Greasy Fork is available in English.
// ==UserScript== // @name MiniblogImgPop - 微博浮图 // @namespace // @icon // @description 微博浮图控件,鼠标移过小图弹出浮动大图的脚本 // @version 3.4.2 // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include https://** // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include* // @include http://** // @include *://** // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include https://** // @include https://** // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // @author afc163 // @weibo // @code // @blog // @date 2010.8.12 (function () { // 各微博站点的feed配置 var MIPConfig = { '': { feedSelector: '.imgZoomIn', sFrag: '', bFrag: '' }, '': { feedSelector: '[action-type="fl_pics"]', sFrag: 'thumb150', bFrag: 'large' }, '': { feedSelector: '.bigcursor', sFrag: 'thumbnail', bFrag: 'large' }, '': { feedSelector: '.bigcursor, .feed_img, .media_list img, .woo-picture-main img, .wbpro-feed-ogText a, .text a, .woo-avatar-main img', sFrag: ['thumb180', 'thumb150', 'orj480', 'orj360', 'thumbnail', 'square'], bFrag: ['mw690', 'mw690', 'mw690', 'mw690', 'bmiddle', 'bmiddle'] }, '': { feedSelector: '.pic', sFrag: ['/f_', '_1.jpg'], bFrag: ['/m_', '_0.jpg'] }, '': { feedSelector: '.tweet-preview-pic', sFrag: ['w=140&h=140', '&gif=1'], bFrag: ['w=440', '&gif=0'] }, '': { feedSelector: '.pic img:not(.large)', sFrag: ['/160', '/120'], bFrag: ['/460', '/460'] }, '': { feedSelector: '.imgBig', sFrag: '_thumbnail', bFrag: '_middle' }, '': { feedSelector: '.list_s_pic img', sFrag: '/s_', bFrag: '/b_' }, '': { feedSelector: '.zoom_in_image img', sFrag: '/128x160_', bFrag: '/520x0_' }, '': { feedSelector: '.pic-zoomin', bigSrc: '_middlepic', sFrag: 'small', bFrag: 'middle' }, '': { feedSelector: '.feed-img', bigSrc: 'imgsrc' }, '': { feedSelector: '.picture', sFrag: '_100x75', bFrag: '_640x480' }, '': { feedSelector: '.zoom-move', sFrag: '/thumbnail', bFrag: '/bmiddle' }, '': { feedSelector: '.thumb-image', sFrag: '_160x160', bFrag: '_450x10000' }, '': { feedSelector: '.threadlist_media li', bigSrc: 'bpic' }, '': { feedSelector: '.feat_img', bigSrc: 'data-field' }, '': { feedSelector: '.expandable > img', sFrag: '!thumb', bFrag: '!custom' }, '': { feedSelector: 'img', sFrag: 'median', bFrag: 'raw' }, '': { feedSelector: '.uxcore-nw-message-wall-item-album-thumb li', sFrag: ['240x240', '120x120'], bFrag: ['620x10000', '620x10000'] } }; // 居中显示的图片对象 var PopImg = { show: function (e) { this.allowMove = false; // fix firefox 22 beta 1 this._hideTimer && window.clearTimeout(this._hideTimer); var that = this; var smallImg = MiniblogImgPop.smallImg; var src = this.getBigImgsrc(smallImg); this.img.src = src; this.imgWidth = 500; imgReady(src, function () { that.imgWidth = this.width; that.layoutImg(e); = 1; = 'visible'; = '-15px';; // 换算图片显示高度 // 1. 宽度超过 500 时,高度要等比例压缩 // 2. 加上边框高度 var imgDisplayHeight; if (this.width > 500) { imgDisplayHeight = (this.height) * 500 / this.width; } else { imgDisplayHeight = this.height; } if (window.innerHeight > imgDisplayHeight) { var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; = (scrollTop + (window.innerHeight - imgDisplayHeight) / 2 + 15) + 'px'; that.allowMove = false; } else { that.allowMove = true; that.move(e); } }); }, // 设置大图的宽度与位置 layoutImg: function (e) { var pos = offset(MiniblogImgPop.smallImg); var left = pos.x + pos.width + 30; var width = Math.min(this.imgWidth, 500); // 如果小图右边放不下 if (left + width > window.innerWidth) { left = pos.x - width - 30; // 如果左边也放不下 if (left < 0) { // 根据鼠标位置,选择空间大的一侧放置 if (e.pageX > window.innerWidth / 2) { // 放置在左边 width = Math.min(width, e.pageX - 30); left = 0; } else { // 放置在右边 width = Math.min(width, window.innerWidth - e.pageX - 30); left = window.innerWidth - width; } } } = width + 'px'; = left + 'px'; }, hide: function () { var that = this; = 0; = '0px'; Mask.hide(); this.shown = false; this._hideTimer = window.setTimeout(function () { that.img.src = ''; = 'hidden'; }, 200); }, init: function () { var node = document.createElement('img'); = 'miniblogImgPop'; document.body.appendChild(node); this.img = node; Mask.init(); }, move: function (e) { this.layoutImg(e); // 重新计算大图宽度与位置 if (!this.allowMove) { return; } Mask.move(e); // 根据 Mask 的位置算出大图的位置 var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; = (scrollTop - * Mask.scale) + 14 + 'px'; }, getBigImgsrc: function (obj) { var tempimgs, tempimg, imgsrc, i, l, sname = MiniblogImgPop.sitename, config = MiniblogImgPop.config; if (obj.tagName === 'IMG' || obj.tagName === 'img') { tempimg = obj; } else { tempimgs = obj.getElementsByTagName('IMG'); if (!tempimgs || tempimgs.length === 0) { throw 'cant found the img node.'; } else { tempimg = tempimgs[0]; } } //针对使用额外属性保存大图地址的网站 if (config.bigSrc) { return tempimg.getAttribute(config.bigSrc) || 'javascript:;'; } //一般处理 imgsrc = tempimg.getAttribute('src'); //; imgsrc = decodeURIComponent(imgsrc); if (typeof config.sFrag === 'object') { for (i = 0, l = config.sFrag.length; i < l; i++) { imgsrc = imgsrc.replace(config.sFrag[i], config.bFrag[i]); } } else { imgsrc = imgsrc.replace(config.sFrag, config.bFrag); } if (obj.tagName === 'a' || obj.tagName === 'A') { imgsrc = obj.href } return imgsrc; } }; // 图片上遮罩的阴影 var Mask = { show: function (e) { var smallImg = MiniblogImgPop.smallImg, bigImg = PopImg.img; this.sOffset = offset(smallImg); // 表示放大的倍数 this.scale = (bigImg.height + 14) * 1.0 / this.sOffset.height; // 计算出bar的高度 if (window.innerHeight < bigImg.height) { this.height = parseInt(window.innerHeight / this.scale, 10); } else { this.height = this.sOffset.height; } // 计算bar的Top值可以允许的范围 this.range = this.sOffset.height - this.height; // 计算 mask 的位置 this.nodes[0].style.left = this.sOffset.x + 'px'; this.nodes[0].style.width = this.sOffset.width + 'px'; this.nodes[0] = this.sOffset.y + 'px'; this.nodes[1].style.left = this.sOffset.x + 'px'; this.nodes[1].style.width = this.sOffset.width + 'px'; this.nodes[1].style.bottom = (window.innerHeight - this.sOffset.y - this.sOffset.height) + 'px'; this.move(e); this.nodes[0].style.opacity = 0.7; this.nodes[1].style.opacity = 0.7; }, hide: function () { this.nodes[0].style.opacity = 0; this.nodes[1].style.opacity = 0; this.nodes[0].style.height = 0; this.nodes[1].style.height = 0; }, move: function (e) { // 计算鼠标相对于元素的位置 var x = e.pageX - this.sOffset.x, y = e.pageY - this.sOffset.y; // 计算bar的top值 var top = y - this.height / 2; top = top < 0 ? 0 : top; top = top > this.range ? this.range : top; = top; this.nodes[0].style.height = top + 'px'; this.nodes[1].style.height = (this.sOffset.height - top - this.height) + 'px'; }, init: function () { var node1 = document.createElement('div'); node1.className = 'miniblogImgPop-mask'; document.body.appendChild(node1); var node2 = document.createElement('div'); node2.className = 'miniblogImgPop-mask'; document.body.appendChild(node2); this.nodes = [node1, node2]; } }; var MiniblogImgPop = { preloadImg: function () { var that = this; window.setTimeout(function () { var nodes = $(that.config.feedSelector); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var preloadImg = new Image(); preloadImg.src = PopImg.getBigImgsrc(nodes[i]); } }, 1500); }, prepare: function () { this.sitename = this._getSiteName(); this.config = MIPConfig[this.sitename]; }, addImgsEventListener: function () { var that = this; delegate(document.body, 'mouseover', function (e, node) { that.smallImg = node; = 0.84;; }, this.config.feedSelector); delegate(document.body, 'mouseout', function (e, node) { = ''; PopImg.hide(); }, this.config.feedSelector); delegate(document.body, 'mousemove', function (e) { PopImg.move(e); }, this.config.feedSelector); }, // 获得当前站点名 _getSiteName: function () { var i, each; for (each in MIPConfig) { if (location.href.indexOf(each) != -1) { return each; } } return ''; }, init: function () { // 初始化两个节点 PopImg.init(); // 准备必要的数据 this.prepare(); // 绑定imgs hover事件 this.addImgsEventListener(); // 预加载大图 this.preloadImg(); } }; // 启动 MiniblogImgPop.init(); // Helpers // --- function $(selector) { return document.querySelectorAll(selector); } function offset(source) { var pt = { x: 0, y: 0, width: source.offsetWidth, height: source.offsetHeight }; do { pt.x += source.offsetLeft; pt.y += source.offsetTop; source = source.offsetParent; } while (source); return pt; } function delegate(el, eventType, handler, selector) { el = el || document; el.addEventListener(eventType, function (e) { var node = getHandlerNode(e, selector, el); node &&, e, node); }, false); function getHandlerNode(e, selector, el) { //返回我们handler需要的参数 var nodes; el = el || document; if (e && && selector) { nodes = el.querySelectorAll(selector); for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if ( == nodes[i] || isInDomChain(, nodes[i], el)) { return nodes[i]; } } return false; } } function isInDomChain(target, parent, ancestor, maxDepth) { ancestor = ancestor || null; maxDepth = maxDepth || 100; if (target == ancestor) { return false; } if (target == parent) { return true; } var i = 0;//防止过多嵌套 while (target != ancestor && target !== null && (i++ < maxDepth)) { target = target.parentNode; if (target == parent) { return true; } } return false; } } /** * 图片头数据加载就绪事件 - 更快获取图片尺寸 * @version 2011.05.27 * @author TangBin * @see * @param {String} 图片路径 * @param {Function} 尺寸就绪 * @param {Function} 加载完毕 (可选) * @param {Function} 加载错误 (可选) * @example imgReady('', function () { alert('size ready: width=' + this.width + '; height=' + this.height); }); */ var imgReady = (function () { var list = [], intervalId = null, // 用来执行队列 tick = function () { var i = 0; for (; i < list.length; i++) { list[i].end ? list.splice(i--, 1) : list[i](); } !list.length && stop(); }, // 停止所有定时器队列 stop = function () { window.clearInterval(intervalId); intervalId = null; }; return function (url, ready, load, error) { var onready, width, height, newWidth, newHeight, img = new Image(); img.src = url; // 如果图片被缓存,则直接返回缓存数据 if (img.complete) {; load &&; return; } width = img.width; height = img.height; // 加载错误后的事件 img.onerror = function () { error &&; onready.end = true; img = img.onload = img.onerror = null; }; // 图片尺寸就绪 onready = function () { newWidth = img.width; newHeight = img.height; if (newWidth !== width || newHeight !== height || // 如果图片已经在其他地方加载可使用面积检测 newWidth * newHeight > #### ) {; onready.end = true; } }; onready(); // 完全加载完毕的事件 img.onload = function () { // onload在定时器时间差范围内可能比onready快 // 这里进行检查并保证onready优先执行 !onready.end && onready(); load &&; // IE gif动画会循环执行onload,置空onload即可 img = img.onload = img.onerror = null; }; // 加入队列中定期执行 if (!onready.end) { list.push(onready); // 无论何时只允许出现一个定时器,减少浏览器性能损耗 if (intervalId === null) intervalId = setInterval(tick, 40); } }; })(); // GM_addStyle function is not existed in chrome 27 var GM_addStyle = GM_addStyle || function (css) { var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(style); }; // 增加自定义样式 GM_addStyle("\ #miniblogImgPop {\ border: 0px solid rgba(255,255,255,1);\ border-radius: 8px;\ box-shadow: 0 1px 30px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), 0 0 40px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) inset;\ z-index: 12345;\ opacity: 0;\ margin-top: 0;\ position: absolute;\ visibility: hidden;\ max-width: 500px;\ transition: opacity 0.2s ease-out 0s, margin-top 0.2s ease-out 0s;\ }\ "); // 增加自定义样式 GM_addStyle("\ .miniblogImgPop-mask {\ background: rgb(0, 0, 0);\ z-index: 999;\ position: absolute;\ transition: opacity 0.4s ease-out 0;\ }\ "); })();