Greasy Fork is available in English.
Fixes missing galleries and bad image names
// ==UserScript== // @name Mary T. Cusack Tarot Archives // @namespace // @version 0.3 // @description Fixes missing galleries and bad image names // @author Vexe // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match // @icon // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; if(document.location.pathname.includes('tarot/index.html')){ var sphere2 = document.querySelector("A[href*=\"SeventhSphere2\"]") sphere2.href = sphere2.href.replace('Oracle','Tarot'); } else { // css fix for image aspect ratios addCss('IMG { height: auto !important }'); // identify deck var theDeck = document.location.pathname.match(/[^/.]+(?=\.html)/i)[0]; switch(theDeck) { case "78Doors": case "Adventure": case "Complete": case "Cosmic": case "Fountain": case "Pirate": case "Rackham": buildGallery(theDeck); break; case "Arcanis": // replace wands 1-9 for (var i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { // get missing image var el = document.querySelector("IMG[src*=\"R0"+ i + "\"]"); el.src = fixMinorSrc(el.src, 'W'); } break; case "ArtNouveau": fixAll('html/Tarot/undefined','Images/Tarot/ArtNouveau/'); break; case "Connolly": case "Construction": case "Happy": fixSection('Wands','R'); break; case "Epic": fixSection('Spheres','P'); break; case "Morgan": fixSection('Batons','R'); break; case "LightSeers": fixSection('Rods','W'); break; case "GoldArt": case "Romantic": fixSection('Wands','R'); break; case "Manga": fixCourts('C1P','C1K'); break; case "Cloister": case "MattMeyers": case "Renaissance": fixSection('Staves','St'); break; case "Norse": fixCourts('C2K','C2P'); break; case "Sevenfold": fixCourts('C1V','C1L'); fixSection('Wands','R'); break; case "Silver": fixAll('Silver','SilverWitchcraft'); break; case "Titanic": fixSection('Coins','P'); break; case "WildWood": fixSection('Stones','S'); break; case "Winged": fixSection('Spheres','Sp'); break; case "Black": fixSection('Spheres','SP'); break; case "Zillich": var img = document.querySelector('LABEL[for="Major20"] IMG'); img.src = img.src.replace('Judtice','Justice'); break; } function fixAll(oldId, newID) { // get sections var sects = document.querySelectorAll('DIV:not([id="buttonhead"])'); // fix images in each section for (var i = 0; i < sects.length; i++) { var imgs = sects[i].getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var j = 0; j < imgs.length; j++) { imgs[j].src = imgs[j].src.replace(oldId,newID); } } } // fix minor arcana name prefixes function fixMinorSrc(src, id) { return src.replace(/(.+\/)[A-Za-z]{1,2}(\d{2}|C[1-4][A-Za-z]{1,2})/, "$1" + id + "$2"); } // fix court card names function fixCourts(oldId, newId) { var els = document.querySelectorAll("IMG[src$=\"" + oldId + ".jpg\"]"); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { els[i].src = els[i].src.replace(oldId, newId); } } // fix section of card images // specify entity id, replacement text function fixSection(div, id, qsel) { var sect = document.getElementById(div); var imgs = sect.getElementsByTagName('img'); switch(div) { case "Major": break; default: for (var i=0; i < imgs.length; i++) { imgs[i].src = fixMinorSrc(imgs[i].src, id); } break; } } // add css to head section function addCss(css){ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var s = document.createElement('style'); s.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); head.appendChild(s); } // build entire card gallery // add before #cardtext function buildGallery(id) { // IDs and classes for main DIVs var idList = [ "Majors","Cups","Pentacles","Swords","Rods" ]; var minorList = [ "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "C1P", "C2K", "C3Q", "C4K" ]; // Trumps var trumpList = [ "00%20Fool.jpg", "01%20Magician.jpg", "02%20Priestess.jpg", "03%20Empress.jpg", "04%20Emperor.jpg", "05%20Hierophant.jpg", "06%20Lovers.jpg", "07%20Chariot.jpg", "08%20Strength.jpg", "09%20Hermit.jpg", "10%20Wheel.jpg", "11%20Justice.jpg", "12%20Hanged.jpg", "13%20Death.jpg", "14%20Temperance.jpg", "15%20Devil.jpg", "16%20Tower.jpg", "17%20Star.jpg", "18%20Moon.jpg", "19%20Sun.jpg", "20%20Judgement.jpg", "21%20World.jpg" ] // change suit names switch(id) { case "Adventure": idList[1] = "Masks"; idList[2] = "Discs"; idList[3] = "Blades"; idList[4] = "Staves"; break; case 'Complete': case 'Cosmic': case 'Pirate': idList[4] = "Wands"; break; case 'Fountain': idList[2] = "Coins"; idList[4] = "Wands"; break; } // change court identifiers switch(id) { case 'Cosmic': minorList[11] = "C2P"; break; case 'Pirate': minorList[10] = "C1K"; break; } // swap strength and justice switch(id) { case 'Complete': case 'Cosmic': case 'Fountain': case 'Pirate': trumpList[8] = "08%20Justice.jpg"; trumpList[11] = "11%20Strength.jpg"; } // remove the "click on thumbnail" message document.getElementById("cardtext").style.display = "none"; for (var i = 0; i < idList.length; i++) { // create a div and append it var idName = idList[i]; var idX = idName.substr(0,1); switch (idName) { case 'Coins': idX = 'Co'; break; case 'Masks': idX = 'Ma'; break; } var tempDiv = document.createElement('div'); = idName; tempDiv.classList.add(idName); // make the header element var tempHead = document.createElement('h2'); = "#fff;"; tempHead.innerText = idName; tempDiv.appendChild(tempHead); switch(idName) { case "Major": case "Majors": var prevInput; for (var j = 0; j < trumpList.length; j++) { // id, like Major0, Major1, etc. var tempId = idName + j; var imgName = trumpList[j].replace('%20',' ').replace('.jpg',''); // file url var tempUrl = "" + id + "/" + trumpList[j]; /* // make the input element var tempInput = document.createElement('input'); tempInput.type = "radio"; = idName; = tempId; // insert input after previous input // if first input, appendChild to tempDiv if (j == 0) { tempDiv.appendChild(tempInput); } else { prevInput.insertAdjacentElement('afterend',tempInput); } prevInput = tempInput // make the label element var tempLabel = document.createElement('label'); tempLabel.htmlFor = tempId; tempLabel.classList.add(idX + j); tempLabel.setAttribute('onclick','void(0)'); */ // make the link element var tempLink = document.createElement('a'); tempLink.href = tempUrl; = "_blank"; // make the image element var tempImg = document.createElement('img'); tempImg.src = tempUrl; tempImg.alt = imgName; tempImg.title = imgName; = imgName; tempImg.width = "200"; = "7px"; /* tempLabel.appendChild(tempImg); // appendChild to tempDiv tempDiv.appendChild(tempLabel); */ tempLink.appendChild(tempImg); tempDiv.appendChild(tempLink); } break; default: for (var n = 0; n < minorList.length; n++) { var tempUrl2 = "" + id + "/" + idX + minorList[n] + ".jpg"; // make the link element var tempLink2 = document.createElement('a'); tempLink2.href = tempUrl2; = "_blank"; // make the image element var tempImg2 = document.createElement('img'); tempImg2.src = tempUrl2; // tempImg2.alt = imgName; // tempImg2.title = imgName; // = imgName; tempImg2.width = "200"; = "7px"; tempLink2.appendChild(tempImg2); tempDiv.appendChild(tempLink2); } break; } // append tempDiv to document document.getElementById('cardtext').insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin',tempDiv); } } } })();