Userscript for to make it more user friendly.
// ==UserScript== // @name RARBG Assistant // @namespace // @version 1.8.3 // @description Userscript for to make it more user friendly. // @author Tom PoLáKoSz // @grant none // @icon // @run-at document-start // @include* // ==/UserScript== 'use strict'; class KeyDetector { isEscPressed(event) { event = event || window.event; if ("key" in event) { return event.key === "Escape" || event.key === "Esc"; } return event.keyCode === 27; } } class RarbgAssistant { constructor() { this.requestCatcher = new XMLHttpRequestCatcher(); this.trailersPage = new TrailersPage(); } initalize() { this.requestCatcher.register("/ajax.php?mode=trailers&mode2=list", this.trailersPage); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const trailerWindow = new TrailerWindow(); trailerWindow.float(); trailerWindow.onOpen([ { instance: trailerWindow, method: trailerWindow.addSearchButton, }, { instance: trailerWindow, method: trailerWindow.fixOverlayForAdblockers, }, { instance: trailerWindow, method: trailerWindow.hideScrollbar, }, ]); trailerWindow.onClose([ { instance: trailerWindow, method: trailerWindow.showScrollbar, }, ]); document.onkeydown = function(event) { const keyDetector = new KeyDetector(); if (keyDetector.isEscPressed(event)) { trailerWindow.close(); } }; }); } } class TrailersPage { invoke(payload) { const trailerIds = payload.match(/(?<=id="trailer_)(\d+)/g); if (!trailerIds) { const message = 'Couldn\'t find any trailer Id!'; console.log(message, { payload: payload }); throw message; } trailerIds.forEach(id => { let trailerContainerNode = document.querySelector(`#trailer_${id}`); const anchors = trailerContainerNode.querySelectorAll("a"); anchors.forEach(anchor => { let proxiedClick = anchor.onclick; anchor.onclick = function() { proxiedClick(); return false; } }) }); } } class TrailerWindow { constructor() { this.trailerModalNode = document.querySelector("#trailer_modal"); this.openEventSubscribers = []; this.closeEventSubscribers = []; } float() { document.body.appendChild(this.trailerModalNode); this.trailerModalNode.classList.add("trailer-modal"); } close() { this.getCloseFunction()("#"); } onOpen(actions) { this.openEventSubscribers = actions; this.attachEventToWindowOpen(); } addSearchButton(self) { const titleContainerNode = self.trailerModalNode.querySelector("table:nth-child(3) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)"); const titleNode = titleContainerNode.querySelector("b"); const button = ` <span> <a href="${titleNode.innerText}" target="_blank"> <i class="icon-search"></i> Search for ${titleNode.innerText} </a> </span> `; titleContainerNode.innerHTML += button; } attachEventToWindowOpen() { const proxied = jQuery.fn.jqm; const eventSubscribers = this.openEventSubscribers; jQuery.fn.jqm = function() { arguments[0]['onLoad'] = function() { eventSubscribers.forEach(subscriber => { subscriber.method(subscriber.instance); }); } return proxied.apply(this, arguments); }; } fixOverlayForAdblockers() { const overlayNode = document.querySelector(".jqmOverlay"); overlayNode.classList.remove("jqmOverlay"); overlayNode.setAttribute("id", "jqmOverlay"); = "#000"; const instance = this.instance; overlayNode.onclick = function() { instance.close(); } } hideScrollbar() { const originalWidth = document.body.clientWidth; = "hidden"; = `${originalWidth}px`; } showScrollbar() { = "visible"; = "auto"; } onClose(actions) { this.closeEventSubscribers = actions; this.attachEventToWindowClose(); } attachEventToWindowClose() { const eventSubscribers = this.closeEventSubscribers; const proxied = this.getCloseFunction(); window.closejqm = function() { eventSubscribers.forEach(subscriber => { subscriber.method(subscriber.instance); }); return proxied.apply(this, arguments); }; } getCloseFunction() { const closeFunction = window.closejqm; if (closeFunction === undefined) { throw "RARBG developers removed closejqm global function!"; } return closeFunction; } } class XMLHttpRequestCatcher { constructor() { const proxied = window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send; const requestCatcher = this; window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function() { const request = this; const intervalId = window.setInterval(function() { if(request.readyState != 4) { return; } requestCatcher.invokeActionIfExists(request); clearInterval(intervalId); }, 1); return proxied.apply(this, []; }; this.lookupTable = {}; } register(url, action) { url = new URL(`${url}`); this.lookupTable[url] = action; } invokeActionIfExists(request) { // sometimes responseURL is empty if (!request.responseURL) { return; } const requestURL = new URL(request.responseURL); Object.keys(this.lookupTable).forEach(key => { const registeredURL = new URL(key); if (registeredURL.pathname !== requestURL.pathname) { return; } const registeredSearchParams = Array.from(registeredURL.searchParams.keys()); const requestSearchParams = Array.from(requestURL.searchParams.keys()); if (registeredSearchParams.length > requestSearchParams.length) { return; } let matchCount = 0; registeredSearchParams.forEach(registeredSearchParam => { matchCount += registeredURL.searchParams.get(registeredSearchParam) === requestURL.searchParams.get(registeredSearchParam); }); if (matchCount != registeredSearchParams.length) { return; } this.lookupTable[key].invoke(request.responseText); }); } } const rarbgAssistant = new RarbgAssistant(); rarbgAssistant.initalize(); const styleNode = document.createElement('style'); styleNode.type = 'text/css'; styleNode.innerText = '.trailer-modal{position:fixed!important}'; document.head.appendChild(styleNode);