Mute things selectively! You can mute:
- Individual works
- Individual series
- All works by a user
- All works & series by a user
- All comments by a user
- Everything (comments, series, works, bookmarks) by a user
Other features:
- Tracks by item/user ID, so if they change the name, they'll still be muted
- For works and series, can either be totally muted or can display a placeholder (with adjustable amounts of information)
- Can add the reason you muted the thing
Where can you mute from?
- Click 'Muting' on the AO3 nav bar to open the menu to access your settings and mute lists
- Works/series can be muted from their blurbs (e.g. in search r###lts) or their work/series pages: Click the big 'M' to mute, and (if placeholders are enabled) the little 'm' to unmute
- Works/series with only one author: click the 'X' to get the mute options dropdown for that user
- Users can be muted from their profile page: click the 'X' by their name at the top to get the mute options dropdown for that user