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FBI UCR Tweaks

Tweaks to make the FBI's crime report site easier to use

// ==UserScript==// @name         FBI UCR Tweaks// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/// @version      0.1// @description  Tweaks to make the FBI's crime report site easier to use// @author       Claire// @include      https://ucr.fbi.###/*// @grant        GM_addStyle// ==/UserScript==var newCSS = `.tblTxt {font-size: .8em;font-style: italic;color: #666;}`;GM_addStyle(newCSS);links = document.getElementsByClassName("arrow-left-small");arr = [];Array.prototype.forEach.call(links, function(el, i){if(el.title.length > 0) {t = document.createElement("div");t.id = "tbl" + el.text.split(" ")[1];t.className = "tblTxt";t.innerHTML = el.title;el.parentNode.insertBefore(t, el.nextSibling);br = document.getElementById(t.id).nextSibling;br.style.lineHeight = ".8em";}});