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Amazon units converter

Convert Amazon units to normal units that all normal countries uses. It's check only 2 rows in a Specs table, so it's very perfomance-friendly.

// ==UserScript==
// @name			Amazon units converter
// @name:ru			Amazon конвертер величин
// @namespace		https://greasyfork.org/ru/users/303426-титан
// @version				1.1.0
// @description		Convert Amazon units to normal units that all normal countries uses. It's check only 2 rows in a Specs table, so it's very perfomance-friendly.
// @description:ru	Конвертирует единицы измерения Амазона из американских в нормальные. Он проверяет только 2 строчки в Характеристиках, поэтому этот скрипт не оказывает практически никакого влияния на производительность
// @author			Титан
// @include			http://www.amazon.com/*/dp/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.com/*/dp/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.co.uk/*/dp/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.co.uk/*/dp/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.fr/*/dp/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.fr/*/dp/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.de/*/dp/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.de/*/dp/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.es/*/dp/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.es/*/dp/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.ca/*/dp/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.ca/*/dp/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.in/*/dp/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.in/*/dp/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.it/*/dp/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.it/*/dp/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.co.jp/*/dp/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.co.jp/*/dp/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.com.mx/*/dp/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.com.mx/*/dp/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.com.au/*/dp/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.com.au/*/dp/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.com/*/product/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.com/*/product/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.co.uk/*/product/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.co.uk/*/product/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.fr/*/product/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.fr/*/product/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.de/*/product/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.de/*/product/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.es/*/product/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.es/*/product/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.ca/*/product/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.ca/*/product/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.in/*/product/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.in/*/product/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.it/*/product/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.it/*/product/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.co.jp/*/product/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.co.jp/*/product/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.com.mx/*/product/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.com.mx/*/product/*
// @include			http://www.amazon.com.au/*/product/*
// @include			https://www.amazon.com.au/*/product/*
// @icon			https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=amazon.com
// @grant			none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
let DebugText = ":::Amazon American units to normal units extension::: ";
let Debug = false;
let UnitNames = ["inches", "pounds", "ounces"];
let NewUnitNames = ["cm", "kg", "gram"]
let ConvertFuncs = [ConvertInchesToSm, ConvertPoundsToKg, ConvertOuncesToGram]
let CheckAllRows = false;
class UnitText {
get StartIndex() {
return this._Index;
set StartIndex(value) {
this._Index = value;
get Unit() {
return this._Unit;
set Unit(value) {
this._Unit = value;
get NewUnit() {
return this._NewUnit;
set NewUnit(value) {
this._NewUnit = value;
get UnitConvertFunc() {
return this._UnitConvertFunc;
set UnitConvertFunc(value) {
this._UnitConvertFunc = value;
constructor(StartIndex, Unit, NewUnit, UnitConvertFunc) {
this._Index = StartIndex;
this._Unit = Unit;
this._NewUnit = NewUnit;
this._UnitConvertFunc = UnitConvertFunc;
window.onload = () => {
if (Debug) {console.log("Amazon unit converter started"); }
let Tables = document.querySelectorAll("table");
for(let table of Tables) {
if (Debug) {console.log("TABLE:"); console.log(table);}
let tbody = table.firstElementChild;
try {
for (let tr of tbody.children) {
let thNode = tr;
while (thNode.firstElementChild != null) {thNode = thNode.firstElementChild}
let lowerText = thNode.textContent.toLowerCase();
if (Debug) console.log("text: ", lowerText);
if (lowerText.indexOf("dimensions") >= 0 || lowerText.indexOf("weight") >= 0||!CheckAllRows) {
catch (e) {
if(Debug) console.log(table.id+ ": "+e.message);
function TableSearch(tr) {
if (Debug) {
console.log("TableSearch td:");
let dimentionsTds = tr.querySelectorAll("td");
for (let td of dimentionsTds) {
while (td.firstElementChild != null) {td = td.firstElementChild}
td.textContent = ReplaceUnits(td.textContent);
* @param {string} Text Text that will be converted
* @returns {string} Is something were converted (False, if nothing to convert found)
* @constructor
function ReplaceUnits(Text) {
let lastStart;
do {
let unitTextInfo = new Array(UnitNames.length);
for (let i = 0; i < UnitNames.length; i++) {
unitTextInfo[i] = new UnitText();
unitTextInfo[i].StartIndex = Text.toLowerCase().indexOf(UnitNames[i]);
if (unitTextInfo[i].StartIndex>0) {
unitTextInfo[i].Unit = UnitNames[i];
unitTextInfo[i].NewUnit = NewUnitNames[i];
unitTextInfo[i].UnitConvertFunc = ConvertFuncs[i];
unitTextInfo.sort((a, b) => a.StartIndex - b.StartIndex); //5,4,3,2,1
let Texts = new Array(unitTextInfo.length);
lastStart = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < unitTextInfo.length; i++) {
if (unitTextInfo[i].StartIndex != -1) {
Texts[i] = Text.slice(lastStart, unitTextInfo[i].StartIndex + 1);
lastStart = unitTextInfo[i].StartIndex;
Texts[i] = ReplaceUnit(Texts[i], unitTextInfo[i].Unit, unitTextInfo[i].NewUnit, unitTextInfo[i].UnitConvertFunc);
if (lastStart == 0) break;
Text = "";
for (let t of Texts) {
if (t!=undefined) Text+=t;
} while (true) //do until nothing to convert left
return Text;
* Converts all numbers in text from old unit to new unit
* @param {string} Text Text that will be converted
* @param {string} UnitName Name of current unit
* @param {string} NewUnitName Name of the new unit
* @param {function} UnitConvertFunc Function that takes current unit float and returns new unit float
* @return {string} Text with all old unit floats replaced by new unit floats
function ReplaceUnit(Text,UnitName,NewUnitName,UnitConvertFunc) {
let NewText = "";
let lastUnitTextIndex = -UnitName.length;
let unitTextIndex = Text.toLowerCase().indexOf(UnitName);
if (unitTextIndex===-1) return Text;
let unitTextFragment = Text.slice(lastUnitTextIndex+UnitName.length, unitTextIndex)
lastUnitTextIndex = unitTextIndex;
while (unitTextIndex!==-1) { //while there IS a UnitName text in a string untouched
let i = 0;
console.log("original fragment: " + unitTextFragment);
while (i < unitTextFragment.length)
{ //Перебор внутри фрагмента
let firstDigitPos;
let lastDigitPos;
for (i; ;i++) { //Searches for first digit symbol
if (i === unitTextFragment.length) { //if first digit not found, exit circle
if(Debug) console.log(`${DebugText}no Number found before \"${UnitName}\" text: ${NormalizeString( unitTextFragment)}`);
break LfragmentLoop;
if (isFloatNumber(unitTextFragment[i])) break;  //if first digit found, break
lastDigitPos = firstDigitPos = i;
for (i+=1;i < unitTextFragment.length; i++) {//searches for last digit position
if (isFloatNumber(unitTextFragment[i])) lastDigitPos = i;
else break;
let UnitNumber = unitTextFragment.slice(firstDigitPos,lastDigitPos+1);
let NewUnitNumber = UnitConvertFunc(UnitNumber).toFixed(2);
unitTextFragment = unitTextFragment.slice(0,firstDigitPos) + NewUnitNumber + unitTextFragment.slice(lastDigitPos+1);
let offset = NewUnitNumber.length - UnitNumber.length
i+= offset;
if(Debug) console.log("fragment: "+ NormalizeString(unitTextFragment)+"\nCursorpos:"+CreateSpaces(i)+"↑");
NewText+=unitTextFragment + NewUnitName;
unitTextIndex = Text.toLowerCase().indexOf(UnitName, lastUnitTextIndex+UnitName.length);
if (unitTextIndex===-1) break;
unitTextFragment = Text.slice(lastUnitTextIndex+UnitName.length, unitTextIndex)
lastUnitTextIndex = unitTextIndex;
if (lastUnitTextIndex<Text.length)
return NewText;
function ConvertInchesToSm(Inches) {
return Inches*2.54;
function ConvertPoundsToKg(Pounds) {
return Pounds*0.45359237;
function ConvertOuncesToGram(Ounces) {
return Ounces *28.34952313;
function isFloatNumber(c) {
return c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c === '.';
function CreateSpaces(Count){
let Spaces = "";
for (let i=Count;i--; i>0) Spaces+= " ";
return Spaces;
function NormalizeString(inputString){
let normalizedString = "";
for (let i=0; i<inputString.length;i++) {
switch (inputString[i]) {
case '\n': normalizedString+="↵"; break;
case '\t': normalizedString+="⇥"; break;
case '\r': normalizedString+="␍"; break;
case '\b': normalizedString+="␈"; break;
case '\f': normalizedString+="↡"; break;
case '\v': normalizedString+="⭳"; break;
case '\0': normalizedString+="␀"; break;
default: normalizedString+= inputString[i]; break;
return normalizedString;