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AO3 Random Nice Comments

Want to leave more kudos? Leave a random nice comment with the click of a button

// ==UserScript==// @name         AO3 Random Nice Comments// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/// @version      1.0// @license      MIT// @description  Want to leave more kudos? Leave a random nice comment with the click of a button// @match        *://*.archiveofourown.org/*// @grant        none// ==/UserScript==let anonName = 'Anon';let anonEmail = '[email protected]';function niceComment() {let niceComments = ['Kudos! ♥','I loved this!','This was great ♥','♥ ♥ ♥','<3 <3 <3','This is great ♥','Loved this <3','Thank you for sharing this ♥','Kudos ♥']let n = Math.floor(Math.random() * niceComments.length)return niceComments[n]}function getInputsByValue(value) {// kudos button has a universal id but the comment button id is unique to the workvar allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");var r###lts = [];for(var x=0;x<allInputs.length;x++) {if(allInputs[x].value == value) {r###lts.push(allInputs[x]);}}return r###lts;}(function() {'use strict';if (!getInputsByValue('Comment').length || !getInputsByValue('Kudos ♥').length) {return null;}var submitButton = getInputsByValue('Comment')[0]var kudosButton = getInputsByValue('Kudos ♥')[0]var workID = submitButton.id.split('_')[3]const extraKudosButton = document.createElement("button")extraKudosButton.textContent = 'Comment Kudos ♥'extraKudosButton.onclick = function() {if (document.querySelectorAll('#comment_name_for_' + workID).length) {document.querySelector('#comment_name_for_' + workID).value = anonName;document.querySelector('#comment_email_for_' + workID).value = anonEmail;}document.querySelector('#comment_content_for_' + workID).value = niceComment();submitButton.click();extraKudosButton.remove(); // prevent extra clicks}kudosButton.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(extraKudosButton,kudosButton.parentNode)})();