This Script allows You to play Openings and Endings directly on AniList
这是此脚本的所有版本。 只显示代码更新过的版本
Removed useless Alert Box
For some reason URLs got changed again...So I've added slider, that lets You choose between them - to avoid making Updates, just to change them
+ "Safety Indicator" - shows when a Video is NSFW or contains Spoilers- Useless piece of CodeUpdated URLs (Fix for Audio Player and possibly Video Player in the Future)Updated "Additional OPs and EDs" to work as intended
* Made the Script independent of the Extension+ Audio Mode+ Link to the Videos Source! Please, report any Bugs You encounter
So... Today I realized that AnimeThemes slightly changed their API - after a few months(?), the Script is finally working again!!
Manually Added Arifureta S2 Songs (Hard-Coded - missing in the DataBase)
Fixed:1) Issue causing some Songs to trigger Alert BoxAdded:+ Additional Openings and Endings
Fixed issue with Zoku Owarimonogatari Opening triggering Alert Box
Bug Fix + Instruction how to check whether Song is missing, or is it a Script Bug
Bug Fix - when there was only an Endings Section, Video Player didn't appear
Changed DataBase, so now there are more Entries - the Process might take a while longer, so avoid instant clicking
Small Change to avoid confusion when Song is Missing