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This is a library for converting HTML to FB2.

此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/468831/1478439/HTML2FB2Lib.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name           HTML2FB2Lib
// @name:ru        HTML2FB2Lib
// @namespace      90h.yy.zz
// @version        0.10.4
// @author         Ox90
// @description    This library is designed to convert HTML to FB2.
// @description:ru Эта библиотека предназначена для конвертирования HTML в FB2.
// @license        MIT
// ==/UserScript==
class FB2Parser {
run(fb2doc, htmlNode, fromNode) {
this._stop = null;
this._notes = [];
const res = this.parse(htmlNode, fromNode);
this._notes.forEach(note => fb2doc.notes.push(note));
delete this._notes;
return res;
parse(htmlNode, fromNode) {
const that = this;
function _parse(node, from, fb2el, depth) {
let n = from || node.firstChild;
while (n) {
const nn = that.startNode(n, depth, fb2el);
if (nn) {
const f = that.processElement(FB2Element.fromHTML(nn, false), depth);
if (f) {
if (fb2el) fb2el.children.push(f);
_parse(nn, null, f, depth + 1);
that.endNode(nn, depth);
if (that._stop) break;
n = n.nextSibling;
_parse(htmlNode, fromNode, null, 0);
return this._stop;
startNode(node, depth, fb2to) {
return node;
processElement(fb2el, depth) {
if (fb2el instanceof FB2Note) this._notes.push(fb2el);
return fb2el;
endNode(node, depth) {
class FB2AnnotationParser extends FB2Parser {
run(fb2doc, htmlNode, fromNode) {
this._binaries = [];
const res = super.run(fb2doc, htmlNode, fromNode);
fb2doc.annotation = this._annotation;
if (fb2doc.annotation) {
this._binaries.forEach(bin => fb2doc.binaries.push(bin));
this._binaries = null;
return res;
parse(htmlNode, fromNode) {
this._annotation = new FB2Annotation();
const res = super.parse(htmlNode, fromNode);
if (!this._annotation.children.length) this._annotation = null;
return res;
processElement(fb2el, depth) {
if (fb2el) {
if (depth === 0) this._annotation.children.push(fb2el);
if (fb2el instanceof FB2Image) this._binaries.push(fb2el);
return super.processElement(fb2el, depth);
class FB2ChapterParser extends FB2Parser {
run(fb2doc, htmlNode, title, fromNode) {
this._binaries = [];
const res = this.parse(title, htmlNode, fromNode);
this._binaries.forEach(bin => fb2doc.binaries.push(bin));
this._binaries = null;
return res;
parse(title, htmlNode, fromNode) {
this._chapter = new FB2Chapter(title);
return super.parse(htmlNode, fromNode);
processElement(fb2el, depth) {
if (fb2el) {
if (depth === 0) this._chapter.children.push(fb2el);
if (fb2el instanceof FB2Image) this._binaries.push(fb2el);
return super.processElement(fb2el, depth);
class FB2Document {
constructor() {
this.notes = [];
this.binaries = [];
this.bookAuthors = [];
this.annotation = null;
this.genres = [];
this.keywords = [];
this.chapters = [];
this.history = [];
this.xmldoc = null;
this._parsers = new Map();
toString() {
const root = this.xmldoc.documentElement;
if (this.notes.length) root.appendChild(this._makeNotesElement());
this._makeBinaryElements().forEach(el => root.appendChild(el));
const res = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this.xmldoc);
this.xmldoc = null;
return res;
createElement(name) {
return this.xmldoc.createElementNS(this.xmldoc.documentElement.namespaceURI, name);
createTextNode(value) {
return this.xmldoc.createTextNode(value);
createDocumentFragment() {
return this.xmldoc.createDocumentFragment();
bindParser(parserId, parser) {
if (!parser && !parserId) {
this._parsers.set(parserId, parser);
parse(parserId, ...args) {
const parser = this._parsers.get(parserId);
if (!parser) throw new Error(`Unknown parser id: ${parserId}`);
return parser.run(this, ...args);
_ensureXMLDocument() {
if (!this.xmldoc) {
this.xmldoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><FictionBook xmlns="http://www.gribuser.ru/xml/fictionbook/2.0"/>',
this.xmldoc.documentElement.setAttribute("xmlns:l", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink");
_makeDescriptionElement() {
const desc = this.createElement("description");
// title-info
const t_info = this.createElement("title-info");
const ch_num = t_info.children.length;
this.genres.forEach(gi => {
if (gi instanceof FB2Genre) {
} else if (typeof(gi) === "string") {
(new FB2GenreList(gi)).forEach(g => t_info.appendChild(g.xml(this)));
if (t_info.children.length === ch_num) t_info.appendChild((new FB2Genre("network_literature")).xml(this));
(this.bookAuthors.length ? this.bookAuthors : [ new FB2Author("Неизвестный автор") ]).forEach(a => {
t_info.appendChild((new FB2Element("book-title", this.bookTitle)).xml(this));
if (this.annotation) t_info.appendChild(this.annotation.xml(this));
let keywords = null;
if (Array.isArray(this.keywords) && this.keywords.length) {
keywords = this.keywords.join(", ");
} else if (typeof(this.keywords) === "string" && this.keywords.trim()) {
keywords = this.keywords.trim();
if (keywords) t_info.appendChild((new FB2Element("keywords", keywords)).xml(this));
if (this.bookDate) {
const el = this.createElement("date");
el.setAttribute("value", FB2Utils.dateToAtom(this.bookDate));
el.textContent = this.bookDate.getFullYear();
if (this.coverpage) {
const el = this.createElement("coverpage");
(Array.isArray(this.coverpage) ? this.coverpage : [ this.coverpage ]).forEach(img => {
const lang = this.createElement("lang");
lang.textContent = "ru";
if (this.sequence) {
const el = this.createElement("sequence");
el.setAttribute("name", this.sequence.name);
if (this.sequence.number) el.setAttribute("number", this.sequence.number);
// document-info
const d_info = this.createElement("document-info");
d_info.appendChild((new FB2Author("Ox90")).xml(this));
if (this.programName) d_info.appendChild((new FB2Element("program-used", this.programName)).xml(this));
d_info.appendChild((() => {
const f_time = new Date();
const el = this.createElement("date");
el.setAttribute("value", FB2Utils.dateToAtom(f_time));
el.textContent = f_time.toUTCString();
return el;
if (this.sourceURL) {
d_info.appendChild((new FB2Element("src-url", this.sourceURL)).xml(this));
d_info.appendChild((new FB2Element("id", this._genBookId())).xml(this));
d_info.appendChild((new FB2Element("version", "1.0")).xml(this));
if (this.history.length) {
const hs = this.createElement("history");
this.history.forEach(it => hs.appendChild((new FB2Paragraph(it)).xml(this)));
return desc;
_makeBodyElement() {
const body = this.createElement("body");
if (this.bookTitle || this.bookAuthors.length) {
const title = this.createElement("title");
if (this.bookAuthors.length) title.appendChild((new FB2Paragraph(this.bookAuthors.join(", "))).xml(this));
if (this.bookTitle) title.appendChild((new FB2Paragraph(this.bookTitle)).xml(this));
this.chapters.forEach(ch => body.appendChild(ch.xml(this)));
return body;
_markNotes() {
let idx = 0;
this.notes.forEach(note => {
if (!note.id) note.id = "note" + (++idx);
if (!note.title) note.title = idx.toString();
_makeNotesElement() {
const body = this.createElement("body");
body.setAttribute("name", "notes");
const title = this.createElement("title");
title.appendChild(this.createElement("p")).textContent = "Примечания";
this.notes.forEach(note => body.append(note.xmlSection(this)));
return body;
_markBinaries() {
let idx = 0;
this.binaries.forEach(img => {
if (!img.id) img.id = "image" + (++idx) + img.suffix();
_makeBinaryElements() {
return this.binaries.reduce((list, img) => {
if (img.value) list.push(img.xmlBinary(this));
return list;
}, []);
_genBookId() {
let str = this.sourceURL || this.bookTitle || "";
let hash = 0;
const slen = str.length;
for (let i = 0; i < slen; ++i) {
const ch = str.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ch;
hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer
return (this.idPrefix || "h2f2l_") + Math.abs(hash).toString() + (hash > 0 ? "1" : "");
class FB2Element {
constructor(name, value) {
this.name = name;
this.value = value !== undefined ? value : null;
this.children = [];
static fromHTML(node, recursive) {
let fb2el = null;
const names = new Map([
[ "U", "emphasis" ], [ "EM", "emphasis" ], [ "EMPHASIS", "emphasis" ], [ "I", "emphasis" ],
[ "S", "strikethrough" ], [ "DEL", "strikethrough" ], [ "STRIKE", "strikethrough" ],
[ "STRONG", "strong" ], [ "B", "strong" ], [ "BLOCKQUOTE", "cite" ],
[ "SUB", "sub" ], [ "SUP", "sup" ],
[ "SCRIPT", null ], [ "#comment", null ]
const node_name = node.nodeName;
if (names.has(node_name)) {
const name = names.get(node_name);
if (!name) return null;
fb2el = new FB2Element(names.get(node_name));
} else {
switch (node_name) {
case "#text":
return new FB2Text(node.textContent);
case "SPAN":
fb2el = new FB2Text();
case "P":
case "LI":
fb2el = new FB2Paragraph();
case "SUBTITLE":
fb2el = new FB2Subtitle();
case "A":
fb2el = new FB2Link(node.href || node.getAttribute("l:href"));
case "OL":
fb2el = new FB2OrderedList();
case "UL":
fb2el = new FB2UnorderedList();
case "BR":
return new FB2EmptyLine();
case "HR":
return new FB2Paragraph("---");
case "IMG":
return new FB2Image(node.src);
return new FB2UnknownNode(node);
if (recursive) fb2el.appendContentFromHTML(node);
return fb2el;
hasValue() {
return ((this.value !== undefined && this.value !== null) || !!this.children.length);
setContentFromHTML(data, fb2doc, log) {
this.children = [];
this.appendContentFromHTML(data, fb2doc, log);
appendContentFromHTML(data, fb2doc, log) {
for (const node of data.childNodes) {
let fe = FB2Element.fromHTML(node, true);
if (fe) this.children.push(fe);
normalize() {
const _normalize = function(list) {
let done = true;
let res_list = list.reduce((accum, cur_el) => {
const tmp_ch = cur_el.children;
cur_el.children = [];
tmp_ch.forEach(el => {
if (
(el instanceof FB2Paragraph || el instanceof FB2EmptyLine) &&
(!(el instanceof FB2Chapter || el instanceof FB2Annotation || el.name === "cite" || el.name === "title"))
) || (
(el.name === "cite") &&
(!(el instanceof FB2Chapter || el instanceof FB2Annotation))
) || (
(el instanceof FB2Subtitle) &&
(!(el instanceof FB2Chapter || el.name === "cite"))
) {
// Вытолкнуть элемент вверх, разбив текущий элемент на две части
const nm = cur_el.name;
cur_el = new cur_el.constructor();
if (!cur_el.name) cur_el.name = nm;
done = false;
} else {
let cnt = 0;
el.normalize().forEach(e => {
// Убрать избыточную вложенность: <el><el>value</el></el> --> <el>value</el>
if (!e.value && e.children.length === 1 && e.name === e.children[0].name) {
e = e.children[0];
if (e !== el) done = false;
if (e.hasValue()) cur_el.children.push(e);
return accum;
}, []);
return { list: res_list, done: done };
let result = _normalize([ this ]);
while (!result.done) {
result = _normalize(result.list);
return result.list;
xml(doc) {
const el = doc.createElement(this.name);
if (this.value !== null) el.textContent = this.value;
this.children.forEach(ch => el.appendChild(ch.xml(doc)));
return el;
class FB2BlockElement extends FB2Element {
normalize() {
// Предварительная нормализация
this.children = this.children.reduce((list, ch) => {
ch.normalize().forEach(cc => list.push(cc));
return list;
}, []);
// Удалить пустоты справа
while (this.children.length) {
const el = this.children[this.children.length - 1];
if (el instanceof FB2Text) el.trimRight();
if (!el.hasValue()) {
// Удалить пустоты слева
while (this.children.length) {
const el = this.children[0];
if (el instanceof FB2Text) el.trimLeft();
if (!el.hasValue()) {
// Удалить пустоты в содержимом элемента
if (!this.children.length && typeof(this.value) === "string") {
this.value = this.value.trim();
// Окончательная нормализация
return super.normalize();
* FB2 элемент верхнего уровня section
class FB2Chapter extends FB2Element {
constructor(title) {
this.title = title;
normalize() {
// Обернуть все запрещенные на этом уровне элементы в параграфы
this.children = this.children.reduce((list, el) => {
if (![ "p", "subtitle", "image", "empty-line", "cite" ].includes(el.name)) {
const pe = new FB2Paragraph();
el = pe;
el.normalize().forEach(el => {
if (el.hasValue()) list.push(el);
return list;
}, []);
return [ this ];
xml(doc) {
const el = super.xml(doc);
if (this.title) {
const t_el = doc.createElement("title");
const p_el = doc.createElement("p");
p_el.textContent = this.title;
return el;
* FB2 элемент верхнего уровня annotation
class FB2Annotation extends FB2Element {
constructor() {
normalize() {
// Обернуть неформатированный текст, разделенный <br> в параграфы
let lp = null;
const newParagraph = list => {
lp = new FB2Paragraph();
this.children = this.children.reduce((list, el) => {
if ([ "p", "subtitle", "cite" ].includes(el.name)) {
lp = null;
} else if (el.name === "empty-line") {
if (!lp) {
// Перенос между блоками
if (list.length) list.push(new FB2EmptyLine);
} else if (!lp.children.length) {
// Более одного переноса подряд между inline элементами
list.push(new FB2EmptyLine());
} else {
// Перенос между inline элементами
} else {
if (!lp) newParagraph(list);
return list;
}, []);
// Запустить собственную нормализацию дочерних элементов
this.children = this.children.reduce((list, el) => {
el.normalize().forEach(el => {
if (el.hasValue()) list.push(el);
return list;
}, []);
// Удалить конечные пустые строки
for (let len = this.children.length; len; ) {
if (this.children[len - 1].name !== "empty-line") break;
class FB2Subtitle extends FB2BlockElement {
constructor(value) {
super("subtitle", value);
class FB2Paragraph extends FB2BlockElement {
constructor(value) {
super("p", value);
class FB2EmptyLine extends FB2Element {
constructor() {
hasValue() {
return true;
class FB2Text extends FB2Element {
constructor(value) {
super("text", value);
trimLeft() {
if (typeof(this.value) === "string") this.value = this.value.trimLeft() || null;
if (!this.value) {
while (this.children.length) {
const first_child = this.children[0];
if (first_child instanceof FB2Text) first_child.trimLeft();
if (first_child.hasValue()) break;
trimRight() {
while (this.children.length) {
const last_child = this.children[this.children.length - 1];
if (last_child instanceof FB2Text) last_child.trimRight();
if (last_child.hasValue()) break;
if (!this.children.length && typeof(this.value) === "string") {
this.value = this.value.trimRight() || null;
xml(doc) {
if (!this.value && this.children.length) {
let fr = doc.createDocumentFragment();
for (const ch of this.children) {
return fr;
return doc.createTextNode(this.value);
class FB2Link extends FB2Element {
constructor(href) {
this.href = href;
xml(doc) {
const el = super.xml(doc);
el.setAttribute("l:href", this.href);
return el;
class FB2List extends FB2Element {
constructor() {
xml(doc) {
const fr = doc.createDocumentFragment();
for (const ch of this.children) {
if (ch.hasValue()) {
let ch_el = null;
if (ch instanceof FB2BlockElement) {
ch_el = ch.xml(doc);
} else {
const par = new FB2Paragraph();
ch_el = par.xml(doc);
if (ch_el.textContent.trim() !== "") fr.appendChild(ch_el);
return fr;
class FB2OrderedList extends FB2List {
xml(doc) {
let pos = 0;
const fr = super.xml(doc);
for (const el of fr.children) {
el.prepend(`${pos}. `);
return fr;
class FB2UnorderedList extends FB2List {
xml(doc) {
const fr = super.xml(doc);
for (const el of fr.children) {
el.prepend("- ");
return fr;
class FB2Author extends FB2Element {
constructor(s) {
const a = s.split(" ");
switch (a.length) {
case 1:
this.nickName = s;
case 2:
this.firstName = a[0];
this.lastName = a[1];
this.firstName = a[0];
this.middleName = a.slice(1, -1).join(" ");
this.lastName = a[a.length - 1];
this.homePage = null;
hasValue() {
return (!!this.firstName || !!this.lastName || !!this.middleName);
toString() {
if (!this.firstName) return this.nickName;
return [ this.firstName, this.middleName, this.lastName ].reduce((list, name) => {
if (name) list.push(name);
return list;
}, []).join(" ");
xml(doc) {
let a_el = super.xml(doc);
[ "first-name", this.firstName ], [ "middle-name", this.middleName ],
[ "last-name", this.lastName ], [ "nickname", this.nickName ],
[ "home-page", this.homePage ]
].forEach(it => {
if (it[1]) {
const e = doc.createElement(it[0]);
e.textContent = it[1];
return a_el;
class FB2Image extends FB2Element {
constructor(value) {
if (typeof(value) === "string") {
this.url = value;
} else {
this.value = value;
async load(onprogress) {
if (this.url) {
const bin = await this._load(this.url, { responseType: "binary", onprogress: onprogress });
this.type = bin.type;
this.size = bin.size;
if (!this.suffix()) throw new Error("Неизвестный формат изображения");
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener("loadend", (event) => resolve(event.target.result));
}).then(base64str => {
this.value = this._getBase64String(base64str);
}).catch(err => {
throw new Error("Ошибка загрузки изображения");
hasValue() {
return true;
xml(doc) {
if (this.value) {
const el = doc.createElement(this.name);
el.setAttribute("l:href", "#" + this.id);
return el
const id = this.id || "изображение";
return doc.createTextNode(`[ ${id} ]`);
xmlBinary(doc) {
const el = doc.createElement("binary");
el.setAttribute("id", this.id);
el.setAttribute("content-type", this.type);
el.textContent = this.value
return el;
suffix() {
switch (this.type) {
case "image/png":
return ".png";
case "image/jpeg":
return ".jpg";
case "image/gif":
return ".gif";
case "image/webp":
return ".webp";
return "";
async convert(targetType) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const img = new Image();
img.addEventListener("load", () => {
const cvs = document.createElement("canvas");
cvs.width = img.width;
cvs.height = img.height;
cvs.getContext("2d", { alpha: false }).drawImage(img, 0, 0);
this.value = this._getBase64String(cvs.toDataURL(targetType));
this.type = targetType;
img.addEventListener("error", () => reject(new Error("Некорректный формат изображения")));
img.src = `data:${this.type};base64,` + this.value;
async _load(...args) {
return FB2Loader.addJob(...args);
_getBase64String(data) {
return data.substr(data.indexOf(",") + 1);
class FB2Note extends FB2Element {
constructor(value, title) {
this.value = value;
this.title = title;
xml(doc) {
const el = doc.createElement("a");
el.setAttribute("l:href", "#" + this.id);
el.setAttribute("type", "note");
el.textContent = `[${this.title}]`;
return el;
xmlSection(doc) {
const sec = new FB2Chapter(this.title);
sec.children.push(new FB2Paragraph(this.value));
const el = sec.xml(doc);
el.setAttribute("id", this.id);
return el;
class FB2Genre extends FB2Element {
constructor(value) {
super("genre", value);
class FB2UnknownNode extends FB2Element {
constructor(value) {
super("unknown", value);
xml(doc) {
return doc.createTextNode(this.value && this.value.textContent || "");
class FB2GenreList extends Array {
constructor(...args) {
if (args.length === 1 && typeof(args[0]) === "number") {
const list = (args.length === 1) ? (Array.isArray(args[0]) ? args[0] : [ args[0] ]) : args;
if (!list.length) return;
const keys = FB2GenreList._keys;
const gmap = new Map();
const addWeight = (name, weight) => gmap.set(name, (gmap.get(name) || 0) + weight);
list.forEach(p_str => {
p_str = p_str.toLowerCase();
let words = p_str.split(/[\s,.;]+/);
if (words.length === 1) words = [];
for (const it of keys) {
const exact_names = Array.isArray(it[1]) ? it[1] : [ it[1] ];
if (it[0] === p_str || exact_names.includes(p_str)) {
addWeight(it[0], 3); // Exact match
// Scan each word
let weight = words.some(w => exact_names.includes(w)) ? 2 : 0;
it[2] && it[2].forEach(k => {
if (words.includes(k)) ++weight;
if (weight >= 2) addWeight(it[0], weight);
const res = [];
gmap.forEach((weight, name) => res.push([ name, weight]));
if (!res.length) return;
res.sort((a, b) => b[1] > a[1]);
// Add at least five genres with maximum weight
let cur_w = 0;
for (const it of res) {
if (it[1] !== cur_w && this.length >= 5) break;
cur_w = it[1];
this.push(new FB2Genre(it[0]));
FB2GenreList._keys = [
[ "adv_animal", "природа и животные", [ "приключения", "животные", "природа" ] ],
[ "adventure", "приключения" ],
[ "adv_geo", "путешествия и география", [ "приключения", "география", "путешествие" ] ],
[ "adv_history", "исторические приключения", [ "история", "приключения" ] ],
[ "adv_indian", "вестерн, про индейцев", [ "индейцы", "вестерн" ] ],
[ "adv_maritime", "морские приключения", [ "приключения", "море" ] ],
[ "adv_modern", "приключения в современном мире", [ "современный", "мир" ] ],
[ "adv_story", "авантюрный роман" ],
[ "antique", "старинное" ],
[ "antique_ant", "античная литература", [ "старинное", "античность" ] ],
[ "antique_east", "древневосточная литература", [ "старинное", "восток" ] ],
[ "antique_european", "европейская старинная литература", [ "старинное", "европа" ] ],
[ "antique_myths", "мифы. легенды. эпос", [ "мифы", "легенды", "эпос", "фольклор" ] ],
[ "antique_russian", "древнерусская литература", [ "древнерусское", "старинное" ] ],
[ "aphorism_quote", "афоризмы, цитаты", [ "афоризмы", "цитаты", "проза" ] ],
[ "architecture_book", "скульптура и архитектура", [ "дизайн" ] ],
[ "art_criticism", "искусствоведение" ],
[ "art_world_culture", "мировая художественная культура", [ "искусство", "искусствоведение" ] ],
[ "astrology", "астрология и хиромантия", [ "астрология", "хиромантия" ] ],
[ "auto_business", "автодело" ],
[ "auto_regulations", "автомобили и ПДД", [ "дорожного", "движения", "дорожное", "движение" ] ],
[ "banking", "финансы", [ "банки", "деньги" ] ],
[ "child_adv", "приключения для детей и подростков" ],
[ "child_classical", "классическая детская литература" ],
[ "child_det", "детская остросюжетная литература" ],
[ "child_education", "детская образовательная литература" ],
[ "child_folklore", "детский фольклор" ],
[ "child_prose", "проза для детей" ],
[ "children", "детская литература", [ "детское" ] ],
[ "child_sf", "фантастика для детей" ],
[ "child_tale", "сказки народов мира" ],
[ "child_tale_rus", "русские сказки" ],
[ "child_verse", "стихи для детей" ],
[ "cine", "кино" ],
[ "comedy", "комедия" ],
[ "comics", "комиксы" ],
[ "comp_db", "программирование, программы, базы данных", [ "программирование", "базы", "программы" ] ],
[ "comp_hard", "компьютерное железо", [ "аппаратное" ] ],
[ "comp_soft", "программное обеспечение" ],
[ "computers", "компьютеры" ],
[ "comp_www", "ос и сети, интернет", [ "ос", "сети", "интернет" ] ],
[ "design", "дизайн" ],
[ "det_action", [ "боевики", "боевик" ], [ "триллер" ] ],
[ "det_classic", "классический детектив" ],
[ "det_crime", "криминальный детектив", [ "криминал" ] ],
[ "det_espionage", "шпионский детектив", [ "шпион", "шпионы", "детектив" ] ],
[ "det_hard", "крутой детектив" ],
[ "det_history", "исторический детектив", [ "история" ] ],
[ "det_irony", "иронический детектив" ],
[ "det_maniac", "про маньяков", [ "маньяки", "детектив" ] ],
[ "det_police", "полицейский детектив", [ "полиция", "детектив" ] ],
[ "det_political", "политический детектив", [ "политика", "детектив" ] ],
[ "det_su", "советский детектив", [ "ссср", "детектив" ] ],
[ "detective", "детектив", [ "детективы" ] ],
[ "drama", "драма" ],
[ "drama_antique", "античная драма" ],
[ "dramaturgy", "драматургия" ],
[ "economics", "экономика" ],
[ "economics_ref", "деловая литература" ],
[ "epic", "былины, эпопея", [ "былины", "эпопея" ] ],
[ "epistolary_fiction", "эпистолярная проза" ],
[ "equ_history", "история техники" ],
[ "fairy_fantasy", "мифологическое фэнтези", [ "мифология", "фантастика" ] ],
[ "family", "семейные отношения", [ "дом", "семья" ] ],
[ "fanfiction", "фанфик" ],
[ "folklore", "фольклор, загадки" ],
[ "folk_songs", "народные песни" ],
[ "folk_tale", "народные сказки" ],
[ "foreign_antique", "средневековая классическая проза" ],
[ "foreign_children", "зарубежная литература для детей" ],
[ "foreign_prose", "зарубежная классическая проза" ],
[ "geo_guides", "путеводители, карты, атласы", [ "география", "атласы", "карты", "путеводители" ] ],
[ "gothic_novel", "готический роман" ],
[ "great_story", "роман", [ "повесть" ] ],
[ "home", "домоводство", [ "дом", "семья" ] ],
[ "home_collecting", "коллекционирование" ],
[ "home_cooking", "кулинария", [ "домашняя", "еда" ] ],
[ "home_crafts", "хобби и ремесла" ],
[ "home_diy", "сделай сам" ],
[ "home_entertain", "развлечения" ],
[ "home_garden", "сад и огород" ],
[ "home_health", "здоровье" ],
[ "home_pets", "домашние животные" ],
[ "home_sex", "семейные отношения, секс" ],
[ "home_sport", "боевые исскусства, спорт" ],
[ "hronoopera", "хроноопера" ],
[ "humor", "юмор" ],
[ "humor_anecdote", "анекдоты" ],
[ "humor_prose", "юмористическая проза" ],
[ "humor_satire", "сатира" ],
[ "humor_verse", "юмористические стихи, басни", [ "юмор", "стихи", "басни" ] ],
[ "limerick", [ "частушки", "прибаутки", "потешки" ] ],
[ "literature_18", "классическая проза XVII-XVIII веков" ],
[ "literature_19", "классическая проза ХIX века" ],
[ "literature_20", "классическая проза ХX века" ],
[ "love", "любовные романы" ],
[ "love_contemporary", "современные любовные романы" ],
[ "love_detective", "остросюжетные любовные романы", [ "детектив", "любовь" ] ],
[ "love_erotica", "эротика", [ "эротическая", "литература" ] ],
[ "love_hard", "порно" ],
[ "love_history", "исторические любовные романы", [ "история", "любовь" ] ],
[ "love_sf", "любовное фэнтези" ],
[ "love_short", "короткие любовные романы" ],
[ "lyrics", "лирика" ],
[ "military_history", "военная история", [ "война", "история" ] ],
[ "military_special", "военное дело" ],
[ "military_weapon", "военная техника и вооружение", [ "военная", "вооружение", "техника" ] ],
[ "modern_tale", "современная сказка" ],
[ "music", "музыка" ],
[ "network_literature", "сетевая литература" ],
[ "nonf_biography", "биографии и мемуары", [ "биография", "биографии", "мемуары" ] ],
[ "nonf_criticism", "критика" ],
[ "nonfiction", "документальная литература" ],
[ "nonf_military", "военная документалистика и аналитика" ],
[ "nonf_publicism", "публицистика" ],
[ "notes:", "партитуры" ],
[ "org_behavior", "маркентиг, pr", [ "организации" ] ],
[ "painting", "живопись", [ "альбомы", "иллюстрированные", "каталоги" ] ],
[ "palindromes", "визуальная и экспериментальная поэзия", [ "верлибры", "палиндромы", "поэзия" ] ],
[ "periodic", "журналы, газеты", [ "журналы", "газеты" ]],
[ "poem", "поэма", [ "эпическая", "поэзия" ] ],
[ "poetry", "поэзия" ],
[ "poetry_classical", "классическая поэзия" ],
[ "poetry_east", "поэзия востока" ],
[ "poetry_for_classical", "классическая зарубежная поэзия" ],
[ "poetry_for_modern", "современная зарубежная поэзия" ],
[ "poetry_modern", "современная поэзия" ],
[ "poetry_rus_classical", "классическая русская поэзия" ],
[ "poetry_rus_modern", "современная русская поэзия", [ "русская", "поэзия" ] ],
[ "popadanec", "попаданцы", [ "попаданец" ] ],
[ "popular_business", "карьера, кадры", [ "карьера", "дело", "бизнес" ] ],
[ "prose", "проза" ],
[ "prose_abs", "фантасмагория, абсурдистская проза" ],
[ "prose_classic", "классическая проза" ],
[ "prose_contemporary", "современная русская и зарубежная проза", [ "современная", "проза" ] ],
[ "prose_counter", "контркультура" ],
[ "prose_game", "игры, упражнения для детей", [ "игры", "упражнения" ] ],
[ "prose_history", "историческая проза", [ "история", "проза" ] ],
[ "prose_magic", "магический реализм", [ "магия", "проза" ] ],
[ "prose_military", "проза о войне" ],
[ "prose_neformatny", "неформатная проза", [ "экспериментальная", "проза" ] ],
[ "prose_rus_classic", "русская классическая проза" ],
[ "prose_su_classics", "советская классическая проза" ],
[ "proverbs", "пословицы", [ "поговорки" ] ],
[ "ref_dict", "словари", [ "справочник" ] ],
[ "ref_encyc", "энциклопедии", [ "энциклопедия" ] ],
[ "ref_guide", "руководства", [ "руководство", "справочник" ] ],
[ "ref_ref", "справочники", [ "справочник" ] ],
[ "reference", "справочная литература" ],
[ "religion", "религия", [ "духовность", "эзотерика" ] ],
[ "religion_budda", "буддизм" ],
[ "religion_catholicism", "католицизм" ],
[ "religion_christianity", "христианство" ],
[ "religion_esoterics", "эзотерическая литература", [ "эзотерика" ] ],
[ "religion_hinduism", "индуизм" ],
[ "religion_islam", "ислам" ],
[ "religion_judaism", "иудаизм" ],
[ "religion_orthdoxy", "православие" ],
[ "religion_paganism", "язычество" ],
[ "religion_protestantism", "протестантизм" ],
[ "religion_self", "самосовершенствование" ],
[ "russian_fantasy", "славянское фэнтези", [ "русское", "фэнтези" ] ],
[ "sci_biology", "биология", [ "биофизика", "биохимия" ] ],
[ "sci_botany", "ботаника" ],
[ "sci_build", "строительство и сопромат", [ "строительтво", "сопромат" ] ],
[ "sci_chem", "химия" ],
[ "sci_cosmos", "астрономия и космос", [ "астрономия", "космос" ] ],
[ "sci_culture", "культурология" ],
[ "sci_ecology", "экология" ],
[ "sci_economy", "экономика" ],
[ "science", "научная литература" ],
[ "sci_geo", "геология и география" ],
[ "sci_history", "история" ],
[ "sci_juris", "юриспруденция" ],
[ "sci_linguistic", "языкознание", [ "иностранный", "язык" ] ],
[ "sci_math", "математика" ],
[ "sci_medicine_alternative", "альтернативная медицина" ],
[ "sci_medicine", "медицина" ],
[ "sci_metal", "металлургия" ],
[ "sci_oriental", "востоковедение" ],
[ "sci_pedagogy", "педагогика, воспитание детей, литература для родителей", [ "воспитание", "детей" ] ],
[ "sci_philology", "литературоведение" ],
[ "sci_philosophy", "философия" ],
[ "sci_phys", "физика" ],
[ "sci_politics", "политика" ],
[ "sci_popular", "зарубежная образовательная литература", [ "зарубежная", "научно-популярная" ] ],
[ "sci_psychology", "психология и психотерапия" ],
[ "sci_radio", "радиоэлектроника" ],
[ "sci_religion", "религиоведение", [ "религия", "духовность" ] ],
[ "sci_social_studies", "обществознание", [ "социология" ] ],
[ "sci_state", "государство и право" ],
[ "sci_tech", "технические науки", [ "техника", "наука" ] ],
[ "sci_textbook", "учебники и пособия" ],
[ "sci_theories", "альтернативные науки и научные теории" ],
[ "sci_transport", "транспорт и авиация" ],
[ "sci_veterinary", "ветеринария" ],
[ "sci_zoo", "зоология" ],
[ "science", "научная литература", [ "образование" ] ],
[ "screenplays", "сценарии", [ "сценарий" ] ],
[ "sf", "научная фантастика", [ "наука", "фантастика" ] ],
[ "sf_action", "боевая фантастика" ],
[ "sf_cyberpunk", "киберпанк" ],
[ "sf_detective", "детективная фантастика", [ "детектив", "фантастика" ] ],
[ "sf_epic", "эпическая фантастика", [ "эпическое", "фэнтези" ] ],
[ "sf_etc", "фантастика" ],
[ "sf_fantasy", "фэнтези" ],
[ "sf_fantasy_city", "городское фэнтези" ],
[ "sf_heroic", "героическая фантастика", [ "героическое", "герой", "фэнтези" ] ],
[ "sf_history", "альтернативная история", [ "историческое", "фэнтези" ] ],
[ "sf_horror", "ужасы", [ "фантастика" ] ],
[ "sf_humor", "юмористическая фантастика", [ "юмор", "фантастика" ] ],
[ "sf_litrpg", "литрпг", [ "litrpg", "рпг" ] ],
[ "sf_mystic", "мистика", [ "мистическая", "фантастика" ] ],
[ "sf_postapocalyptic", "постапокалипсис" ],
[ "sf_realrpg", "реалрпг", [ "realrpg" ] ],
[ "sf_social", "Социально-психологическая фантастика", [ "социум", "психология", "фантастика" ] ],
[ "sf_space", "космическая фантастика", [ "космос", "фантастика" ] ],
[ "sf_stimpank", "стимпанк" ],
[ "sf_technofantasy", "технофэнтези" ],
[ "song_poetry", "песенная поэзия" ],
[ "story", "рассказ", [ "рассказы", "эссе", "новеллы", "новелла", "феерия", "сборник", "рассказов" ] ],
[ "tale_chivalry", "рыцарский роман", [ "рыцари", "приключения" ] ],
[ "tbg_computers", "учебные пособия, самоучители", [ "пособия", "самоучители" ] ],
[ "tbg_higher", "учебники и пособия ВУЗов", [ "учебники", "пособия" ] ],
[ "tbg_school", "школьные учебники и пособия, рефераты, шпаргалки", [ "школьные", "учебники", "шпаргалки", "рефераты" ] ],
[ "tbg_secondary", "учебники и пособия для среднего и специального образования", [ "учебники", "пособия", "образование" ] ],
[ "theatre", "театр" ],
[ "thriller", "триллер", [ "триллеры", "детектив", "детективы" ] ],
[ "tragedy", "трагедия", [ "драматургия" ] ],
[ "travel_notes", " география, путевые заметки", [ "география", "заметки" ] ],
[ "vaudeville", "мистерия", [ "буффонада", "водевиль" ] ],
class FB2Loader {
static async addJob(url, params) {
params ||= {};
const fp = {};
fp.method = params.method || "GET";
fp.credentials = "same-origin";
fp.signal = this._getSignal();
const resp = await fetch(url, fp);
if (!resp.ok) throw new Error(`Сервер вернул ошибку (${resp.status})`);
const reader = resp.body.getReader();
const type = resp.headers.get("Content-Type");
const total = +resp.headers.get("Content-Length");
let loaded = 0;
const chunks = [];
const onprogress = (total && typeof(params.onprogress) === "function") ? params.onprogress : null;
while (true) {
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
if (done) break;
loaded += value.length;
if (onprogress) onprogress(loaded, total);
let result = null;
switch (params.responseType) {
case "binary":
result = new Blob(chunks, { type: type });
let pos = 0;
const data = new Uint8Array(loaded);
for (let ch of chunks) {
data.set(ch, pos);
pos += ch.length;
result = (new TextDecoder("utf-8")).decode(data);
return params.extended ? { headers: resp.headers, response: result } : result;
static abortAll() {
if (this._controller) {
this._controller = null;
static _getSignal() {
let controller = this._controller;
if (!controller) this._controller = controller = new AbortController();
return controller.signal;
class FB2Utils {
static dateToAtom(date) {
const m = date.getMonth() + 1;
const d = date.getDate();
return "" + date.getFullYear() + '-' + (m < 10 ? "0" : "") + m + "-" + (d < 10 ? "0" : "") + d;