Blowfish encryption library Javascript, jquery,coffeescript (blowfish.js)
此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require
Blowfish encryption library Javascript, jquery,coffeescript (blowfish.js)
Works well both in old and new browsers.
Blowfish is block cipher, block length is 8 byte.
Online DEMO of javascript-blowfish.
A key advantage of the library is that it works correctly with strings in UTF-8.
It you want to encrypt string information (like text-message, or json, xml): use trimZeros method (see bellow Example 1).
var bf = new Blowfish("secret key");
var encrypted = bf.encrypt("secret message");
var decrypted = bf.decrypt(encrypted);
decrypted = bf.trimZeros(decrypted); // for string/text information
If you want to encrypt binary data you must provide encrypt function with string length multiple by 8.
Input string for encryption: "asdf"
(4 bytes) is not enough.
Blowfish want 8-byte string (or 16, 24, 32,...)
So my lib automaticaly pad string with zeros: "asdf\0\0\0\0"
If you want to prevent such behaviour you should pad input data to block size.
Additional info about padding: Using Padding in Encryption (@lucnap) suggested
After decryption we will get not "asdf"
, but "asdf\0\0\0\0"
For CBC you need additional key (CBC Vector) which length should be 8 bytes.
var bf = new Blowfish("key", "cbc");
var encrypted = bf.encrypt("secret message", "cbcvecto");
var decrypted = bf.decrypt(encrypted, "cbcvecto");
Blowfish when encrypt produces binary string as r###lt. It's not usable for example, to copy paste. We could encode it to base64 text format:
var bf = new Blowfish("key");
// Encrypt and encode to base64
var encrypted = bf.base64Encode(bf.encrypt("secret message"));
// Decrypt
var encrypted = bf.base64Decode(encrypted);
var decrypted = bf.decrypt(encrypted);
Upd: 21.07.2018
$ npm install agorlov/javascript-blowfish
Usage example:
const Blowfish = require('javascript-blowfish');
const key = "secret key";
const bf = new Blowfish(key);
console.log("Blowfish encrypt text by key: " + key);
// Encryption
const encrypted = bf.encrypt("Secret message. Confidentially!");
let encryptedMime = bf.base64Encode(encrypted);
// Decryption
'decrypted: ',