
Greasy Fork is available in English.

支持数学公式的ChatGPT Markdown一键复制

将chatGPT问答内容复制成markdown文本,并支持MathJax渲染内容导出,与'OpenAI-ChatGPT LaTeX Auto Render(with MathJax V2)'一起使用可以渲染公式, 基于赵巍໖的'chatGPT Markdown'。

// ==UserScript==// @name         ChatGPT Copy as Markdown with MathJax Support// @name:zh-CN  支持数学公式的ChatGPT Markdown一键复制// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/// @version      0.6// @description  Copy the chatGPT Q&A content as a markdown text, with MathJax Render Support, you can use this together with 'OpenAI-ChatGPT LaTeX Auto Render (with MathJax V2)' that adds support for math render, based on 'chatGPT Markdown' by 赵巍໖.// @description:zh-cn  将chatGPT问答内容复制成markdown文本,并支持MathJax渲染内容导出,与'OpenAI-ChatGPT LaTeX Auto Render(with MathJax V2)'一起使用可以渲染公式, 基于赵巍໖的'chatGPT Markdown'。// @license MIT// @author       jbji// @match        https://chat.openai.com/chat// @match        https://chat.openai.com/chat/*// @icon         https://chat.openai.com/favicon-32x32.png// @grant        none// ==/UserScript==(function () {'use strict';var mathFixEnabled = true;function toMarkdown() {var main = document.querySelector("main");var article = main.querySelector("div > div > div > div");var chatBlocks = Array.from(article.children).filter(v => v.getAttribute("class").indexOf("border") >= 0);// for chatgpt plusif (chatBlocks.length > 0 && chatBlocks[0].classList.contains("items-center")) {chatBlocks.shift(); // remove first element from array}var new_replacements = [//['\\', '\\\\', 'backslash'], //Don't need this any more cause it would be checked.['`', '\\`', 'codeblocks'],['*', '\\*', 'asterisk'],['_', '\\_', 'underscores'],['{', '\\{', 'crulybraces'],['}', '\\}', 'crulybraces'],['[', '\\[', 'square brackets'],[']', '\\]', 'square brackets'],['(', '\\(', 'parentheses'],[')', '\\)', 'parentheses'],['#', '\\#', 'number signs'],['+', '\\+', 'plussign'],['-', '\\-', 'hyphen'],['.', '\\.', 'dot'],['!', '\\!', 'exclamation mark'],['>', '\\>', 'angle brackets']];// A State Machine used to match string and do replacementfunction replacementSkippingMath(string, char_pattern, replacement) {var inEquationState = 0; // 0:not in equation, 1:inline equation expecting $, 2: line euqation expecting $$var r###lt = "";for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {if(string[i] == '\\'){r###lt += string[i];if (i+1 < string.length) r###lt += string[i+1];i++; // one more add to skip escaped charcontinue;}switch(inEquationState){case 1:r###lt += string[i];if(string[i] === '$'){inEquationState = 0; //simply exit and don't do further checkcontinue;}break;case 2:r###lt += string[i];if(string[i] === '$'){if (i+1 < string.length && string[i+1] === '$'){ //matched $$r###lt += '$';inEquationState = 0;i++; // one more add}//else is unexpected behaviorcontinue;}break;default:if(string[i] === '$'){if (i+1 < string.length && string[i+1] === '$'){//matched $$r###lt += '$$';inEquationState = 2;i++; // one more add}else{ //matched $r###lt += '$';inEquationState = 1;}continue;}else if(string[i] === char_pattern[0]){ //do replacementr###lt += replacement;}else{r###lt += string[i];}}}return r###lt;}function markdownEscape(string, skips) {skips = skips || []//reduce function applied the function in the first with the second as input//this applies across the array with the first element inside as the initial 2nd param for the reduce func.return new_replacements.reduce(function (string, replacement) {var name = replacement[2]if (name && skips.indexOf(name) !== -1) {return string;} else {return replacementSkippingMath(string, replacement[0], replacement[1]);}}, string)}function replaceInnerNode(element) {if (element.outerHTML) {var htmlBak = element.outerHTML;if(mathFixEnabled){//replace mathjax stuffvar mathjaxBeginRegExp = /(<span class="MathJax_Preview".*?)<scr/s; //this is lazyvar match = mathjaxBeginRegExp.exec(htmlBak);while(match){htmlBak = htmlBak.replace(match[1], '');//repalace math equationsvar latexMath;//match new line equations firstvar latexMathNLRegExp = /<script type="math\/tex; mode=display" id="MathJax-Element-\d+">(.*?)<\/script>/s;match = latexMathNLRegExp.exec(htmlBak);if(match){latexMath = "$$" + match[1] + "$$";htmlBak = htmlBak.replace(match[0], latexMath);}else{//then inline equationsvar latexMathRegExp = /<script type="math\/tex" id="MathJax-Element-\d+">(.*?)<\/script>/s;match = latexMathRegExp.exec(htmlBak);if(match){latexMath = "$" + match[1] + "$";htmlBak = htmlBak.replace(match[0], latexMath);}}match = mathjaxBeginRegExp.exec(htmlBak);}}var parser = new DOMParser();//default code block replacementvar nextDomString = htmlBak.replace(/<code>([\w\s-]*)<\/code>/g, (match) => {var doc = parser.parseFromString(match, "text/html");return "`" + (doc.body.textContent) + "`";});return parser.parseFromString(nextDomString, "text/html").body.children[0];}return element;}var elementMap = {"P": function (element, r###lt) {let p = replaceInnerNode(element);r###lt += markdownEscape(p.textContent, ["codeblocks", "number signs"]);r###lt += `\n\n`;return r###lt;},//this should be unordered!"UL": function (element, r###lt) {let ul = replaceInnerNode(element);Array.from(ul.querySelectorAll("li")).forEach((li, index) => {r###lt += `- ${markdownEscape(li.textContent, ["codeblocks", "number signs"])}`;r###lt += `\n`;});r###lt += `\n\n`;return r###lt;},"OL": function (element, r###lt) {let ol = replaceInnerNode(element);var olStart = parseInt(ol.getAttribute("start") || "1"); //bug fix thanks to original authorArray.from(ol.querySelectorAll("li")).forEach((li, index) => {r###lt += `${index + olStart}. ${markdownEscape(li.textContent, ["codeblocks", "number signs"])}`;r###lt += `\n`;});r###lt += `\n\n`;return r###lt;},"PRE": function (element, r###lt) {var codeBlocks = element.querySelectorAll("code");//first get class namevar regex = /^language-/;var codeType = '';for(var c of codeBlocks){var classNameStr = c.className.split(' ')[2];if (regex.test(classNameStr)){codeType = classNameStr.substr(9);}}//then generate the markdown codeblockr###lt += "```" + codeType + "\n";Array.from(codeBlocks).forEach(block => {r###lt += `${block.textContent}`;});r###lt += "```\n";r###lt += `\n\n`;return r###lt;}};var TEXT_BLOCKS = Object.keys(elementMap);var mdContent = chatBlocks.reduce((r###lt, nextBlock, i) => {if (i % 2 === 0) { // titlelet p = replaceInnerNode(nextBlock);let text = markdownEscape(p.textContent, ["codeblocks", "number signs"]);let lines = text.split('\n');for (let j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {r###lt += `> ${lines[j]}\n`;}r###lt += '\n';}else{//try to parse the blockvar iterator = document.createNodeIterator(nextBlock,NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT,{acceptNode: element => TEXT_BLOCKS.indexOf(element.tagName.toUpperCase()) >= 0},false,);let next = iterator.nextNode();while (next) {r###lt = elementMap[next.tagName.toUpperCase()](next, r###lt);next = iterator.nextNode();}}return r###lt;}, "");return mdContent;}//for copy button//var copyHtml = `<div id="__copy__" style="cursor:pointer;position: fixed;bottom: 210px;left: 20px;width: 100px;height: 35px;background: #333333;border: 1px solid #555555;border-radius: 5px;color: white;display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;"><span>Copy .md</span></div>`;// for copy function//var copyElement = document.createElement("div");//document.body.appendChild(copyElement);//copyElement.outerHTML = copyHtml;// listen and add element// select the body elementvar body = document.querySelector('body');// create a new MutationObserver instancevar observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {// iterate over the mutations arraymutations.forEach(function(mutation) {// if a div element was added to the bodyif (mutation.type === 'childList'){//TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'mutation.addedNodes[0].nodeName')if(mutation.addedNodes[0] && mutation.addedNodes[0].nodeName === 'DIV'&& mutation.addedNodes[0].id === 'headlessui-portal-root') {// do somethingsetTimeout(function(){var navListHidden = document.querySelector('#headlessui-portal-root').querySelector('div > div > div > div.flex > div.flex > div.flex > nav');addCopyButton(navListHidden);},300);}}});});// set the observer optionsvar options = {childList: true, // listen for changes to child nodessubtree: true // listen for changes in all descendant nodes};// start observing the body elementobserver.observe(body, options);function addCopyButton(navigationList) {if(navigationList.childNodes[2].text == 'Copy .md'){ //avoid duplicatereturn;}var date = new Date();var time = date.getTime();var id = "__copy__" + time;var copyButton = document.createElement("a");copyButton.id = id;copyButton.innerHTML = '<svg stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-width="2" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="w-4 h-4" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M16 4h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v14a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2"></path><rect x="8" y="2" width="8" height="4" rx="1" ry="1"></rect></svg>'+'<span>Copy .md</span>';copyButton.className = 'flex py-3 px-3 items-center gap-3 rounded-md hover:bg-gray-500/10 transition-colors duration-200 text-white cursor-pointer text-sm';navigationList.insertBefore(copyButton, navigationList.childNodes[2]);//for anchorvar copyAnchor = document.getElementById(id);copyAnchor.addEventListener("click", () => {// Get the `span` element inside the `div`let span = copyAnchor.querySelector("span");// Change the text of the `span` to "Done"span.innerText = "Copied!";// Use `setTimeout` to change the text back to its original value after 3 secondssetTimeout(() => {span.innerText = "Copy .md";}, 1000);// Perform the rest of the original codenavigator.clipboard.writeText(toMarkdown()).then(() => {//alert("done");});});}//default casesetTimeout(function(){var navList = document.querySelector('#__next').querySelector("div > div.hidden > div > div > nav");addCopyButton(navList);},600);//ensure next conversation works.setTimeout(function(){var nextConversationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {//console.log(" Mutation detected. Trying to add copy button...");});setTimeout(function(){var navList = document.querySelector('#__next').querySelector("div > div.hidden > div > div > nav");addCopyButton(navList);},400);});//console.log("Trying to setup observation...");nextConversationObserver.observe(document.querySelector("#__next"), { childList: true });//console.log("Over.");},1100);/**window.addEventListener("load", function (event) {// Your code here, for example:console.log("Page loaded");});**/})();