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Fandom tablesorter

7/14/2022, 1:33:28 PM

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Fandom tablesorter
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @include     https://*.fandom.com/*
// @grant       none
// @version     1.3
// @author      KraXen72
// @description 7/14/2022, 1:33:28 PM
// @require     https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js
// @license     GPLv3
// @locale      en-US
// ==/UserScript==
//document.head.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement("script"), { src: "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js" }))
let groupingMode = "all"
const tables = [...document.querySelectorAll("table.article-table")]
tables.forEach(t => t.classList = "wikitable sortable") // turn all tables into wikitable sortable
const hideCSS = `
.hidetable::before {
display: block;
background: inherit;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 4;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
content: "";
border: 1px solid;
border-color: inherit;
.hidetable {
position: relative
.nogroup {
background-color: #a3a5aa !important;
.tablesorter-utils-button {
padding: .5rem;
border: 2px solid darkblue;
border-radius: 5px;
margin: 0 .25rem;
position: relative;
.utilsbtn-active {
background: lightblue
function makeBtn(text, onclick, cls = []) {
const btn = document.createElement("button")
cls.forEach(c => btn.classList.add(c))
btn.onclick = onclick
btn.textContent = text
return btn
document.head.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement("style"), { innerHTML: hideCSS, id: "hidecss" }))
//document.head.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement("script"), { src: "https://phab.wmfusercontent.org/file/data/jvqc3e24jbtsuzetcac3/PHID-FILE-zf3nkj6s2iaf6qmttzj2/jquery.tablesorter.js" })) // add mediaWiki version of tablesorter
//document.head.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement("script"), { src: "https://kraxen72.github.io/cdn/patched%20mediawiki%20tablesorter.js" }))
function mergeClonedRows(table, nthType) {
const tbody = table.querySelector("tbody")
const rows = [...tbody.querySelectorAll("tr")]
const groups = []
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const thisTd = rows[i].querySelector(`td:nth-of-type(${nthType})`)
thisTd.style.display = "table-cell"
thisTd.setAttribute("rowspan", 1)
if (i !== 0) {
const lastTd = rows[i - 1].querySelector(`td:nth-of-type(${nthType})`)
if (lastTd.innerHTML === thisTd.innerHTML && thisTd.innerHTML !== " ") {
groups[groups.length - 1].push(thisTd) // add into last existing group
} else {
groups.push([thisTd]) // make a new group
} else {
groups.push([thisTd]) // make anew group since it's the first element
// the first one in the group gets to stay with wide rowspan, others get hidden
groups.forEach(group => {
group[0].setAttribute("rowspan", group.length)
const remainder = group.slice(1)
remainder.forEach(r => r.style.display = "none")
function resetGroups(table, nthType) {
const tbody = table.querySelector("tbody")
const rows = [...tbody.querySelectorAll("tr")]
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const thisTd = rows[i].querySelector(`td:nth-of-type(${nthType})`)
thisTd.style.display = "table-cell"
thisTd.setAttribute("rowspan", 1)
function applyActiveSorting() {
if (groupingMode === "all") {
document.querySelectorAll(".tablesorter-utils-button.sort-all").forEach(b => b.classList.add("utilsbtn-active"))
document.querySelectorAll(".tablesorter-utils-button.sort-first").forEach(b => b.classList.remove("utilsbtn-active"))
} else if (groupingMode === "first") {
document.querySelectorAll(".tablesorter-utils-button.sort-all").forEach(b => b.classList.remove("utilsbtn-active"))
document.querySelectorAll(".tablesorter-utils-button.sort-first").forEach(b => b.classList.add("utilsbtn-active"))
tables.forEach(t => {
const headers = t.querySelectorAll("th")
$(headers).on('keypress click', function (e) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (groupingMode === "all") {
try { for(let i = 1; i<[...headers].length + 1; i++) mergeClonedRows(t, i) } catch(e) { console.error("fandom-tablesorter-err:", e) } // try to merge all columns
} else if (groupingMode === "first") {
mergeClonedRows(t, 1)
}, 0);
const resetButton = makeBtn("reset groups", () => { for(let i = 1; i<[...headers].length + 1; i++) resetGroups(t, i) }, ["reset-groups"])
t.parentElement.insertBefore(resetButton, t)
t.parentElement.insertBefore(makeBtn("group all (default)", () => { groupingMode = "all"; applyActiveSorting() }, ["sort-all", "utilsbtn-active"]), t)
t.parentElement.insertBefore(makeBtn("only group first", () => { groupingMode = "first"; applyActiveSorting() }, ["sort-first"]), t)
//disable grouping for stuff
$(headers).on('contextmenu', function (e) {
if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === "th") {
// show reset buttons
$(headers).one('keypress click', function (e) {
resetButton.style.display = "inline-block"
resetButton.style.display = "none"
// t.addEventListener("sortEnd.tablesorter", () => {
//   console.log("event fired")
// })
// console.log($(t))
// $(t).on("sortEnd", function() {
//   console.log("event fired")
//   alert(1)
// })
// $(t).on("click", function() {
//   console.log("clicked table:", t)
// })
// $(t).delegate("th", "tableSort", function(e) {console.log(e)})