Greasy Fork is available in English.
// ==UserScript== // @name YSU教室课表标色 // @version 2.0.5 // @author Haomin Kong // @description 燕山大学教室课表标色 // @match */zjdxgc/mycjcx/* // @match* // @match // @match* // @icon // @require // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_notification // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_addStyle // @license GPL-3.0 License // @run-at document-end // @namespace // @homepage // ==/UserScript== (function () { ("use strict"); let done = false const cookies_name = "YSUKHMJSCOLOR" GM_registerMenuCommand("更新脚本", function () { window.location.href = ""; }); let week = 1; let mainTable = null; let sel1; let CourseCount = 0; let CurrentConfig = { auto: true, //自动执行脚本 week: 0, //自定义周数,0就是自动获取 del_form: true, //删除没课 del_old: true, //删除已经结课的课程 del_future: false, //删除还未开课的课程 del_form_weekend: true, //如果周末没课,那就删除整列(主要是给大三大四设计,没错,就是我自己) del_form_night: true, //如果晚上没课,那就删除整列(主要是给大三大四设计,没错,就是我自己) show_this_week: true,//打印窗口显示第一行 colornow: true, //标色当前周 color_now_font: false, //标色当前周 colorfuture: true, //标色未来周 color_future_font: false, //标色未来周 delnow: false, //删除当前周 delfuture: false, //删除未来周 ignore_lend: false, //忽略借教室(这么多我调试都不方便,烦死了!) ignore_self_learn: true, //忽略自习借教室 ignore_tuan_ri: false,//忽略团日 ignore_ping_xuan: false,//忽略评选 ignore_shuang_xuan_hui: false,//忽略双选会 ignore_zhao_pin: false,//忽略招聘 ignore_xue_sheng_hui: false,//忽略学生会 ignore_class: false,//忽略班会 ignore_exam: false,//忽略考试 delignore: true, //删除上述忽略的 del_ignore_course: true, //删除上述忽略的课程 //下面是保存上次的选择 save_last_select: false,//是否要恢复 last_building: -1,//教学楼 last_room: -1,//教室 }; let DefaultConfig = { auto: true, //自动执行脚本 week: 0, //自定义周数,0就是自动获取 del_form: true, //删除没课 del_old: true, //删除已经结课的课程 del_future: false, //删除还未开课的课程 del_form_weekend: true, //如果周末没课,那就删除整列(主要是给大三大四设计,没错,就是我自己) del_form_night: true, //如果晚上没课,那就删除整列(主要是给大三大四设计,没错,就是我自己) show_this_week: true,//打印窗口显示第一行 colornow: true, //标色当前周 color_now_font: false, //标色当前周 colorfuture: true, //标色未来周 color_future_font: false, //标色未来周 delnow: false, //删除当前周 delfuture: false, //删除未来周 ignore_lend: false, //忽略借教室(这么多我调试都不方便,烦死了!) ignore_self_learn: true, //忽略自习借教室 ignore_tuan_ri: false,//忽略团日 ignore_ping_xuan: false,//忽略评选 ignore_shuang_xuan_hui: false,//忽略双选会 ignore_zhao_pin: false,//忽略招聘 ignore_xue_sheng_hui: false,//忽略学生会 ignore_class: false,//忽略班会 ignore_exam: false,//忽略考试 delignore: true, //删除上述忽略的 del_ignore_course: true, //删除上述忽略的课程 //下面是保存上次的选择 save_last_select: false,//是否要恢复 last_building: -1,//教学楼 last_room: -1,//教室 }; function UpdateSettings() { let settingString = JSON.stringify(CurrentConfig).trim(); //GM_setValue("YSUJWConfig", settingString); setCookie(cookies_name, settingString); } function getSettings() { let data = getCookie(cookies_name); console.log(data) if (data !== undefined && data !== null) { if (data.trim().length !== 0) { try { CurrentConfig = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { CurrentConfig = DefaultConfig; } } else { console.log("cookies have error,length is 0") CurrentConfig = DefaultConfig; } } else { console.log("cookies have error") CurrentConfig = DefaultConfig; } // 填充没有的配置 for (let key in DefaultConfig) { if (typeof CurrentConfig[key] == "undefined") { CurrentConfig[key] = DefaultConfig[key]; } } } function DoJob() { //自动恢复上次的选择 sel1 = document.getElementsByTagName("select"); if (CurrentConfig.save_last_select) { if (CurrentConfig.last_building >= sel1[0].length || CurrentConfig.last_room >= sel1[1].length) { CurrentConfig.last_building = 0; CurrentConfig.last_room = 0; CurrentConfig.save_last_select = false; UpdateSettings(); } else if (CurrentConfig.last_building !== sel1[0].selectedIndex || CurrentConfig.last_room !== sel1[1].selectedIndex) { sel1[0].selectedIndex = CurrentConfig.last_building; sel1[1].selectedIndex = CurrentConfig.last_room; document.getElementsByName("Submit")[0].click() } } let weekText = /本周为第[0-9]+周周[0-9]/.exec( document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].textContent ); if (weekText != null) { weekText = weekText[0] weekText = /第[0-9]+周/.exec(weekText); week = parseInt(/[0-9]+/.exec(weekText)[0]); let as = document.getElementsByTagName("table"); for (let i = 0, j = as.length; i < j; ++i) { let tableObj = as[i]; if (tableObj.rows.length >= 8) { mainTable = tableObj; tableObj.setAttribute("id", "maintable"); tableObj.setAttribute("border", "0.5"); TraverseTable(tableObj); } } } else { document.getElementsByName("Submit")[0].click() } } function TraverseTable(tableObj) { CourseCount = 0; //删除空行 let tbody = tableObj.children[0]; for (let i = 0, j = tbody.children.length; i < j; ++i) { if (typeof tbody.children[i] !== "undefined" && tbody.children[i].innerText.trim().length === 0) { tbody.removeChild(tbody.children[i]); --i; } } for (let i = 0, i1 = tableObj.rows.length; i < i1 && i1 >= 8; i++) { for (let j = 0, j1 = tableObj.rows[i].cells.length; j < j1; j++) { // 遍历每一个单元格 re(tableObj.rows[i].cells[j]); } } let removeInfo = RemoveNightAndWeekend(tableObj) let weekInfoForm = tableObj.rows[0].cells[0]; let lab1 = document.createElement("strong"); lab1.innerText = " 当前周总共有 "; let lab2 = document.createElement("font"); lab2.innerText = CourseCount + ''; lab2.setAttribute("color", "#FF0000") let lab3 = document.createElement("strong"); lab3.innerText = " 节课"; weekInfoForm.appendChild(lab1); lab1.appendChild(lab2); lab1.appendChild(lab3); let lab_night = document.createElement("strong"); let lab_night1 = document.createElement("font"); if (removeInfo[0] === 0) { lab_night.innerText = " 晚上 "; lab_night1.innerText = "!没课!" + ''; lab_night1.setAttribute("color", "#FF0000") } else { lab_night.innerText = " 晚上共有 "; lab_night1.innerText = removeInfo[0] + ''; lab_night1.setAttribute("color", "#FF0000") let lab_night2 = document.createElement("strong"); lab_night2.innerText = " 节课"; lab_night1.appendChild(lab_night2); } weekInfoForm.appendChild(lab_night); lab_night.appendChild(lab_night1); let lab_week = document.createElement("strong"); let lab_week1 = document.createElement("font"); if (removeInfo[1] === 0) { lab_week.innerText = " 周末 "; lab_week1.innerText = "!没课!" + ''; lab_week1.setAttribute("color", "#FF0000") } else { lab_week.innerText = " 周末共有 "; lab_week1.innerText = removeInfo[1] + ''; lab_week1.setAttribute("color", "#FF0000") let lab_week2 = document.createElement("strong"); lab_week2.innerText = " 节课"; lab_week1.appendChild(lab_week2); } weekInfoForm.appendChild(lab_week); lab_week.appendChild(lab_week1); } function bool2Text(boolType) { return boolType ? "有" : "无"; } function RemoveNightAndWeekend(tableObj) { ////////////////晚课监测 //两行都没有才删除 let count1 = 0; let tbody = tableObj.children[0]; for (let i = 0, i1 = tableObj.rows.length; i < i1; i++) { let first = tableObj.rows[i].cells[0].textContent.trim(); if (first !== "9-10节" && first !== "11-12节") { continue; } for (let j = 1, j1 = tableObj.rows[i].cells.length; j < j1; j++) { // 遍历每一个单元格 let text = tableObj.rows[i].cells[j].textContent.trim(); if (text != null && text.length !== 0) { count1++; } } } console.log("count1") console.log(count1) for (let i = 0, i1 = tableObj.rows.length, condition = ((count1 === 0) && CurrentConfig.del_form_night); i < i1 && condition; i++) { let line = tableObj.rows[i]; if (line == null) { continue; } let first = line.cells[0].textContent.trim(); if (first !== "9-10节" && first !== "11-12节") { continue; } //删除空行 tbody.removeChild(tbody.children[i]); i--; } /////////////双休日监测 let count2 = 0; for (let i = 2, i1 = tableObj.rows.length; i < i1; i++) { for (let j = 6, j1 = tableObj.rows[i].cells.length; j < j1; j++) { let first = tableObj.rows[1].cells[j].textContent.trim(); if (first !== "星期6" && first !== "星期7") { continue; } // 遍历每一个单元格 let text = tableObj.rows[i].cells[j].textContent.trim(); if (text != null && text.length !== 0) { count2++; } } } console.log("count2") console.log(count2) for (let j = tableObj.rows[1].cells.length, condition = ((count2 === 0) && CurrentConfig.del_form_weekend); j >= 5 && condition; j--) { // console.log("j=" + j.toString()) let cell = tableObj.rows[1].cells[j]; if (cell == null) { continue; } let first = cell.textContent.trim(); if (first !== "星期6" && first !== "星期7") { console.log("j=" + j.toString() + ",text=" + first) continue; } for (let i = 1, i1 = tableObj.rows.length; i < i1 && condition; i++) { // console.log("i=" + i.toString()) tableObj.rows[i].cells[j].remove(); } } return [count1, count2] } function re(td) { let text = td.innerText.trim(); let regExp = /[0-9]+-[0-9]+周/g; if (!regExp.test(text)) { return; } let courseSplit = text.split("\n\n"); let now = week; if (CurrentConfig.week > 0) { now = CurrentConfig.week; } //now = 10; let state = 0; let vaildCourse = false; let courseText = "" for (let i = 0, j = courseSplit.length; i < j; i++) { let current = courseSplit[i].trim(); // console.log(current); // console.log(current.indexOf("考试") !== -1); //type:1正常上课 2考试 3借用 let type = 0; if (current.indexOf("正常上课") !== -1) { type = 1; } else if (current.indexOf("考试") !== -1) { type = 2; } else if (current.indexOf("借用") !== -1) { type = 3; } let oneLineText = current; while (oneLineText.indexOf("\n") !== -1) { oneLineText = oneLineText.replace("\n", ""); } let match = /[0-9]+-[0-9]+周/g.exec(oneLineText); match = /[0-9]+-[0-9]+/.exec(match[0].trim())[0].trim(); let l = match.split("-"); if (l.length === 2) { let start = parseInt(l[0]); let end = parseInt(l[1]); //这里包括了未开课和还在上的情况 if ((type === 3 && now <= end) && ( CurrentConfig.ignore_lend || (CurrentConfig.ignore_self_learn && current.indexOf("自习") !== -1) || (CurrentConfig.ignore_tuan_ri && (current.indexOf("团日") !== -1 || current.indexOf("团课") !== -1 || current.indexOf("团活") !== -1)) || (CurrentConfig.ignore_ping_xuan && current.indexOf("评选") !== -1) || (CurrentConfig.ignore_shuang_xuan_hui && current.indexOf("双选会") !== -1) || (CurrentConfig.ignore_zhao_pin && current.indexOf("招聘") !== -1) || (CurrentConfig.ignore_class && current.indexOf("班会") !== -1) || (CurrentConfig.ignore_xue_sheng_hui && current.indexOf("学生会") !== -1) ) || (CurrentConfig.ignore_exam && type === 2) ) { if (!CurrentConfig.del_ignore_course) { vaildCourse = true; } } else { if (start <= now && now <= end) { //还在上 state = 1; ++CourseCount; } else if (now < start && state !== 1) { //未开课 state = 2; } vaildCourse = !( (end < now && CurrentConfig.del_old) || (start > now && CurrentConfig.del_future) ) } if (vaildCourse) { if (courseText.length === 0) { courseText = courseSplit[i] } else { courseText += "\n\n" + courseSplit[i] } } } } td.innerText = courseText; td.align = "center" if (courseSplit.length !== 0) { if (state === 1) { if (CurrentConfig.colornow) { td.bgColor = "FFFFBB"; } if (CurrentConfig.color_now_font) { = "red" } if (CurrentConfig.delnow) { td.textContent = ""; } } else if (state === 2) { if (CurrentConfig.colorfuture) { td.bgColor = "FFDDDD"; } if (CurrentConfig.color_future_font) { = "blue" } if (CurrentConfig.delfuture) { td.textContent = ""; } } else { td.bgColor = "FFFFFF"; if (CurrentConfig.del_form) { td.textContent = ""; } } } } function newCheckbox(parent, title, checked, change_listener, before_line, after_line) { let cb = document.createElement("input"); cb.type = "checkbox"; cb.checked = checked; if (change_listener != null) { cb.addEventListener("change", change_listener); } parent.appendChild(cb); for (let i = 0; i < after_line; ++i) { cb.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", "<br />"); } cb.insertAdjacentText("afterend", title); for (let i = 0; i < before_line; ++i) { cb.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", "<br />"); } return cb; } function newButton(parent, title, click_listener, before_line, after_line) { let btn = document.createElement("Button"); btn.addEventListener("click", click_listener); btn.innerText = title; parent.appendChild(btn); for (let i = 0; i < before_line; ++i) { btn.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", "<br />"); } for (let i = 0; i < after_line; ++i) { btn.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", "<br />"); } return btn; } function addLink() { let submit = document.getElementsByName("Submit")[0]; let parent1 = submit.parentNode; let parent2 = submit.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[1]; submit.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", "<br />"); newCheckbox(parent1, "自动恢复保存的选择", CurrentConfig.save_last_select, function (e) { CurrentConfig.save_last_select =; CurrentConfig.last_building = sel1[0].selectedIndex; CurrentConfig.last_room = sel1[1].selectedIndex; UpdateSettings(); }, 3, 0); newButton(parent1, "保存当前的选择", function () { CurrentConfig.last_building = sel1[0].selectedIndex; CurrentConfig.last_room = sel1[1].selectedIndex; UpdateSettings(); }, 0, 1); newCheckbox(parent1, "自动执行脚本",, function (e) { =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent1, "自动删除没课的格子", CurrentConfig.del_form, function (e) { CurrentConfig.del_form =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 2); newCheckbox(parent1, "自动删除已经结束的课程", CurrentConfig.del_old, function (e) { CurrentConfig.del_old =; UpdateSettings(); }, 0, 1); newCheckbox(parent1, "自动删除还未开始的课程", CurrentConfig.del_future, function (e) { CurrentConfig.del_future =; UpdateSettings(); }, 0, 1); newCheckbox(parent1, "若晚上没课则自动删除晚上两行", CurrentConfig.del_form_night, function (e) { CurrentConfig.del_form_night =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent1, "若周末没课则自动删除周末两列", CurrentConfig.del_form_weekend, function (e) { CurrentConfig.del_form_weekend =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 2); newCheckbox(parent1, "忽略考试", CurrentConfig.ignore_exam, function (e) { CurrentConfig.ignore_exam =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent1, "忽略所有借教室(调试太麻烦了)", CurrentConfig.ignore_lend, function (e) { CurrentConfig.ignore_lend =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent1, "忽略借教室自习(这真没意思!!!)", CurrentConfig.ignore_self_learn, function (e) { CurrentConfig.ignore_self_learn =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent1, "忽略团日/团课活动", CurrentConfig.ignore_tuan_ri, function (e) { CurrentConfig.ignore_tuan_ri =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent1, "忽略评选", CurrentConfig.ignore_ping_xuan, function (e) { CurrentConfig.ignore_ping_xuan =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent1, "忽略招聘", CurrentConfig.ignore_zhao_pin, function (e) { CurrentConfig.ignore_zhao_pin =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent1, "忽略双选会", CurrentConfig.ignore_shuang_xuan_hui, function (e) { CurrentConfig.ignore_shuang_xuan_hui =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent1, "忽略学生会", CurrentConfig.ignore_xue_sheng_hui, function (e) { CurrentConfig.ignore_xue_sheng_hui =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent1, "忽略班会", CurrentConfig.ignore_class, function (e) { CurrentConfig.ignore_class =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent1, "自动删除上述忽略的课程", CurrentConfig.del_ignore_course, function (e) { CurrentConfig.del_ignore_course =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); if (! { newButton(parent1, "执行脚本", function () { DoJob(); }, 1, 1); } //第二个格子 let keyValue = "Ctrl + P"; if (isMac()) { keyValue = "Command + P"; } let printBtn = newButton(parent2, "简化元素(按" + keyValue + "打印)", function () { if (mainTable != null) { let newWindow ="", "print_win", "toolbar = no, scrollbars = yes, menubar = no,location = no"); var htmlToPrint = '' + '<style type="text/css">' + 'table th, table td {' + 'border:1px solid #000;' + // 'padding:0.5em;' + '}' + '</style>'; newWindow.document.body.innerHTML = htmlToPrint + mainTable.outerHTML; // newWindow.document.write(mainTable.outerHTML); let room = sel1[1].options[sel1[1].selectedIndex].text; newWindow.document.title = room.trim() + " 课程表(请按" + keyValue + "进行打印)"; let as = newWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("table"); let tableObj = as[0]; let tbody = tableObj.children[0]; if (CurrentConfig.show_this_week) { let lab1 = document.createElement("a"); lab1.innerText = "点我打印 (By:孔昊旻)"; lab1.setAttribute("color", "#FF0000") lab1.setAttribute("href", "javascript:window.print();"); // lab1.addEventListener("click", function () { // window.print(); // }); tbody.children[0].children[0].appendChild(lab1); } else { tbody.removeChild(tbody.children[0]) } } }, 0, 0); printBtn.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", "打印相关:<br />"); newCheckbox(parent2, "是否显示当前周数(第一行)", CurrentConfig.show_this_week, function (e) { CurrentConfig.show_this_week =; UpdateSettings(); }, 0, 1); newCheckbox(parent2, "当前周有课的文字着色", CurrentConfig.color_now_font, function (e) { CurrentConfig.color_now_font =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent2, "未来周有课的文字着色", CurrentConfig.color_future_font, function (e) { CurrentConfig.color_future_font =; UpdateSettings(); }, 0, 2); let text1 = document.createElement("input"); = "text_week"; text1.type = "number"; text1.max = 20; text1.min = 0; text1.value = CurrentConfig.week.toString(); parent2.appendChild(text1); text1.insertAdjacentText("afterend", "周(0为自动获取)"); text1.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", "<br />"); text1.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", "设置当前周数:"); newButton(parent2, "保存", function () { CurrentConfig.week = parseInt(text1.value); UpdateSettings(); }, 0, 1); newCheckbox(parent2, "标色当前周有课", CurrentConfig.colornow, function (e) { CurrentConfig.colornow =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent2, "删除当前周有课", CurrentConfig.delnow, function (e) { CurrentConfig.delnow =; UpdateSettings(); }, 0, 0).insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", " "); newCheckbox(parent2, "标色未来周有课", CurrentConfig.colorfuture, function (e) { CurrentConfig.colorfuture =; UpdateSettings(); }, 1, 0); newCheckbox(parent2, "删除未来周有课", CurrentConfig.delfuture, function (e) { CurrentConfig.delfuture =; UpdateSettings(); }, 0, 1).insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", " "); newButton(parent2, "刷新页面", function () { location.reload(); }, 1, 0) newButton(parent2, "重新从教务处网站进入本页面", function () { window.location.href = ""; }, 1, 0).insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", "刷新页面并不能刷新新周数"); newButton(parent2, "进入教务系统62", function () { window.location.href = ""; }, 2, 0) newButton(parent2, "进入教务系统6(校内)", function () { window.location.href = ""; }, 0, 0) newButton(parent2, "进入教务系统9(校内)", function () { window.location.href = ""; }, 0, 0) newButton(parent2, "恢复默认设置", function () { CurrentConfig = DefaultConfig; UpdateSettings(); location.reload(); }, 4, 2) newButton(parent2, "更新脚本", function () { window.location.href = ''; }, 2, 0) let myVersion = GM_info.script.version; console.log('Version: ', myVersion); let lab1 = document.createElement("a"); lab1.innerText = " 脚本版本:" + myVersion; lab1.setAttribute("href", ""); parent2.appendChild(lab1); let lab2 = document.createElement("a"); lab2.innerText = " 脚本作者:孔昊旻"; lab2.setAttribute("href", ""); parent2.appendChild(lab2); } function isMac() { let reg_mac = new RegExp("mac", 'i'); return navigator.platform.match(reg_mac) !== null; } //JS操作cookies方法! //写cookies function setCookie(name, value) { // let Days = 30; // let exp = new Date(); // exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + Days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ";" // ""expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); //alert(value) console.log(value) } //读取cookies function getCookie(name) { let arr, reg = new RegExp("(^| )" + name + "=([^;]*)(;|$)"); if ((arr = document.cookie.match(reg))) return unescape(arr[2]); // else return ""; else return null; } //删除cookies function delCookie(name) { let exp = new Date(); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() - 1); let cval = getCookie(name); if (cval != null) document.cookie = name + "=" + cval + ";expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); } const changeFavicon = link => { let $favicon = document.querySelector('link[rel="icon"]'); 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