Greasy Fork is available in English.
Shows the numbers of cards, doubles and legendaries, next to HSReplay build names, that you need to complete them [#n=needed/#d=doubles/#★=legendaries]
// ==UserScript==// @name HSReplay/HDT Deck Counters// @namespace @version 1.0// @run-at document-end// @description Shows the numbers of cards, doubles and legendaries, next to HSReplay build names, that you need to complete them [#n=needed/#d=doubles/#★=legendaries]// @include*// @require @require @author drhouse// ==/UserScript==//this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);//debugger;/* global $ */$(document).ready(function () {var missingcount = 0;var ownedcount = 0;var doubles = 0;var legends = 0;var rows = 0;var row = 0;var indexb = 0;var indexc = 0;function runit(){var list = $("#decks-container > div > div.deck-list-wrapper > div > ul");var missingx = $("#decks-container > div > div.deck-list-wrapper > div > ul > li");$(missingx).each( function (index, value) {missingcount = 0;doubles = 0;legends = 0;$(this).find("a > div > div.col-lg-6.col-md-7.col-sm-8.hidden-xs > ul > li").each(function (index, value) {indexc = index + 1;console.log("indexc: " + indexc)if($(this).attr('class') == 'missing-card'){missingcount = missingcount + 1;if($(this).find("div > a > div > span").text() == '×2')doubles = doubles + 1;if($(this).find("div > a > div > span").text() == '★')legends = legends + 1;}})var title = $(this).find(" a > div > div.col-lg-2.col-md-2.col-sm-2.col-xs-6 > span");$("<span> - " + missingcount + "n ( " + doubles + "d / " + legends + "★)</span>").appendTo(title);});};setTimeout(function() {runit()}, 500);$(window).on('hashchange',function(){setTimeout(function() {runit()}, 500);});});