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Remove these darn Channel Trailers!
// ==UserScript==// @name Remove these darn Channel Trailers// @namespace @version 0.1.2// @description Remove these darn Channel Trailers!// @author Picblick// @match*// @icon @grant unsafeWindow// @run-at document-idle// @sandbox JavaScript// @license MIT// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';const removeVids = () => {console.log('Going to search for trailers');const vids = document.getElementsByTagName('ytd-channel-video-player-renderer');console.log("Found " + vids.lenght + " trailers to hide");for(let i = 0; i < vids.length; i++) {if(vids[i]) {console.log('removing ' + vids[i].className);vids[i].remove();}}}//interval does not seem to work and I am too lazy to do a more fancy solution than thiswindow.setTimeout(removeVids, 100);window.setTimeout(removeVids, 1000);window.setTimeout(removeVids, 2000);/*const interval = setInterval(removeVids, 100);setTimeout(clearInterval(interval),100_000);*/})();