Resizes the YouTube player to smaller sizes
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
Fixed a bug with trusted types policy for firefox.
Fixed bug with trusted types policy.
Updated the description.
Added a fix for the Firefox web browser.
Added a @supportURL in the script header.
Fixed a possible bug with the maxWidth setting.
Fixed a bug in the code on sizing.
Minor bug fixes.
Fixed a bug.
Added some code fixes for video size.
Fixed a few bugs.
Cleaned up some of the logic in the resizeObserver and removed the transitionend event handler.
Fixed a bug related to the keydown event.
Updated the maxWidth variable to be more accurate.
Updated the icon of the script.
Updated the event listener for keydown.
Cleaned up some more logic in the load functions of the code.
Simplified the loading of the code.
Code clean up.
Added the PageObserver function to check when the page changes.
Updated to using a MutationObserver vs setInterval for finding the player container outer.
Updated an event handler for creating the resize of the video container.
Updated some of the code to run in proper sequence.
Cleaned up the startMethods function.
Fixed loading bug in the code.
Updated the loading functions of the script.
Created more code to check if the script is loaded correctly.
Updated the way the script is loaded on the web page.
Added a checkUrl function.
Cleaned up code in the viewInterval function.
Clean up more code and removed isInViewPort function.
Bug fixes.
Updated the createResize function code.
Added a work around for a bug for the time being.
Fixed bug from previous version.
Updated the code when going to a YouTube page directly.
Added code for the script to run when directly loading a YouTube video.
Updated the event handler from "yt-navigate-finish" to "yt-navigate" for faster loading of the script.
Updated the button tool tip text and updated the preview picture.
Updated the preview image and the button icons.
A little clean up with the SVG path variables and other variables.
A lot of code clean up and simplification of the loading of the script.
Updated the viewInterval function logic to allow for vertical videos.
Major changes to the code to simplify many of the functions.
Fixed a bug in the size of the video container.
Created a fix for the incomplete bug fix to the previous bug.