Adds a button to change the country
// ==UserScript== // @name Qobuz: Change Country // @name:ru Qobuz: Сменить Страну // @description Adds a button to change the country // @description:ru Добавляет кнопку для смены страны // @namespace qobuz-change-country.user.js // @license WTFPL // @author askornot // @match* // @grant GM.notification // @grant GM_notification // @version 1.1.1 // @compatible chrome Violentmonkey 2.20.0 // @compatible firefox Greasemonkey 4.10.0 // @compatible firefox Tampermonkey 4.11.6120 // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @run-at document-end // @noframes // ==/UserScript== (function (D, P) { 'use strict'; const DASH = '-'; const SLASH = '/'; function warn(text) { const details = { text: text, title:, timeout: 5000, }; const fn = GM.notification || GM_notification; if (fn) fn(details); } function sub(str, sep) { if (str.startsWith(sep)) return str.substring(1); return str; } function firstPath(str, sep, entry) { const [first] = sub(str, sep).split(sep); if (first.includes(entry)) return first; return ''; } const currentLocale = firstPath(P, SLASH, DASH); if (currentLocale === '') { const err = 'Failed to extract locale for current page,' + 'possible they change scheme of url!'; warn(err); return; } const countries = D.querySelectorAll('.countries__items a'); for (const country of countries) { const href = country.getAttribute('href'); if (href === null) continue; const locale = firstPath(href, SLASH, DASH); if (locale === '') continue; const path = P.replace(currentLocale, locale); country.setAttribute('href', path); } const button = D.querySelector('[data-target="#modalCountries"]'); const target = D.querySelector('.search-r###lt-header, .product__header'); if (button && target) { const cloned = button.cloneNode(true); = '0 10px 0 10px'; target.appendChild(cloned); } })(document, location.pathname);