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w4tchdoge's AO3 Bookmark Maker

Modified/Forked from "Ellililunch AO3 Bookmark Maker" (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/458631). Script is out-of-the-box setup to automatically add title, author, status, summary, and last read date to the description in an "collapsible" section so as to not clutter the bookmark.

这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本

  • v2.14.0-20250321_062814 2025-03-20

    w4BM v2.14.0

  • v2.13.0-20250223_193216 2025-02-23

    w4BM v2.13.0

    Add a new default variable title_HTML that can be used in the workInfo customisation function. for more details about title_HTML please refer to the "USER CONFIGURABLE SETTINGS" section at the bottom of the script, which at the time of this commit is line 1869

  • v2.12.1-20250103_123810 2025-01-03

    w4BM v2.12.1

    Fix BSP_conditional and TSP_conditional always being true because it was checking for on_summary_page != null instead of on_summary_page == false

  • v2.12.0-20250101_203131 2025-01-01

    w4BM v2.12.0

    Add setting to toggle whether script always runs on any work page or only runs on the summary page of work

  • v2.11.1-20241029_214557 2024-10-29

    w4BM v2.11.1

    Add an exclude rule for compatibility with my go to latest chapter userscript

  • v2.11.0-20241022_232620 2024-10-22

    w4BM v2.11.0

    Add settings for automatically marking a bookmark as a rec, running autotag, and adding bookmark to collection(s)

  • v2.10.2-20241010_220159 2024-10-10

    w4BM v2.10.2

    Have the canon AO3 word count autotag method fetch the tags from the tag search page instead of hardcoding them. Fallback to the hardcoded values when something in the fetch fails

  • v2.10.1-20240925_081026 2024-09-25

    w4BM v2.10.1

    Restrict the userscript to /users/*/preferences pages instead of all /users/* pages

  • v2.10.0-20240924_225511 2024-09-24

    w4BM v2.10.0

    Add four new variables to be used in workInfo: fform_tags_list_HTML, fform_tags_list_TXT, fform_tags_comma_HTML, and fform_tags_comma_TXT. These variables add the freeform/additional tags of a work into the bookmark in a collapsible

    element. Additional details are provided in the Bookmark content configuration section

  • v2.9.0-20240815_201452 2024-08-23

    w4BM v2.9.0

    Add functionality to switch between the original AutoTag implementation (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/467885/discussions/198028) and the implementation that uses the canonical AO3 Wordcount: Over * tags (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/467885/discussions/255399)

    For a list of all the changes that occurred between v2.7.2 and v2.9.0 please check the lines marked @history in the userscript metadata section

  • v2.7.2-20240530_013616 2024-05-29

    w4BM v2.7.2

    Update all the other presets to reflect changes made to the default preset

  • v2.7.1-20240524_215729 2024-05-24

    w4BM v2.7.1

    Clarify how the 'relationships' variable in workInfo now functions, especially with regards to it's new functionality in series bookmarks

  • v2.7.0-20240523_200011 2024-05-24

    w4BM v2.7.0

    Add all unique relationship tags in all the works on a series page to the series bookmark

  • v2.6.3-20240513_221214 2024-05-13

    w4BM v2.6.3

    Fix some minor messups I made in 2.6.2 before they break something or the other

  • v2.6.2-20240513_220419 2024-05-13

    w4BM v2.6.2

    Fix author_HTML only retrieving the first author in multi-author works/series

  • v2.6.1-20240512_184543 2024-05-12

    w4BM v2.6.1

    Fixes incompatibilty with users's skins caused by not using cloneNode(true) when retrieving relationship tags and subsequently removing all classes from them. credit to @notdoingthateither on Greasy Fork for the fix

  • v2.6.0-20240512_182158 2024-05-12

    w4BM v2.6.0

    Add a new default variable author_HTML that can be used in the workInfo customisation function. for more details about author_HTML please refer to line 1183

  • v2.5.0-20240406_231055 2024-04-06

    w4BM v2.5.0

    Add toggle in the dropdown present on the user's preferences page for showing/not showing the AutoTag button when making/editing a bookmark

  • v2.4.5-20240314_195710 2024-03-14

    w4BM v2.4.5

    Add exlude rule for pages listing bookmarks as the script isn't designed to run on those pages

  • v2.4.4-20240115_155424 2024-01-15

    w4BM v2.4.4

    Add a fallback for retrieving the "Entire Work" button in case it's been modified but is still somewhat recognisable in the DOM

  • v2.4.3-20231016_020935 2023-10-16

    w4BM v2.4.3

    Fix script not working on Firefox browsers due to a lack of support for the :has() CSS selector and a Firefox specific error caused by not using Optional Chaining

  • v2.4.2-20230910_103515 2023-09-10

    w4BM v2.4.2

    Bugfix script erroring on single chapter works

  • v2.4.1-20230910_095040 2023-09-10

    w4BM v2.4.1

    Add an option to have a version of the "Summary Page" button in the top nav buttons. Defaults to false

  • v2.4.0-20230909_125735 2023-09-09

    w4BM v2.4.0

    Add an Auto Tag button that automatically adds the completion status and word count to the user tags area

  • v2.3.0-20230831_165350 2023-08-31

    w4BM v2.3.0

    Fairly large reworks of series summaries which includes the addition of the series_works_summaries var (which only does anything when bookmarking a series) that can be used in workInfo to add the summaries of the works in the series to the series bookmark. Added moment.js as a library in case anyone wants to use it to set their own date var.

  • v2.2.2-20230829_144344 2023-08-29

    w4BM v2.2.2

    Fix a possible styling issue that may occur with the dropdown menu

  • v2.2.1-20230822_125715 2023-08-22

    w4BM v2.2.1

    Fix Relationships subsection for works with no relationship tags by adding a "No Relationships" to the subsection when there are no relationship tags

  • v2.2.0-20230822_123303 2023-08-22

    w4BM v2.2.0-20230822_123303

    added the relationships functionality to presets 2,3, and 4

  • v2.2.0-20230822_120223 2023-08-22

    w4BM v2.2.0

    Add a 'relationships' var that can be used in workInfo to add the work's relationship tags to the bookmark. Default config now set to include said var in workInfo

  • v2.1.2-20230822_111322 2023-08-22

    w4BM 2.1.2.

    Replace the bottom entire work button with a summary page button that works better on large works

  • v2.1.1-20230818_214053 2023-08-18

    w4BM v2.1.1.

    Adjusted script execution condition to allow for works with no summary

  • v2.1.0-20230727_043030 2023-07-27

    w4BM v2.1.0 Tweaked the bookmarking process which should hopefully make it easier to configure. Also rewrote some of the code to hopefully make it better perfoming

  • v2.0.9-20230712_100800 2023-07-12

    update bookmark maker. Add functionality to retrieve the ID of the work or series being bookmarked. Credit to oliver t@greasyfork on Ellililunch AO3 Bookmark Maker's feedback page(https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/458631/discussions/182803#comment-393989) for the suggestion and elli-lili-lunch for implementing it first

  • v2.0.8-20230712_024944 2023-07-12

    upd bookmark maker. Make some if statements in the localStorage section more readable

  • v2.0.7-20230608_144145 2023-06-08 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
  • v2.0.6-20230608_141622 2023-06-08 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
  • v2.0.5-20230607_190813 2023-06-07 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
  • v2.0.5-20230607_162946 2023-06-07 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
  • v2.0.5-20230607_162103 2023-06-07 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
  • v2.0.4-20230606_154854 2023-06-06 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
  • v2.0.3-20230606_152409 2023-06-06 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
  • v2.0.2-20230606_150408 2023-06-06 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
  • v2.0.1-20230606_143942 2023-06-06 fix true false vars in if statements fix if statements that used variables that needed to be true or false by using a function to convert the 'true' & 'false' strings from localStorage to booleans
  • v2.0.0-20230606_012030 2023-06-06 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
  • v1.0.3 2023-06-05
  • v1.0.2-20230605_133221 2023-06-05 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
  • v1.0.1-20230604_161408 2023-06-04 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
  • v1.0.0-20230604_160458 2023-06-04 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
  • v1.0.0-20230604_150103 2023-06-04 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
  • v1.0.0-20230604_143347 2023-06-04 Update w4tchdoge_AO3_Bookmark_Maker.user.js
