// ==UserScript== // @name 🛠️屏蔽B站营销视频 // @name:zh-CN 🛠️屏蔽B站营销视频 // @name:zh-TW 🛠️屏蔽B站营销视频 // @name:en 🛠️Block Bilibili's marketing videos // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/scripts/467384 // @version 1.2 // @description 屏蔽部分B站(bilibili)主页推荐的视频卡片,屏蔽up主粉丝少于一定数量的,屏蔽直播与右侧推广,屏蔽带广告标签的 // @description:zh-CN 屏蔽部分B站(bilibili)主页推荐的视频卡片,屏蔽up主粉丝少于一定数量的,屏蔽直播与右侧推广,屏蔽带广告标签的 // @description:zh-TW 遮罩部分B站(bilibili)主頁推薦的視頻卡片,遮罩up主粉絲少於一定數量的,遮罩直播與右側推廣,遮罩帶廣告標籤的 // @description:en Block some video cards recommended on the homepage of Bilibili. The rules are to block those from creators with a certain number of small fans, block live streams and right-hand promotion, and block those with advertising tags. // @author anonymous // @match https://www.bilibili.com/ // @match https://www.bilibili.com/?spm_id_from=* // @icon https://www.bilibili.com/favicon.ico // @grant none // @license GNU General Public License v3.0 // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // 定义需要屏蔽的两种视频卡片类名 const BLOCKED_CLASSES = ['floor-single-card', 'bili-live-card is-rcmd']; // 定义需要屏蔽的最小的follower数 const MIN_FOLLOWER = 10000; // 定义接口前缀 const API_USERDATA = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/stat?vmid='; // 定义已处理卡片数量 let processedCards = 0; // 防止多次调用blockCards let isBlockCardsRunning = false; function getUid(card) { // 传入一个视频卡片,获取其中的uid并转化为数字并返回 const ownerLink = card.querySelector('.bili-video-card__info--owner'); if (ownerLink) { const uid = ownerLink.href.split('/').pop(); if (uid.match(/^\d+$/)) { return Number(uid); // return uid; } else { console.error(`getUid error, processedCards: ${processedCards}, uid: ${uid}`); return -1; } } console.error(`getUid error, ownerLink error, processedCards: ${processedCards}, ownerLink: ${ownerLink}`); return -1; } async function getFollower(uid) { // 传入uid,返回follower数 const response = await fetch(`${API_USERDATA}${uid}`); const data = await response.json(); if (data.code === 0) { return data.data.follower; } else { console.error(`getFollower error, uid: ${uid}, message: ${data.message}`); return -1; } } // 通过BLOCKED_CLASSES和MIN_FOLLOWER确定要屏蔽的视频卡片 // 首先获取所有视频卡片,然后从processedCards开始遍历,直到遍历完成 // 遍历过程中,如果是BLOCKED_CLASSES中的类名,就直接remove并continue // 如果不是,就获取uid,然后获取follower,如果follower小于MIN_FOLLOWER,就remove // 未能获取到uid或者follower的,也remove // 不满足上面需要remove的,就processedCards++ async function blockCards() { if (isBlockCardsRunning) { return; } isBlockCardsRunning = true; const cards = document.querySelectorAll('.bili-video-card.is-rcmd, .floor-single-card, .bili-live-card.is-rcmd'); for (let i = processedCards; i < cards.length; i++) { const card = cards[i]; if (BLOCKED_CLASSES.includes(card.className)) { card.remove(); continue; } // 获取uid,如果获取失败,就remove const uid = getUid(card); if (uid === -1) { console.error(`remove because getUid error, uid: ${uid}`); card.remove(); continue; } // 如果follower小于MIN_FOLLOWER,就remove const follower = await getFollower(uid); if (follower < MIN_FOLLOWER) { card.remove(); continue; } processedCards++; } isBlockCardsRunning = false; } // 节流函数,防止过于频繁的调用 function throttle(fn, delay) { let timer = null; return function() { if (timer) { return; } timer = setTimeout(() => { fn.apply(this, arguments); timer = null; }, delay); }; } window.addEventListener('scroll', throttle(blockCards, 400)); })();