Wait a few seconds, then substitute a favorite banner 8/25/22
// ==UserScript== // @name MAM Banner Swap // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/705546-yyyzzz999 // @version 0.03 // @description Wait a few seconds, then substitute a favorite banner 8/25/22 // @author yyyzzz999 // @match https://www.myanonamouse.net/* // @icon https://cdn.myanonamouse.net/imagebucket/164109/bswp.png // @homepage https://greasyfork.org/en/users/705546-yyyzzz999 // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /*jshint esversion: 6 */ /* Old banners from Previous Winners can be used https://www.myanonamouse.net/banner/winners.php Other image favorites: https://www.myanonamouse.net/banner/display.php/m/202201/146680:3 Fireworks Banner by bookloverjen https://www.myanonamouse.net/banner/display.php/m/202207/194964:2 Pac Man Banner by mazzikin https://www.myanonamouse.net/banner/display.php/m/202108/146680:3 https://www.myanonamouse.net/banner/display.php/m/202108/1 Lego Pirates Banner by bookloverjen The example below is from August of 2022 */ (function() { 'use strict'; setTimeout(function(){ const banner = document.querySelector("#msb").firstChild; banner.src = "https://cdn.myanonamouse.net/banner/display.php/m/202208/1"; banner.title = "Moon Ship Banner by bookloverjen"; }, 5000); // Show current banner for 5 seconds, then replace with Jen's })();