Userscripts for an optimized and efficient AO3 experience, particularly rereading. This includes automatically populating bookmark notes with fic title, author, workID and summary alongside whatever existing bookmark notes. Also adds tags based on word count and fic completion status. Converts re-clicks of the Kudos button into a "rekudos" comment. Adds the "subscribe" and "mark for later/mark as read" buttons to the end of the fic.
Combines many AO3 helpful userscripts into one for easy downloading (for example easier to download one script for mobile) for an optimized and efficient AO3 experience, particularly rereading (according to me). This includes automatically populating bookmark notes with fic title, author, workID and summary alongside whatever existing bookmark notes you have. Adds a "rekudos" botton that automatically creates a "rekudos" comment when re-clicking the kudos button. Also adds the "subscribe" and "mark for later/mark as read" buttons to the end of the fic.
This integrates many of my scripts into one. This is helpful because it means you only have to download one script as opposed to searching for 6 different scripts.
This includes:
1) BOOKMARK NOTES MAKER (adds fic title, author, workID, and summary in a collapsible element to bookmark notes depending on the existing notes. Also automatically adds tags for the wordcount range [for <1K words, 1-5K words, 5-10K words, 10-20K words, 20-40K words, 40-60K words, and >100K words] and tags unfinished works with "WIP":
How does it all work?
1) Bookmark maker: Adds fic info such as title, author, workID and summary. Also automatically adds tag for word count range or WIP if unfinished. (Note, only seems to work for works, not series. Additionally, doesn't work if there is no summary.)
There are 3 different scenarios:
a) if you are creating a new bookmark, it will (1) automatically add title, author, workID, summary, (2) automatically check the box to make the bookmark private, and (3) add the wordcount range tag automatically.
b) you're updating an existing bookmark that already has the fic info (determined by presence of workID), it will make no changes to the body of your bookmarks note, but will add the wordcount range tag automatically.
c) you have an existing bookmark with notes but without the fic info (such as: "Amazing, would read again, LOVE this" etc), the script will add the fic info in a collapsed element in front of the existing note (preserves the existing note) and add the word count range tags. At no point will any existing tags be deleted, and any duplicate tags will be taken care of by AO3.
2) Rekudos converter: when the kudos button is clicked when kudos have already been given, it changes into a "rekudos" button. Clicking the rekudos button will automatically comment on the work from a list of rekudos comments. You can edit this list yourself as well!
3) This script also clones the subscribe button and the "Marked for later/Marked as read" button at the end of the fic. This is convenient to subscribe to an in progress fic or mark a previously marked for later as read.
I would recommend using this in combination with the script "AO3 Easy Navigation Userscripts" for an optimal and efficient AO3 experience. For myself, I am able to use this script on my phone as well (I have an Android phone and use the Kiwi browser with Tampermonkey.)
Fic info is set to appear like so in a collapsed element (click on the triangle icon to expand):
Fic Info
Title by Author (WorkID: #########)Summary: summary text
If you are editing an existing bookmark without fic info, your personal notes will be preserved and the bookmark will update to automatically look like this:
Your existing personal notes will be put hereFic Info
Title by Author (WorkID: #########)Summary: summary text
Known Issues:
Ideas in the works: As I iterate on this to accommodate more of my needs or my coding skills improve, I sometimes add new features. This is fundamentally a user-script that people can personalize (and often do) so I know that people may not get updates when I finally work out bugs or add cool new features. I will be posting about it on my tumblr, ellililunch-ao3-hacks if you want to be kept in the loop.