refetchFunction = getSellerCountryAndRatingfromSellerPage;
if (currentItemAge > allowedItemAge) {
console.warn('Storage item ' + key(product) + ' is ' + readableItemAge(currentItemAge) + ' old. We must re-fetch it');
return refetchFunction(product, true);
// Country Code to Flag Emoji (Source: https://dev.to/jorik/country-code-to-flag-emoji-a21)
function getFlagEmoji(countryCode) {
const codePoints = countryCode
.map(char => 127397 + char.charCodeAt());
return String.fromCodePoint(...codePoints);
// wrap function to create buttons with amazon's ui
function wrapBtn(el, primary = false, small = false) {
const wrapper = document.createElement('span');
el.classList.add('a-button-inner', 'a-button-text');
if (primary) wrapper.classList.add('a-button-primary');
if (small) wrapper.classList.add('a-button-small');
el.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, el);
// convert storage item age from millisecs to days and hours
function readableItemAge(ms) {
const days = Math.floor(ms / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
const daysms = ms % (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const hours = Math.floor(daysms / (60 * 60 * 1000));
return days + ' days and ' + hours + ' hours';
function addGlobalStyle(css) {
const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (!head) return;
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = css;
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display: none !important;
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margin-top: 4px;
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font-size: 0.9em;
padding: 2px 4px;
border: 1px solid #d5d9d9;
border-radius: 4px;
max-width: 100%;
.seller-loading {
display: inline-block;
width: 0.8em;
height: 0.8em;
border: 3px solid rgb(255 153 0 / 30%);
border-radius: 50%;
border-top-color: #ff9900;
animation: spin 1s ease-in-out infinite;
margin: 1px 3px 0;
@keyframes spin {
to {
transform: rotate(360deg);
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vertical-align: text-top;
text-align: center;
font-size: 1.8em;
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width: 0.8em;
height: 0.7em;
.seller-icon img {
width: 0.82em;
height: 0.82em;
.seller-text {
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