Adds a button called "Bookmarked Fics" to the main navbar (where the search bar is). Inspired by elli-lili-lunch's "Put Bookmarks Button on AO3 Home", which can be found at
这是此脚本的所有版本。 只显示代码更新过的版本
AO3: Bookmarks Button on Main Navbar v1.0.5
Some minor cleanup, details are: make initial bkmrks_btn clone the node instead of giving me a live node; make bkmrks_url, bkmrks_txt, and srch_bar consts because i'm not changing them in any way; change the single quotes used in the innerHTML of Object.assign to be double quotes so as to reflect the created element which uses double quotes; use .trim() on bkmrks_btn.textContent as a just-in-case
AO3: Bookmarks Button on Main Navbar v1.0.4-20240404_155000
i forgor to add the datetime to the version num 💀
AO3: Bookmarks Button on Main Navbar v1.0.4
Rollback 1.0.2 because I've realised that having this script running sidewide was the intention and I was a big dumb by removing that
AO3: Bookmarks Button on Main Navbar v1.0.3
Modify the XPath to get the existing "My Bookmarks" button to accommodate the DOM element with id "greeting" not being a div element
AO3: Bookmarks Button on Main Navbar v1.0.2
Modify the match rule so that it matches collections//works URLs as well; Add an exlude role so it doesn't work on works//bookmarks pages as it isn't designed to
AO3: Bookmarks Button on Main Navbar v1.0.1
Change the displayed text to be the same as in the original bookmarks button from the user dropdown area
description update
added a demo image to the description
Added a description, and made the script public