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try to take over the world!
// ==UserScript== // @name HB商店显示已购买选项 // @namespace // @version 1.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author jklujklu // @icon // @include* // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const API = ''; // 创建HTML并插入DOM const wrap = document.createElement("div"); = 'app-1' wrap.innerHTML = ` <el-drawer title="已购买游戏" :visible.sync="table" direction="rtl" size="80%"> <el-table :data="gridData" border stripe :default-sort = "{prop: 'time', order: 'descending'}"> <el-table-column property="name" label="游戏名"></el-table-column> <el-table-column property="isExpired" label="是否过期"> <template slot-scope="scope"> <i :class="scope.row.isExpired ? 'el-icon-check':'el-icon-close'"></i> </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column property="isGift" label="是否为礼物"> <template slot-scope="scope"> <i :class="scope.row.isGift ? 'el-icon-check':'el-icon-close'"></i> </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column property="key" label="CDKEY" v-if="storeKey"></el-table-column> <el-table-column property="keyType" label="游戏##"></el-table-column> <el-table-column property="spent" label="下单价格" sortable></el-table-column> <el-table-column property="time" label="下单时间" sortable></el-table-column> </el-table> </el-drawer> <el-card class="box-card" v-show="loading" style="width: 50%; height: 150px; z-index: 999; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; position: fixed; margin: auto;"> <el-progress :text-inside="true" :stroke-width="24" :percentage="Math.round(currentOrder / orderCounts * 100)" status="success"></el-progress> <div style="margin: 10px;text-align: center">共获取{{orderCounts}}订单,正在获取第{{currentOrder}}个订单</div> <div style="margin: 10px;text-align: center">成功{{successOrderCount}}订单,失败{{errorOrderCount}}订单</div> </el-card>` const first = document.body.firstChild;//得到页面的第一个元素 document.body.insertBefore(wrap, first); /** * 加载CSS * @param url */ function loadStyle(url) { const link = document.createElement('link'); link.type = 'text/css'; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.href = url; const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; head.appendChild(link); } /** * 加载JS * @param url * @param callback */ function loadScript(url, callback) { const script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; if (typeof (callback) != "undefined") { if (script.readyState) { script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (script.readyState === "loaded" || script.readyState === "complete") { script.onreadystatechange = null; callback(); } }; } else { script.onload = function () { callback(); }; } } script.src = url; document.body.appendChild(script); } /** * 主程序 */ function start() { new Vue({ el: '#app-1', data() { return { loading: false, table: false, gridData: [], allGame: {}, storeKey: true, duration: 300, currentOrder: 0, orderCounts: 1, successOrderCount: 0, errorOrderCount: 0 } }, methods: { getOrders() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.ajax({ url: '', success: rs => { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(rs, 'text/html'); const data = doc.querySelector('#user-home-json-data').innerText; console.log(data); resolve(JSON.parse(data)); }, error: e => { reject(e); } }) }) }, getGameInfo(gameId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.ajax({ url: API + gameId, type: 'GET', data: {all_tpkds: true}, success: rs => { // console.log(rs); resolve(rs); }, error: e => { reject(gameId); } }) }) }, sleep(time) { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { resolve('ok'); }, time) }) }, markGame() { document.querySelectorAll('.entity-title').forEach(item => { let name = item.innerText; if (item.getAttribute('title')) { name = item.getAttribute('title').toLowerCase(); } if (, `game_${name}`.toLowerCase())) { // console.log('发现已购买过的游戏:', name); = 'green'; = 'white'; } }) }, watchHTML() { const target = document.querySelector('body'); console.log(this.allGame); const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { console.log('html change!'); this.markGame(); }); const config = {childList: true, subtree: true}; observer.observe(target, config); // observer.disconnect(); } }, mounted() { this.allGame = GM_getValue("allGames"); this.storeKey = GM_getValue("storeKey"); GM_registerMenuCommand("更新已购买游戏", async () => { // 选择是否存储KEY await this.$confirm('是否需要存储KEY?', '确认信息', { confirmButtonText: '存储', cancelButtonText: '不存储' }).then(() => { console.log('store key: yes'); this.storeKey = true; }).catch(action => { console.log('store key: no'); this.storeKey = false; }); GM_setValue("storeKey", this.storeKey); console.log(`store key: ok, your choice is ${this.storeKey}`); this.$message({ type: 'info', message: `你的选择是${this.storeKey ? '' : '不'}存储Key` }); // 获取订单信息 const orders = await this.getOrders().catch(err => { this.$message.error('所有订单获取失败,请检查账号是否登陆!'); return }) if (orders) { const country = orders['userOptions']['selectedCountry']; // this.$message(`你的账号区域为:${country}`); const games = orders['gamekeys']; console.log(`订单获取成功,共获得共获取${games.length}个订单!`) this.$message({ message: `获取订单成功,共获取${games.length}个订单!`, type: 'success' }); // 遍历每个订单,获取游戏信息 this.loading = true; this.orderCounts = games.length; let allGames = {} for (let i = 0; i < games.length; i++) { let game = games[i]; const rs = await this.getGameInfo(game).catch(err => { this.$message.error(`订单获取失败!`) return }); // 判断请求是否成功 if (rs) { // 判断响应是否有效 try { this.successOrderCount++; const spent = rs['amount_spent'] + rs['currency']; const time = rs['created']; const type = rs['product']['category']; if (type === 'storefront') { const name = rs['tpkd_dict']['all_tpks'][0]['human_name'].toLowerCase(); const isExpired = rs['tpkd_dict']['all_tpks'][0]['is_expired'] const isGift = rs['tpkd_dict']['all_tpks'][0]['is_gift'] const keyType = rs['tpkd_dict']['all_tpks'][0]['key_type_human_name'] let key = ''; if (this.storeKey) { key = rs['tpkd_dict']['all_tpks'][0]['redeemed_key_val'] } console.log(`${game}信息获取成功,游戏为:${name}`) allGames['game_' + name] = {isExpired, isGift, keyType, key, spent, time}; } else { console.warn(`${game}, type: ${type}, continue!`); } } catch (e) { this.errorOrderCount++; console.error(`响应无效,${game}信息获取失败!`); } } else { this.errorOrderCount++; console.error(`请求失败,${game}信息获取失败!`); } this.currentOrder = i + 1; await this.sleep(this.duration); } this.loading = false; console.log('allGame:', allGames); this.$message({ message: `共获取${Object.keys(allGames).length}个商店类型游戏!`, type: 'success' }); GM_setValue("allGames", allGames); } else { console.error(`获取所有订单失败!`) } }, "H"); GM_registerMenuCommand("显示所有已购买的商店游戏", () => { this.gridData = []; const games = GM_getValue("allGames"); if (!games) { this.$message.error('请先点击上方按钮,更新游戏库存!'); return; } this.allGame = games; console.log(games); Object.keys(games).forEach(item => { this.gridData.push({ name: item.substr(5), isExpired: games[item].isExpired, isGift: games[item].isGift, key: games[item].key, keyType: games[item].keyType, time: games[item].time, spent: games[item].spent, }) }) console.log(this.gridData); this.table = true; }, "S"); console.log('allGame', this.allGame); if (this.allGame) { this.markGame(); this.watchHTML(); } } }) } let vueLoaded = false; loadStyle(''); loadScript('', () => { vueLoaded = true }); loadScript('', () => { const timer = setInterval(() => { if (vueLoaded) { clearInterval(timer); start(); } }, 200) }); })();