Tweak Dwitter with extreme dark theme
// ==UserScript== // @name Dwitter Tweaks // @namespace // @version 0.1.4 // @description Tweak Dwitter with extreme dark theme // @author joeytwiddle // @license ISC // @match* // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // In theory I like the dark background. // But in practice is causes my retinas to open, which then get overwhelmed by the bright white of the default canvas! // So a somewhat lighter dark theme can help to keep my eyes prepared. const hue = 210; const sat = 30; // 6, 11, 8 // 9, 13, 11 // 13, 19, 11 GM_addStyle(` /* :root { --pageBackgroundColor: #0b0b0b; --mainBackgroundColor: #1b1b1b; } */ .App { background: hsl(${hue}, ${sat}%, 11%) !important; } .App > header, .card { background: hsl(${hue}, ${sat}%, 20%); } /* Code textarea */ .card .mb-3+div, input.form-control, input.form-control[readonly], /* "Theme challenge of the month" */ .card.text-center.mb-3.px-3 > div { background: hsl(${hue}, ${sat}%, 15%) !important; } input.form-control, input.form-control[readonly] { border: 0; } /* Inside the comment box, use a nice dull blue for the button */ .card > form > div > div > .btn-secondary, .card > form > div > div > .btn-secondary.disabled, .card > form > div > div > .btn-secondary:disabled, .card > form > div > div > .btn-primary, .card > form > div > div > .btn-primary.disabled, .card > form > div > div > .btn-primary:disabled, /* And also for the awesomed Awesome button */ .btn-primary { background-color: hsl(211, 70%, 24%); border-color: hsl(211, 70%, 24%); } .shadow-primary { box-shadow: none !important; } `); })();