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Youtube utilities. also includes others' usercripts (check code)
// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube Utils (shorts => regular view) // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @include https://*.youtube.* // @include* // @version 2.3 // @author KraXen72 // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @icon // @description Youtube utilities. also includes others' usercripts (check code) // ==/UserScript== const autoFixShorts = true function shortsRegularView() { url = window.location.href parts = url.split("/") .filter(part => part !== "") shortsIndex = parts.indexOf("shorts") idIndex = shortsIndex + 1 newurl = `${parts[idIndex]}` window.location.href = newurl console.log("href:", parts) } function clipList() { console.log("clip grabber init") const itemHolder = document.querySelector("") const items = [...itemHolder.children].map(item => { return item.querySelector("ytd-thumbnail a#thumbnail").href }) console.log(items) alert(`The links are: ${items.join("\n")}`) } function playbackRate(rate) { document.querySelector('video.html5-main-video,').playbackRate = rate } function cadenceMoeLink() { const videoid = [ URLSearchParams(window.location.href).values()][0]`${videoid}`, '_blank') } // this is from q1k's script "YouTube - Stay Active and Play Forever". full credits to them. // source: // i just embedded it here so i don't have to have so many usercripts for youtube Object.defineProperties(document, { 'hidden': {value: false}, 'webkitHidden': {value: false}, 'visibilityState': {value: 'visible'}, 'webkitVisibilityState': {value: 'visible'} }); setInterval(function(){ document.dispatchEvent( new KeyboardEvent( 'keyup', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, keyCode: 143, which: 143 } ) ); }, 60000); // register menu commands GM_registerMenuCommand("shorts => regular view", shortsRegularView) GM_registerMenuCommand("yt =>", cadenceMoeLink) // GM_registerMenuCommand("2x speed", () => { playbackRate(2) }) // GM_registerMenuCommand("2.5x speed", () => { playbackRate(2.5) }) // GM_registerMenuCommand("3x speed", () => { playbackRate(3) }) // GM_registerMenuCommand("3.5x speed", () => { playbackRate(3.5) }) // FIXME fix this hook, it does not redirect // locationchange hook ;(function() { var pushState = history.pushState; var replaceState = history.replaceState; history.pushState = function() { pushState.apply(history, arguments); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('pushstate')); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange')); }; history.replaceState = function() { replaceState.apply(history, arguments); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('replacestate')); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange')); }; window.addEventListener('popstate', function() { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange')) }); })(); function afterUrlChanges() { if (window.location.href.includes("feed/clips")) GM_registerMenuCommand("grab clip list", clipList) if (window.location.href.includes("shorts") && autoFixShorts) shortsRegularView(); } document.addEventListener("locationchange", afterUrlChanges) afterUrlChanges()