try to take over the world!
// ==UserScript== // @name 转发评论抽奖 // @namespace // @version 0.14 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match *://* // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; //本功能仅适用于bilibili视频站内UP主所发的动态进行抽奖 //只有转发并且评论本条动态的用户才可参与抽奖 //首先进入动态详情;使用前,请刷新页面,不要进行其他操作,待本功能组件加载完毕后,点击“开始抽奖”按钮 //等待数秒后(参与用户的数量决定抽奖所需时间),页面即会展示中奖人员弹框 //弹窗提示前请勿进行其他操作 //本功能将持续优化 let sendUserArr = [] let commentUserArr = [] let finalArr = [] $('body').append('<div class="draw-container" style="display:none;">'+ '<div class="r###lt-cover" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);position: fixed;top: 0;z-index: 10000;display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">'+ '<div class="r###lt-box" style="background-color: #ffffff;border-radius: 4px;padding: 10px;min-width: 250px;min-height: 20px;">'+ '<p class="waiting-tip" style="text-align: center;">抽奖中,请稍等...</p>'+ '<div class="r###lt-list" style="height: 200px;overflow-y: auto;display:none;"></div>'+ '</div>'+ '</div>'+ '</div>') setTimeout(function() { $('.detail-card .card .main-content').append('<div style="margin: 10px 0 0 0;display: flex;justify-content: flex-start;align-items: center;">'+ '<div style="height: 30px;display: flex;justify-content: flex-start;align-items: center;margin: 0 10px 0 0;">'+ '抽取'+ '<input style="width: 30px;height: 100%;margin: 0 3px;padding: 0 5px;border-radius: 3px;border: 1px solid #999;" class="will-num" type="text" value="1" />'+ '人'+ '</div>'+ '<button class="start-draw" style="background-color: #007cff;border: 0;color: #ffffff;padding: 0 8px;border-radius: 4px;cursor: pointer;height: 30px;">开始抽奖</button>'+ '<p style="padding: 0 0 0 10px;color: #848484;font-size: 12px;">提示:刷新页面后再点击抽奖,请勿进行其他操作</p>'+ '</div>') }, 3000) $(document).on('click', '.start-draw', function() { if(parseInt($('.will-num').val())){ $('.draw-container').show() $('.will-num').val(parseInt($('.will-num').val())) $('.waiting-tip').text('正在抽取 '+$('.will-num').val()+' 人,请稍等...') $('.single-button').eq(0).click() setTimeout(() => { scrollBottom() }, 1000) } else { alert('请输入数字!') } }) function scrollBottom() { window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight) if ($('.forw-more').children('a').hasClass('nomore')) { getSendUser() } else { setTimeout(() => { scrollBottom() }, 1000) } } function getSendUser(){ let sendUserList = $('.forw-list .dynamic-list-item-wrap') for (let i = 0; i < sendUserList.length; i++) { const sendUserName = sendUserList.eq(i).children('.item-detail').children('.item-user').children('.user-name').text() if (sendUserArr.indexOf(sendUserName) < 0) { sendUserArr.push(sendUserName) } } $('.single-button').eq(1).click() setTimeout(() => { getCommentUser() }, 1000) } let allComment = [] function getCommentUser(){ let commentUserList = $('.comment-list .list-item') let flag = 0 for (let i = 0; i < commentUserList.length; i++) { flag = flag + 1 const commentUserName = commentUserList.eq(i).children('.con').children('.user').children('.name').text() if (allComment.indexOf(commentUserName) < 0) { allComment.push(commentUserName) } if (flag == commentUserList.length) { if ($('.bottom-page').children('a').hasClass('next')) { $('.bottom-page').children('.next').click() setTimeout(() => { getCommentUser() }, 800) } else { setData() } } } } function setData(){ allComment.forEach(element => { sendUserArr.forEach(ele => { if (element == ele) { finalArr.push(ele) } }) }) getWinner() } function getWinner(){ let sortData = [] finalArr.forEach(element => { sortData.push({ name: element, num: Math.random() }) }) sortData.sort(sortby) let finalWinners = [] const chooseNum = $('.will-num').val() $('.waiting-tip').text('中奖用户') for(let i = 0;i<chooseNum;i++){ finalWinners.push(sortData[i].name) $('.r###lt-list').append('<p class="r###lt-item" style="color: red;font-size: 24px;padding: 10px;text-align: center;border-bottom: 1px solid #dedede;"><span style="color: #ff7800;">'+ (parseInt(i) + 1) +'.</span>'+sortData[i].name+'</p>') } $('.r###lt-list').show() } function sortby(a,b){ return a.num-b.num } })();