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Youtube Player perf

Optimizes animation calls for lower GPU/CPU consumption

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Youtube Player perf
// @version      0.7
// @description  Optimizes animation calls for lower GPU/CPU consumption
// @namespace    nopeless.github.io
// @author       nopeless
// @match        https://www.youtube.com/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=youtube.com
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==
/* global _yt_player */
(() => {
"use strict";
const scaleX0 = Symbol("scaleX(0)");
const scaleX1 = Symbol("scaleX(1)");
const ATTR_UPDATE = "yo";
const UPDATE_INTERNAL = "v";
function scaleX(el) {
el.style.transform = "scaleX(0)";
el[scaleX0] = true;
el[scaleX1] = false;
function checks(ytp) {
// .u
// updating method
function modifyBase() {
console.log("Overriding _yt_player methods");
if (!window._yt_player) return console.error("YT player not avaliable, load order is wrong");
if (!checks(window._yt_player)) alert("YouTube Player Perf will not work in this version of youtube. Disable it. Leave a kind comment on https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/471489-youtube-player-perf");
const PlayerConstructor = _yt_player[PLAYER_CONSTRUCTOR];
// save the original prototype
const PlayerConstructorPrototype = _yt_player[PLAYER_CONSTRUCTOR].prototype;
let dirty = false;
let chapterCount = 0;
function update(a) {
// 2023-08-02
// .u -> .v
for (var b = _yt_player[UPDATE_INTERNAL](Object.keys(a)), c = b.next(); !c.done; c = b.next()) {
c = c.value;
if (this.__updateCache.get(c) !== a[c]) {
// console.log("updating", c, a[c]);
this.updateValue(c, a[c]);
dirty = true;
this.__updateCache.set(c, a[c]);
// use ToolTip for checking
let ytpToolTip = null;
let ytpToolTipPreviousValue = null;
_yt_player[PLAYER_CONSTRUCTOR] = function (...args) {
// debugger;
// YouTube base.js update approx 2023-07-28
// this -> args[0]
// const a = args[0];
// This was reverted approx 2023-08-02
PlayerConstructor.call(this, ...args);
this.__updateCache = new Map();
// console.log(this.update);
// override update
// debugger;
this.update = update;
_yt_player[PLAYER_CONSTRUCTOR].prototype = Object.create(PlayerConstructorPrototype);
_yt_player[PLAYER_CONSTRUCTOR].prototype.constructor = _yt_player[PLAYER_CONSTRUCTOR];
const attributeUpdate = _yt_player[ATTR_UPDATE];
let headUpdateElement = null;
let loopLatch = false;
// YouTube base.js update approx 2023-07-28
// Nn => Un
// if ('string' === typeof b)
_yt_player[ATTR_UPDATE] = (a, b, c) => {
// don't do excessive progress bar updates
if (b === "transform") {
let ih;
if (dirty || (ih = (ytpToolTip ??= document.querySelector("span.ytp-tooltip-text"))?.innerHTML) !== ytpToolTipPreviousValue) {
// first call after dirty
headUpdateElement = a;
dirty = false;
loopLatch = true;
ytpToolTipPreviousValue = ih;
} else if (a === headUpdateElement) {
headUpdateElement = null;
loopLatch = false;
} else if (!loopLatch) return;
// scalex(0) is almost useless after initial load
if (c === "scalex(0)") {
if (a[scaleX0]) return;
a[scaleX0] = true;
a[scaleX1] = false;
} else if (c === "scalex(1)") {
if (a[scaleX1]) return;
a[scaleX0] = false;
a[scaleX1] = true;
} else {
a[scaleX0] = false;
a[scaleX1] = false;
attributeUpdate(a, b, c);
window.__modifyBase = modifyBase;
const ob = new MutationObserver(mrs => {
const l = mrs.map(mr => mr.addedNodes[0]).find(node => node && node.nodeName === "SCRIPT" && node.src && node.src.match(/\/base\.js$/));
if (!l) return;
l.setAttribute("onload", "__modifyBase()");
console.log("watching for script changes");
ob.observe(document, { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true });
/* For internal use. Not relevant to script
sRa = function (a) {
return a.N(
g.NV = function (a, b) {
G: 'div',
S: 'ytp-progress-bar-container',
Y: {
'aria-disabled': 'true'
co = function (a, b) {
return a == b ? !0 : a &&
b ? a.left == b.left &&
a.width == b.width &&
a.top == b.top &&
a.height == b.height : !1
g.ro = function (a, b, c) {
if ('string' === typeof b) (b = qo(a, b)) &&
(a.style[b] = c);
else for (var d in b) {
c = a;
var e = b[d],
f = qo(c, d);
g.v should be found from call stack