Greasy Fork is available in English.
block time-wasting social media & other
// ==UserScript== // @name Focus Mode for Social Media // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @include // @include* // @include // @include // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @version 2.1 // @license MIT // @author KraXen72 // @description block time-wasting social media & other // ==/UserScript== const getStylesheetUrl = (hostname) => `${hostname}.css` const site = window.location.hostname let styleSheetCSS = ""; // const resetSeconds = 30*60 const resetSeconds = 30*10 class Toggle { constructor(css, uuid, initialValue = true) { if (!css) throw new Error("Please provide CSS to inject!"); this.css = css this.state = GM_getValue(`${site}_state`, initialValue) this.disabledTimestamp = GM_getValue(`${site}_disabled_timestamp`, -1) this.styleTag = null this.menuCommand = false; this.menuCommandId = uuid this.attemptReenable() this.sync() } enable() { this.state = true this.disabledTimestamp = -1 this.sync() } disable() { this.state = false this.disabledTimestamp = new Date().getTime() this.sync() } toggle() { if (this.state) { this.disable() } else { this.enable() } } attemptReenable() { if (this.state) return; // if disabled but timestamp is -1, enable it to fix the edge-case. if ((new Date().getTime() - this.disabledTimestamp) <= resetSeconds*1000 && this.disabledTimestamp !== -1) { console.log("focusMode: resetSeconds has not elapsed yet") return; } console.log("focusMode: resetSeconds has elapsed, enabling.") this.state = true; this.disabledTimestamp = -1 this.sync() } updateCSS() { if (this.state) { if (!this.styleTag) this.styleTag = GM_addStyle(this.css) } else { if (this.styleTag) this.styleTag.remove(); this.styleTag = null } } saveData() { GM_setValue(`${site}_state`, this.state) if (this.disabledTimestamp === -1) { GM_deleteValue(`${site}_disabled_timestamp`) } else { GM_setValue(`${site}_disabled_timestamp`, this.disabledTimestamp) } } updateMenuCommand() { const caption = `focusMode: ${site}: ${this.state ? '✅' : '❌'}` if (this.menuCommand) { GM_unregisterMenuCommand(this.menuCommandId) } GM_registerMenuCommand(caption, () => this.toggle.apply(this), { id: this.menuCommandId }) this.menuCommand = true; } sync() { this.saveData() this.updateCSS() this.updateMenuCommand() } } function sameDay(date1, date2) { return date1.getFullYear() === date2.getFullYear() && date1.getMonth() === date2.getMonth() && date1.getDate() === date2.getDate(); } function zeropad(number, finalWidth, customCharacter) { customCharacter = customCharacter || '0'; number = number + ''; return number.length >= finalWidth ? number : new Array(finalWidth - number.length + 1).join(customCharacter) + number; } let togggleInstance; function init() { new Promise(async (res, rej) => { const lastFetchDate = new Date(GM_getValue("lastFetchDate", null)) const currDate = new Date() const fetchedToday = sameDay(lastFetchDate, currDate) const storedCSS = GM_getValue("css_"+site, null) console.log(lastFetchDate, currDate) if (fetchedToday && storedCSS) { console.log("focusMode: already fetched today and found stored css. not fetching.") res(storedCSS) } else { const data = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: getStylesheetUrl(site), method: 'GET', onabort: () => resolve(GM_getValue("css_"+site, "")), onerror: () => resolve(GM_getValue("css_"+site, "")), onload: (response) => resolve(response.responseText) })) console.log(`focusMode: fetched updated css for ${site}`) GM_setValue("lastFetchDate", new Date().toDateString()) GM_setValue("css_"+site, resText) res(data) } }).then(data => { let currDate = new Date() if (site === "") { console.log("focusMode: yt override kicking in...") data = data.replaceAll("%focus%", (currDate.getHours() <= 6) ? `bro go to sleep please it's ${zeropad(currDate.getHours(), 2)}:${zeropad(currDate.getMinutes(), 2)}am` : "focus") } if (typeof toggleInstance === "undefined") { toggleInstance = new Toggle(data, btoa(Math.round(Math.random()*100))); } toggleInstance.attemptReenable(); console.log("focusMode: initialized", toggleInstance, data) }) } let lastUrl = window.location.href; new MutationObserver(() => { const currentUrl = window.location.href; if (currentUrl !== lastUrl) { lastUrl = currentUrl; init(); setTimeout(() => { if (typeof toggleInstance !== "undefined") toggleInstance.sync(); }, 0); } }).observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); init();