// ==UserScript== // @name 网易邮箱去除广告 // @namespace 126 Mail AdRemover // @version 2022.11.22.1 // @description 126、163和yeah邮箱去除顶部"应用中心"、"网易严选"和"半个电台",去除登陆页与首页广告 // @author PY-DNG // @license WTFPL http://www.wtfpl.net/about/ // @icon https://mail.126.com/favicon.ico // @match http*://mail.126.com/js6/main.jsp* // @match http*://mail.163.com/js6/main.jsp* // @match http*://mail.yeah.net/js6/main.jsp* // @match http*://www.yeah.net/js6/main.jsp* // @match http*://mail.126.com/ // @match http*://mail.163.com/ // @match http*://mail.yeah.net/ // @match http*://www.yeah.net/ // @match http*://mail.126.com/index.htm* // @match http*://mail.163.com/index.htm* // @match http*://mail.yeah.net/index.htm* // @match http*://www.yeah.net/index.htm* // @match http*://mail.126.com/?* // @match http*://mail.163.com/?* // @match http*://mail.yeah.net/?* // @match http*://www.yeah.net/?* // @match http*://mail.126.com/#* // @match http*://mail.163.com/#* // @match http*://mail.yeah.net/#* // @match http*://www.yeah.net/#* // @match http*://hw.mail.126.com/js6/main.jsp* // @match http*://hw.mail.163.com/js6/main.jsp* // @match http*://hw.mail.yeah.net/js6/main.jsp* // @match http*://hw.www.yeah.net/js6/main.jsp* // @match http*://hw.mail.126.com/ // @match http*://hw.mail.163.com/ // @match http*://hw.mail.yeah.net/ // @match http*://hw.www.yeah.net/ // @match http*://hw.mail.126.com/index.htm* // @match http*://hw.mail.163.com/index.htm* // @match http*://hw.mail.yeah.net/index.htm* // @match http*://hw.www.yeah.net/index.htm* // @match http*://hw.mail.126.com/?* // @match http*://hw.mail.163.com/?* // @match http*://hw.mail.yeah.net/?* // @match http*://hw.www.yeah.net/?* // @match http*://hw.mail.126.com/#* // @match http*://hw.mail.163.com/#* // @match http*://hw.mail.yeah.net/#* // @match http*://hw.www.yeah.net/#* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function () { // ==== ==== ==== 想要去除的标签页,直接写在这里就好 ==== ==== ==== const AD_TABS = ['应用中心', '网易严选', '半个电台', '企业邮箱', '跨境收款']; // 后面的就不用改了 const NUMBER_STOP_FINDING_AFTER = 40; const NUMBER_LOG_WARNING_AFTER = 14; const NUMBER_TIMEOUT_RETRY_AFTER = 500; const TEXT_TITLE_WINDOW_LOGIN = '{NAME} 邮箱登录'; /** DoLog相关函数改自 Ocrosoft 的 Pixiv Previewer * [GitHub] Ocrosoft: https://github.com/Ocrosoft/ * [GreasyFork] Ocrosoft: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/63073 * [GreasyFork] Pixiv Previewer: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/30766 * [GitHub] Pixiv Previewer: https://github.com/Ocrosoft/PixivPreviewer **/ let LogLevel = { None: 0, Error: 1, Success: 2, Warning: 3, Info: 4, Elements: 5, }; let g_logCount = 0; let g_logLevel = LogLevel.Warning; function DoLog(level, msgOrElement) { if (level <= g_logLevel) { let prefix = '%c'; let param = ''; if (level == LogLevel.Error) { prefix += '[Error]'; param = 'color:#ff0000'; } else if (level == LogLevel.Success) { prefix += '[Success]'; param = 'color:#00aa00'; } else if (level == LogLevel.Warning) { prefix += '[Warning]'; param = 'color:#ffa500'; } else if (level == LogLevel.Info) { prefix += '[Info]'; param = 'color:#888888'; } else if (level == LogLevel.Elements) { prefix += 'Elements'; param = 'color:#000000'; } if (level != LogLevel.Elements) { console.log(prefix + msgOrElement, param); } else { console.log(msgOrElement); } if (++g_logCount > 512) { console.clear(); g_logCount = 0; } } } // 去除登陆页面广告 const loginPageMatch = location.href.match(/https?:\/\/(hw\.)?(mail|www)\.(126|163|yeah)\.(com|net)\/(index.htm)?(\?.*)?(#.*)?/); if (loginPageMatch && loginPageMatch[0] === location.href) { const domin = loginPageMatch[2]; document.title = TEXT_TITLE_WINDOW_LOGIN.replaceAll('{NAME}', domin); DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'This is ' + domin + ' login page. '); // 去除广告图、广告标识和链接 createEleRemoveFunction('#theme', 'adsMain', false)(); // 去除广告翻页键 createEleRemoveFunction('.themeCtrl', 'themeCtrl', true)(); // 去除登陆窗口底部客户端链接 //createEleRemoveFunction('#loginBlock>.mailApp', 'mailApp', false)(); // 登陆板块居中显示 addStyle('html {overflow: hidden;}.main-login-wrap {z-index: 1;}#footer {z-index: 2;}.main-login-wrap {position: fixed;display:flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;padding: 0;width: 100vw;height: 100vh;background-color: #CCCCCC;}#loginBlock {position: relative;background-color: #FFFFFF;padding: 20px;box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #888888;border-radius: 4px;}.main-inner-wrap,.main-login-wrap,#loginBlock {border: 0;margin: 0;top: 0;right: 0;left: 0;bottom: 0;}'); return; } DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'This is mail page. '); // 去广函数 let removeAds = function () { DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'Searching for ads...'); let advertisement = document.getElementsByClassName('js-component-tab gWel-recommend-title nui-tabs nui-tabs-common ')[0] if (advertisement) { DoLog(LogLevel.Success, 'Ads found. Remove it. '); advertisement.parentElement.parentElement.remove(); return true; } else { DoLog(LogLevel.Info, 'No ads here. '); return false; } } // 去除顶部"应用中心"、"网易严选"和"半个电台",挂接首页自动去广函数 let p = document.querySelector('.js-component-tab[role="tablist"]'); //p - parentNote if (p) { let cs = p.children; //cs- childs:) let i, j = 0, note, targetNotes = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) { if (AD_TABS.includes(cs[i].title)) { targetNotes[j] = cs[i]; j += 1; } } targetNotes.forEach(function (item, index, array) { p.removeChild(item); }) } // 尝试现在就去除首页广告区域(如果在首页并且广告已经加载) removeAds(); // 循环执行去广函数 setInterval(removeAds, '1000'); function createEleRemoveFunction(cssSelector, EleName='Unamed_Element', ignorable=false) { return (function func() { if (func.FindCount === undefined) {func.FindCount = 0;}; if (func.Removed === undefined) {func.Removed = false;}; // 广告标识及广告链接 if (!func.Removed) { const Element = document.querySelector(cssSelector); if (!Element) { func.FindCount++; if (func.FindCount >= NUMBER_STOP_FINDING_AFTER) { const level = ignorable ? LogLevel.Success : LogLevel.Error; const text = ignorable ? 'No ' + EleName + ' found here. ' : 'Cannot find ' + EleName + '. Stop finding now. Tried for ' + String(func.FindCount) + 'times. '; DoLog(level, text); func.Removed = true; } else { const level = func.FindCount >= NUMBER_LOG_WARNING_AFTER && !ignorable ? LogLevel.Warning : LogLevel.Info; const text = EleName + ' not loaded, keep waiting... Tried for ' + String(func.FindCount) + 'times. ' DoLog(level, text); setTimeout(func, NUMBER_TIMEOUT_RETRY_AFTER); } } else { DoLog(LogLevel.Success, EleName + ' found, remove it.'); Element.parentElement.removeChild(Element); func.Removed = true; } } }) } // Append a style text to document(<head>) with a <style> element function addStyle(css, id) { const style = document.createElement("style"); id && (style.id = id); style.textContent = css; for (const elm of document.querySelectorAll('#'+id)) { elm.parentElement && elm.parentElement.removeChild(elm); } document.head.appendChild(style); } })()