Greasy Fork is available in English.
Duplicate the information of fic title, author and summary at the bottom of the page (Note this was an early script in the development of my AO3 Re-read Savior script)
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
added words to the bottom as well to help inform bookmark summaries
lmao I have learned a lot but mostly I have learned I can't do much. I'll be looking more into how to read javascript and jquery so I understand how the code works + how to friggin read and write it with the grammar and syntax of whatever language this is even in.
identified word count, which isn't relevant at all hehehe, managed to get the format of:title byauthorsummary:paragraph textso i feel on track but who knows
summary aspect is more succinct now, still in progress though lmao
lmao that didn't work even a tiny bit. this was a previous attempt that seemed successful to some degree. fail code has been commented out
syntax error I think. lets see
actually copies the title, author, and summary to right below the comment box! unfortunately copies the notes from all chapters as well, but it does the job yaknow. Will look into fixing this tomorrow. also will be looking into removing the styling and making it in the form of "title by author \br summary"
that was a fail. updated some of the code, maybe this will work. time will tell
used inspector tool in AO3 to locate where the information for title, author, and summary would be classified. attempting to replicate this at the end of the fic. let's see babes