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Remove annoying cookies popup on google and youtube login popup on youtube! Thanks to him
// ==UserScript== // @name Google Shut Up! // @namespace // @version // @description Remove annoying cookies popup on google and youtube login popup on youtube! Thanks to him // @author You // @include /^https\:\/\/[a-z]*\.(google|youtube)\.[a-z]*/ // @grant none // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function() { //console.log("Google Shut Up: Start"); //Set your consent! //I'm not sure about this, it seems random to me var consent = { "Old" : "YES+EN.en+V13+BX", "Deny All" : "", "Allow Search Only" : "", "Allow Youtube History Only" : "", "Allow Ads Only" : "", "Allow Search + Youtube History" : "", "Allow Youtube History + Ads" : "", "Allow Search + Ads" : "", "Allow All" : "" }; //I can only deny or allow all because more options are saved server side var socs = { "Deny All" : "CAE", "Allow All" : "CAI" } var setSocs = socs["Deny All"]; var setConsent = consent["Deny All"]; // //youtube wtf events //new layout > 2017 window.addEventListener("yt-navigate-finish", function(event) { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange')) }); //old layout < 2017 window.addEventListener("spfdone", function(e) { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange')) }); window.addEventListener("load",function(){ dismissLogin(); },{once:true}); function cookieIsSet(){ return /*document.cookie.match(/CONSENT\=YES\+/) !== null &&*/ document.cookie.match(/SOCS\=CA(E|I)/) !== null; } function siteIsRefreshable(){ return document.URL.match(/^https\:\/\/((accounts|pay|news|drive|translate|docs|business|developers)\.(google|youtube)\.[\.a-z]*|www\.google\.[\.a-z]*\/recaptcha|www\.google\.[\.a-z]*\/maps\/embed)/i) === null; } function isYoutube(){ return document.URL.match(/^https\:\/\/www\.youtube\.com/i) !== null; } function isEmbedded(){ return document.URL.match(/(\/embed\/|\/subscribe_embed)/i) !== null; } window.addEventListener('locationchange', function(){ if(!cookieIsSet() && !isEmbedded()){ cookieInjection(); } dismissLogin(); }); //if cookie is unset then inject it if(!cookieIsSet() && !isEmbedded()){ cookieInjection(); } dismissLogin(); function cookieInjection(){ //cookie injection //document.cookie = "CONSENT="+setConsent+"; expires=Fri, 01 Jan 2038 00:00:00 GMT; domain="+document.URL.match(/^https\:\/\/[a-z]*\.((google|youtube)\.[\.a-z]*)/)[1]+"; path =/; Secure"; document.cookie = "SOCS="+setSocs+"; expires=Fri, 01 Jan 2038 00:00:00 GMT; domain="+document.URL.match(/^https\:\/\/[a-z]*\.((google|youtube)\.[\.a-z]*)/)[1]+"; path =/; SameSite=Lax; Secure"; //reload on pages causes infinite loop if(siteIsRefreshable()){ //refresh page to avoid cookie's popup //console.log("Google Shut Up: cookie refresh"); if(document.URL.match(/^https\:\/\/consent\.(?:google|youtube)\.[\.a-z]*\/m\?continue\=([^&]*)/) !== null){ location.href=decodeURIComponent(document.URL.match(/^https\:\/\/consent\.(?:google|youtube)\.[\.a-z]*\/m\?continue\=([^&]*)/)[1]) }else{ location.reload(); } } } //Link: //Source: //Thanks to this guy! function dismissLogin(){ try { window.ytInitialPlayerResponse.auxiliaryUi.messageRenderers.upsellDialogRenderer.isVisible = false; //console.log("Google Shut Up: dismissed login popup"); } catch (e){ } //this is new try { window.ytInitialData.overlay.upsellDialogRenderer.isVisible = false; //console.log("Google Shut Up: dismissed login popup"); } catch (e){ } } })();