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Twitter Linkify Trends

Make Twitter trends links (again)

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Twitter Linkify Trends
// @description   Make Twitter trends links (again)
// @author        chocolateboy
// @copyright     chocolateboy
// @version       2.3.0
// @namespace     https://github.com/chocolateboy/userscripts
// @license       GPL
// @include       https://mobile.twitter.com/
// @include       https://mobile.twitter.com/*
// @include       https://mobile.x.com/
// @include       https://mobile.x.com/*
// @include       https://twitter.com/
// @include       https://twitter.com/*
// @include       https://x.com/
// @include       https://x.com/*
// @require       https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.slim.min.js
// @require       https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/index.iife.min.js
// @require       https://unpkg.com/@chocolateboy/[email protected]/dist/polyfill.iife.min.js
// @require       https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/index.umd.min.js
// @require       https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/flru.min.js
// @grant         GM_log
// @run-at        document-start
// ==/UserScript==
// NOTE This file is generated from src/twitter-linkify-trends.user.ts and should not be edited directly.
"use strict";
(() => {
// src/twitter-linkify-trends.user.ts
// @license       GPL
var CACHE = exports.default(128);
var DEBUG = {};
var DISABLED_EVENTS = "click touch";
var EVENT_DATA = "/2/guide.json";
var EVENT_PATH = "timeline.instructions.*.addEntries.entries.*.content.timelineModule.items.*.item.content.eventSummary";
var EVENT_HERO_PATH = "timeline.instructions.*.addEntries.entries.*.content.item.content.eventSummary";
var LIVE_EVENT_KEY = "/lex/placeholder_live_nomargin";
var EVENT = '[data-testid="sidebarColumn"] div[role="link"]:not([data-testid]):not([data-linked])';
var EVENT_IMAGE = `${EVENT} > div > div:nth-child(2):last-child img[src]:not([src=""])`;
var EVENT_HERO = 'div[role="link"][data-testid="eventHero"]:not([data-linked])';
var EVENT_HERO_IMAGE = `${EVENT_HERO} > div:first-child [data-testid="image"] > img[src]:not([src=""])`;
var TREND = 'div[role="link"][data-testid="trend"]:not([data-linked])';
var VIDEO = 'div[role="presentation"] div[role="link"][data-testid^="media-tweet-card-"]:not([data-linked])';
var EVENT_ANY = [EVENT, EVENT_HERO].join(", ");
var pluck = exports.getter({ default: [], split: "." });
function disableAll(e) {
function disableSome(e) {
const $target = $(e.target);
const $caret = $target.closest('[data-testid="caret"]', this);
if (!$caret.length) {
function hookXHROpen(oldOpen) {
return function open(_method, url) {
const $url = new URL(url);
if ($url.pathname.endsWith(EVENT_DATA)) {
this.addEventListener("load", () => processEventData(this.responseText));
return GMCompat.apply(this, oldOpen, arguments);
function keyFor(url) {
const { pathname: path } = new URL(url);
return path === LIVE_EVENT_KEY ? path : path.split("/")[2];
function linkFor(href) {
return $("<a></a>").attr({ href, role: "link", "data-focusable": true }).css({ color: "inherit", textDecoration: "inherit" });
function onElement(el) {
const $el = $(el);
let $target;
let type;
if ($el.is(TREND)) {
[$target, type] = [$el, "trend"];
$el.on(DISABLED_EVENTS, disableSome);
} else if ($el.is(VIDEO)) {
[$target, type] = [$el, "video"];
$el.on(DISABLED_EVENTS, disableAll);
} else {
const $event = $el.closest(EVENT_ANY);
const wrapImage = $event.is(EVENT);
[$target, type] = [$event, "event"];
$event.on(DISABLED_EVENTS, disableAll);
onEventElement($event, $el, { wrapImage });
$target.attr("data-linked", "true");
if (type !== "video") {
$target.css("cursor", "auto");
if (DEBUG[type]) {
$target.css("backgroundColor", DEBUG[type]);
function onEventElement($event, $image, options = {}) {
const { target, title } = targetFor($event);
const key = keyFor($image.attr("src"));
console.debug("element (event):", JSON.stringify(title));
const url = key === LIVE_EVENT_KEY ? CACHE.get(title) : CACHE.get(key);
if (url) {
const $link = linkFor(url);
if (options.wrapImage) {
} else {
console.warn("Can't find URL for event (element):", JSON.stringify(title));
function onTrendElement($trend) {
const { target, title } = targetFor($trend);
const param = /\s+/.test(title) ? '"' + title.replace(/"/g, "") + '"' : title;
console.debug("element (trend):", param);
const query = encodeURIComponent(param);
const url = `${location.origin}/search?q=${query}&src=trend_click&vertical=trends`;
function onVideoElement($link) {
const id = $link.data("testid").split("-").at(-1);
const url = `https://x.com/i/web/status/${id}`;
function processEventData(json) {
const data = JSON.parse(json);
const events = pluck(data, EVENT_PATH);
const eventHero = pluck(data, EVENT_HERO_PATH);
const $events = eventHero.concat(events);
const nEvents = $events.length;
if (!nEvents) {
for (const event of $events) {
const { title, url: { url } } = event;
const imageURL = event.image?.url;
if (!imageURL) {
console.warn("Can't find image for event (data):", title);
const key = keyFor(imageURL);
console.debug("data (event):", JSON.stringify(title));
if (key === LIVE_EVENT_KEY) {
CACHE.set(title, url);
} else {
CACHE.set(key, url);
function targetFor($el) {
const targets = $el.find('div[dir="ltr"] > span').filter((_, el) => {
const fontWeight = Number($(el).parent().css("fontWeight") || 0);
return fontWeight >= 700;
const target = targets.get().pop();
const title = $(target).text().trim();
return { target, title };
function run() {
const init = { childList: true, subtree: true };
const target = document.getElementById("react-root");
if (!target) {
console.warn("can't find react-root element");
const callback = (_mutations, observer) => {
for (const el of $(SELECTOR)) {
observer.observe(target, init);
new MutationObserver(callback).observe(target, init);
var xhrProto = GMCompat.unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest.prototype;
xhrProto.open = GMCompat.export(hookXHROpen(xhrProto.open));